The most fulfilling thing you did today was...?

It will be when I stand above my bead and let my limp body fall, I'll probably be asleep half way down. But I can sleep soundly knowing I went to school and did absolutely nothing productive (maybe).
Went Outside and Breathe some FRESH AIR!
[font=Verdana]Making a bingo poster (with phoenix wright on it) and printing it.

Also making sigs for the cafe.[/font]
Beat the non-Nidhoggr super hard bonus boss in Etrian Odyssey IV without resorting to cheap methods.
Made an appointment for my next tattoo
Updated my hentai folder with new shit.
Performed Flamenco with an audience of 120 people
I got 100% completion today in Etrian Odyssey IV. I feel so, so accomplished.
Went grocery shopping.
Finished my (draft version) essay. Sleep would be nice, but I'm still pumped up with caffeine.
K.Epiren wrote...
Finished my (draft version) essay. Sleep would be nice, but I'm still pumped up with caffeine.

DUDDEE, I am the opposite of you. I crash on Caffeine extremely easy. One Quad-Shot expresso lasts about 1.5 hours before I fall on my head.

Had that happen today during a Bio today. Luckily my friend (whom I told to slap me in the head if I ever fall asleep) slapped in the head slamming my face against the glistening wooden table, I yelped. The Professor looked at me as if saying, "What the Fu*k were you doing?"
Showed a little girl at work (Guitar Center) that women can kick ass playing guitar. I hope she sticks with it, I really do. I love seeing little girls playing electric guitar not listening to Justin Bieber or some shit.
I Survived the day.
I've organized most of the stuff on my computer.
I used a Hexer that I keep in my party as a weak-yet-fun character in Etrian Odyssey to bring the final boss to its knees.
Complete overall organzation and cleanup of my computer and internet accounts.
Gained Rank "S" in my longplay.
Filled out a couple of job applications, I still have some more to do. (Also I made a couple of mistakes with incorrect information on them, it's driving me crazy (perfectionist)... I hate pen...)
Playing Ultimate Mahvel vs Crapcom 3: Fate of Taking my Shit.