Do you prefer to read digital manga or physical copies?

Do you prefer to read digital manga or physical copies?

Total Votes : 3,908
Physical, but because I hardly buy any and know exactly what I want.
I usually get digital but I'll always try to get things I like to read on paper.
physical copies whenever I can, which isn't often
I like both, but if had to choose I'll say digital. Much more convenient.
Physical. I like owning copies I can hold in my hand plus support jobs/industry/creators.
I used to read physical copies of manga. Then I had to move and a someone had the bright idea of putting my boxes of manga by our fishtank. Long story short, I no manga now.
I had a similar experience with a flooded apartment and some boxes of comics. I have felt your pain.

BTW, I prefer physical copies for home sofa reading and digital for traveling (though a Nexus 7 screen is still too small for American comics pages). Physical copies will eat up your shelf space if you read more than one series and/or do not cull the collection. 20th Century Boys is 30 volumes of manga.
I'd love to own physical copies but I'm freaked out about the family finding a stash as having to live at home for the foreseeable future.
I prefer to read physical manga.
digital..... because im a jobless teen :D
Digital, I only use Fakku, it's the only site I trust, or the only thing that involves hentai that i trust.
Digital because of convenience.
Physical copies! I like holding things when I read. xD
i prefer digital mostly because i can't afford physical copies
I prefer physical copies, end of the world insurance should them technology goes boom :p. But digital is far more convenient
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I don't have the feeling of "I have something!" if I don't hold them in my hands.
I definitely prefer physical. While digital is more convenient (and in most cases, are of higher quality depending), I'd prefer not to stare into a light if I don't have to.

I also feel better when the manga I'm reading is printed on quality paper too, and doesn't deteriorate fast -GA Geijutsuka - Art Design Class' volumes are printed on excellent quality paper.
I prefer physical. Nothing beats the feeling of being able to hold heaven in your hand. But digital is good for seeing if a series is worth buying
Definitely physical copies, it's how it should be enjoyed :D

Only time I would be wanting digital is when I need to read on the go.
I prefer physical because you rarely find lolitags in the net these days.