What is your wildest childhood thoughts?

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I wanted to be a famous singer and a Victoria Secret model as a child :D I still dream of being a model though! Even though I'm not even 5feet tall, maybe I can be a short model :3
radiokaos420 wrote...
I want to become a much respected and inspiring musician. I'm still working on it, its quite the process. Wish me luck!

Good Luck :P
I really wanted to become a spy, haha. As I grew up a bit more and realized that it's kind of difficult to get such a job (not to mention dangerous once you got it) I got interested in becoming a magician, then into a storm chaser (is that how you call it?)... So, they were really improbable. So now I'm just sticking to gastronomy.
i imagined there was an entire nother world with political systems and people in it, granted the political system involved everyone returning to life until they felt they were ready to die and no one doing anything bad because then they would disappear.

i think my parents divorce affected me more than i give it credit. its probably why i stick with vanilla so much.

EDIT- i also wanted to be a pharmacist. giving people medicine sounded like such a fun job to me.
My dream as a child was to be a writer and write the next great series of books that would pay out with royalties to provide for myself and my family a good life. Still working on it, but decided to look into Pharmacy as a primary profession, just in case as it too might be able to provide just as well for a family.
Thanks for your replies guys, it's me back from the college duties :)
I always thought I could had have powers based off a fighting game character like Ken from Street Fighter or Kyo from King of Fighters. Yep...good(and destructive) times.
When I was a kid I always wanted to fly. Not just by plane, but by jetpack, wings, super power, gliding.
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