Are you afraid of Death?

Arsh~7 wrote...
bakapink wrote...
Very much so... So much so it can torment me if I think too much about...

There is a lot I want to do, a lot I want to experience, a lot I want to see.
I want to know if humans ever discover and establish contact with other humans.
I want to know what was before the big bang (heard string theory hit a bust).
I want to see the puzzles of the universe completed, but before that study them... physics, quantum physics, astrology.
I want to know is space travel will be able to bear fruit (and play around as a space pirate/outlaw similar to Tenchi/Outlaw Star, for awhile).
I want to know how every inch of the brain works.
I want to know if we every find means to reproduce body parts through cloning or other means, or do we switch to prosthetic's similar to Ghost in the Shell.
I want to read all the great literature in the world, which is difficult since I have a hard time sitting down and ignoring my electronics. As well any new literature to come.
I want to see whats the best each culture at this time can produce, what will they be able to produce in the future.
I want to know what path society will choose, what scientific approach will ultimately be chosen.
I want to know will media continue on a downwards approach towards entertainment or will it change, and how.
I want to know how music will change, what new genre's and sounds will exist 50 years from now, a 100. What will be the meaning behind them, what will the focus be.
I want to know how social interactions will change.
I want to know how societies in general will change.

umm... oppps... point was, I want to know near most everything involving everything within my scope of knowledge and everything a few levels above those. My life, if I had enough money and free time to dedicate myself to them all, could never cover all the ones within my lifetime. It depresses me, that a lot of scientific advancements that I'm interested in will never be seen. So many things in life that are worth while and interesting, mainly people. I want to meet and know every person I can find interesting. I find my mortality to be a depressing "possibility".

Easy way (and true way ) learn sanskrit then read all 4 Vedas :)

I admit I was interested in reading it someday, even more so since it has ties into Buddhism. But religion is not an answer to me, simply interesting stories, insight, new perspectives, and means to learn others mistakes so I won't do them.

Also I didn't realize this before, that was just me listing what I want to learn...
-I forgot the things I want to experience (rock climbing, sky diving... driving, ect).
-Places I want to see (the world).
-Places I want to live (Europe, Japan, and Korea only ones I can think of).
-People I want to meet (I want to expand my social circle into a huge one, to be the kind of person where I can go anywhere and find someone who, not only knows me, but would help me in a heart beat). I want to meet every interesting individual (my outlook on people is very much similar to the main character of denpa kyoushi, if anyone's familiar with that manga)

There's also so much I want to try and create, novels to vn's, fighting games to rpg's, even my own companies dedicated on fixing the corrupt business practices of current super giant gaming companies, and other delusional crap. XD

I don't want to die as long as there's fun to be had, and I have a broad definition of fun.
bakapink wrote...
Arsh~7 wrote...
bakapink wrote...
Very much so... So much so it can torment me if I think too much about...

There is a lot I want to do, a lot I want to experience, a lot I want to see.
I want to know if humans ever discover and establish contact with other humans.
I want to know what was before the big bang (heard string theory hit a bust).
I want to see the puzzles of the universe completed, but before that study them... physics, quantum physics, astrology.
I want to know is space travel will be able to bear fruit (and play around as a space pirate/outlaw similar to Tenchi/Outlaw Star, for awhile).
I want to know how every inch of the brain works.
I want to know if we every find means to reproduce body parts through cloning or other means, or do we switch to prosthetic's similar to Ghost in the Shell.
I want to read all the great literature in the world, which is difficult since I have a hard time sitting down and ignoring my electronics. As well any new literature to come.
I want to see whats the best each culture at this time can produce, what will they be able to produce in the future.
I want to know what path society will choose, what scientific approach will ultimately be chosen.
I want to know will media continue on a downwards approach towards entertainment or will it change, and how.
I want to know how music will change, what new genre's and sounds will exist 50 years from now, a 100. What will be the meaning behind them, what will the focus be.
I want to know how social interactions will change.
I want to know how societies in general will change.

umm... oppps... point was, I want to know near most everything involving everything within my scope of knowledge and everything a few levels above those. My life, if I had enough money and free time to dedicate myself to them all, could never cover all the ones within my lifetime. It depresses me, that a lot of scientific advancements that I'm interested in will never be seen. So many things in life that are worth while and interesting, mainly people. I want to meet and know every person I can find interesting. I find my mortality to be a depressing "possibility".

Easy way (and true way ) learn sanskrit then read all 4 Vedas :)

I admit I was interested in reading it someday, even more so since it has ties into Buddhism. But religion is not an answer to me, simply interesting stories, insight, new perspectives, and means to learn others mistakes so I won't do them.

Also I didn't realize this before, that was just me listing what I want to learn...
-I forgot the things I want to experience (rock climbing, sky diving... driving, ect).
-Places I want to see (the world).
-Places I want to live (Europe, Japan, and Korea only ones I can think of).
-People I want to meet (I want to expand my social circle into a huge one, to be the kind of person where I can go anywhere and find someone who, not only knows me, but would help me in a heart beat). I want to meet every interesting individual (my outlook on people is very much similar to the main character of denpa kyoushi, if anyone's familiar with that manga)

There's also so much I want to try and create, novels to vn's, fighting games to rpg's, even my own companies dedicated on fixing the corrupt business practices of current super giant gaming companies, and other delusional crap. XD

I don't want to die as long as there's fun to be had, and I have a broad definition of fun.

well first of all Vedas are not related to any religion (yet it is important part of Sanatana Dharma {not Hindu religion}) ,2nd Buddhism is minor part of Sanatana Dharma ,vedic dharma (aka Sanatana Dharma) is not just about meditation & chanting . it's about technology ,how to live ,how to activate our Kundli chark,how to become more then just human, how to become mahayogi ( related to Yoga ) (that's all i know till now { i am still learning about Vedas ) .

\and you have good thinking , keep it up :) and well good luck with your dreams :)
idmb22 Input Gold Rank Here
Afraid of death? Absolutely no.

Afraid of dying without doing a lot of different things I want to do? Absolutely yes.

Honestly, I don't know if there really are places like heaven or hell. Also, I don't know what comes after death, so, why should I fear something that I have not done yet? It could be interesting. To be more clear, I am not saying I will commit suicide, just that I do not need to fear it, since all of us eventally are going to die, it is in out nature.
We eventually will cease to function; we will die and lose our consciousness, then we shall re-enter the state of darkness and nothingness we were experiencing an infinite amount of time before we were. The things we do in our life are universally pointless. We'll have no recollection or feeling of them after death, we won't be able to look upon them or even contemplate. The memory's of your actions, feelings, and emotions will not come into play. It is the same as if life never occurred to begin with, in fact its exactly identical. We all share a universal equality, pre-birth, and post death, nothing

I have no fear of death, because we all may as already be dead.
I use to fear death but now I embrace it because now that thing that effects all of us makes me live my life to the fullest and not worry about fear and doubt. And even though I have lack of confidence and fear of rejection I spend everyday pushing those fears and insecurities to live my life. It also makes me work harder on my dreams because this morning maybe the morning where I don't wake up and I don't want to see with any loose ends or regrets. That reason also makes me want to be the best person I can be because it may be the last time those people see me. And even if there's no one life after death, I want to live on through people's hearts and minds.
I personally am not afraid of death. I've already prepared for several possible types of deaths so the fear has been long gone. Personally, I would love to leave the world helping someone escape from death
Death to me is not something to fear but rather a gift of nature. It means that we are free from a long live that we have surfed in all realms, the short lived pleasures, and the confusion due to being mortal. When we die all will seas to function in dark poetic manner that is sad but also beautiful. We can see this fact every were we look for black holes to the smallest atom.
I am not afraid of death, but rather what comes after it.
it's a living things nature to be afraid to Death. Look like our creator installed this program which we resist anything that have potential to erase our existence (one of the reason why only few race of living being left since the beginning of existence).
No matter how much you respect or love some one, you still struggling once that some one try to give death to you (example: strangle you with their hands)

But, for me....well, I'm more intrigued about the angel of death and what it bring to me. I'm curious, how lonely he is, how he can handle his feeling, to be burdened by such a title that mean "The one who separate one from their love one"

I heard it have an appearance as such cute young girl with bucket of flower that urge you to chase her in the field of green grass under very deep blue sky, till when you catch her, and look behind, you already leave your world and in the next one

I want to ask her (and her creator) a lot of things, including secret of my life, why I'm exist, why the creator love me so much (he keep allowing me to suck a breath even when I'm become such a bad kid__like when I'm looking at porn__), etc

I'm not afraid, just curious, and...strangely...looking forward to it

I'm weird... :p
I am sort of afraid of death...dying? More into how I would die. I don't want to have to struggle for survival....scary. And also afraid for the people I would leave behind.

When I was little I thought there was no death. My mother, father, everyone would always be "here". I knew people moved away, but not for "good". And when I went to my first funeral it kind of opened my eyes.
Death is simply a door that opens to a new world unknown. Whether it be the same as this world or a world filled with magic and fairies, no one will know until we cross that bridge. That being said, Yes, I am afraid of death. This is because I still have attachments to this world that I don't want to let go of, whether it be unfinished business, friends and family or discovering things about myself or others. This world has too many secrets I want to see behind the veil and because of that, I want to stay alive as long as possible just to see what this world can teach me, even if it will send me to the depths of living hell.
In a way,yes I am afraid. As I keep thinking about it more fear comes into min mind. Generally I don't think about it. When people ask me such a question I say "If death stares me in the face, I shall kneel down."
[size=14]I'm not afraid of death. We all have to suffer through mortality, and everyone dies. People are constantly dying, as I'm typing this someone has probably died. Sure I don't want to die but it's gonna happen at some point so there's no point being afraid.[/h]
How can you tell that you ever lived when you fear of death?
It's not that I am afraid per say. It's that I don't know what will happen. I mean, will I still notice things around me when I am dead? I know that is impossible from scientific point of view, But what if I do notice. And what if I see them burying me and I am freaking out and I am unable to do anything about it. Or will I just disappear and not be here anymore. Will I care? No, because I'm not there. :/
NOCLIP6 wrote...
It's not that I am afraid per say. It's that I don't know what will happen. I mean, will I still notice things around me when I am dead? I know that is impossible from scientific point of view, But what if I do notice. And what if I see them burying me and I am freaking out and I am unable to do anything about it. Or will I just disappear and not be here anymore. Will I care? No, because I'm not there. :/

Two spiritual scenarios that can be possible without the need for scientific explanation:

1. You will die and start over at the beginning or a random time of your life as if you woke up from a daydream. It can be possible if the world is just a dream state at any given moment and dying is just waking up from a dream of a very possible scenario with may little to no recollection and what we can call a 'deja vu.'

2. Reincarnation.

I don't think there is a heaven or hell. How can we judge what is good and evil and if hell keeps all the evil guys out, doesn't it make it good in a sense? How would the two kingdoms work? It's just too complicated and my faith in religion over the past few years have been skeptical at best. Maybe I'm a skeptic at heart and I doubt everything around me but I also believe solipsism too narcissistic for me to selfishly think once I die, everything ends around me. One thing for sure, the life of one man is just a story with an ending in history and the conception of a new being is the beginning of another. I'm not afraid of death, I don't think there would be the luxury to self-reflect before the clock stops. Death would probably be the last experience I have in a life but not one I'm in any rush for.
Honestly, no I don't fear death because, in every living aspect it comes to an end at some point in time. I do fear what would happen to family/friends and such if I do pass away at such an early age, but like I said, all living thinks come to an end. I'm an atheist and my father died from an overdose, there isn't a day that goes by that I hope there is something better in the afterlife, but I have no such belief because I have no reason to believe in such a false sense of hope. My fear of dying is zero, my possible regrets or feeling of how my family would react is what I'd truly be worried about... So yes maybe i'm unconsciously worried about dying but, in all seriousness I'm not worried at all.
I am not afraid of death but how I will die.
Why be afraid of something that will come for all of us eventually...?
I'm not afraid because as a kid I decided the year I was going to die and now I live knowing nothing will kill me =D

Except I thought of a twist in that goal...I don't know how I'll live up until then...meaning I could lose some limbs go into a coma....neither of which bothers me much...
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