How do you handle break ups ?

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Total Votes : 14
I recently had a bad messy break up... so now after 3 days of crying and just trying to move on I thought I get a laugh to see how everyone else handles there break ups, if its not on the polls I would like to know how you go through the emotional break up with a girlfriend or boyfriend and begin to whole stage of moving on.
they never easy bro, some are bad some are worse but they are never easy or they never go well, just give some you time (say a few weeks to a month) then try to make some friends
If you have close friends, try to be around them a lot to help you cope with the breakup. Do not enclose yourself. Dating after a breakup is a bad idea, but hanging out with many friends or family will help you a lot.

You can also play videogames or read some books to keep your mind distracted. Do not depend on them too much, just use it as a means to help you be at ease
Thanks for the pep talk guys, I'm hanging in there, one day at a time
How I deal with them varies. Depends on how it happened, and other things. I'll either play games constantly, buy shit, or hang with friends. Or do all at the same time. Since most of my friends play games. When I broke up a while ago, my friends and I had lans constantly for like a week. It was awesome. I then got into rc drifting, and since then, I've been upgrading that, and playing games with my friends, and hanging out with them and what not :D
Why isnt "kill the bitch and eat her" or the "cry a river, build a bridge and get over it" on the poll?
BadDay wrote...
Why isnt "kill the bitch and eat her" or the "cry a river, build a bridge and get over it" on the poll?

Cause... I honestly did not think of that at the time, I mean come on >< there was lot to go through lol
I usually spread rumors about how she has chlamydiae.
[size=14]I've only had one break up and I was the one doing the breaking up so I honestly don't know how I would handle one. I'd probably watch loads of anime but I do that anyway... [/h]
BagMan wrote...
[size=14]I've only had one break up and I was the one doing the breaking up so I honestly don't know how I would handle one. I'd probably watch loads of anime but I do that anyway... [/h]

Yeah that would be a good idea... next pay I'm getting my crunchy roll account back on, or does anyone else know any other anime sites, I only use it cause I can watch it on my ps3 I dunno if they do 360
I generally try to surround myself with friends, family, and try to keep my mind occupied.
SkelliDrops wrote...
I generally try to surround myself with friends, family, and try to keep my mind occupied.

Yeah thats what I'm doing to, WOW keeps me going, plus I'm thinking of finally geting Sly cooper 4 but I dunno if the game play is worth it, I mean we have such a long wait for Dragon Crown to come out.
I'm sorry to hear that you guys decided to part ways. I almost endured a break up myself recently, but FINALLY came out on top and stronger then ever! However, the past two months I have done a lot of different stuff to try to cope with the uncertainty. The best thing was surrounding myself with supportive friends and family members - sometimes to distract myself, but often times just to have people to go to, to vent. The best kinds of people are those who are honest, empathetic, and wholeheartedly supportive of you. Here are some other good ideas:

exercising, rediscovering hobbies or finding new ones - especially something that gets you involved with other people or helps you to get out of the house, going for a walk, spending time with a pet, etc.

Take some time to really, thoroughly think about the relationship, so that you can deal with your emotions in a healthy way. It's okay to be sad and upset! Don't avoid those feelings. However, don't linger obsessively on them either. Think about the good and the bad - not so that you rethink your decision, but so that you can improve upon yourself and any future relationships that you may have.

Take this time to really evaluate what you want and what you don't want in the future. Why didn't things work out? Was there any way they could've been resolved? What do you think you or the other person could've done differently? Did you discover anything new about yourself through this experience? Have your expectations for your next relationship changed - if so, how? These are very important things to ask yourself. The more experience you get, the more things change, and the better they can be in the future... but it starts out with YOU knowing what YOU want.

Best of luck in the future.
Naughty Shyguy ^ ^* wrote...
SkelliDrops wrote...
I generally try to surround myself with friends, family, and try to keep my mind occupied.

Yeah thats what I'm doing to, WOW keeps me going, plus I'm thinking of finally geting Sly cooper 4 but I dunno if the game play is worth it, I mean we have such a long wait for Dragon Crown to come out.

I've loved all the Sly Coopers so far, so I think 4 would be pretty epic. I must try it too!
Surround yourself with friends or family, its nice to know that your family and friends are there
I have never been dumped, I have always done the dumping. We have sex a few times, she says "I love you" and than I usually say "Okay" next day I say "I'm sorry it's not working out".
You left off, "drink until you can't feel feelings", which is a lot of drinks, I don't even think I've drank enough to meet that really, and I drink quite a bit.
I watch this guy smile

Ssynyn wrote...
I watch this guy smile

That smile is a thing of nightmares! I totally forgot it exsisted!

In true robert pattinson style, man... stay inside and play Portal with random people on steam for a week.
I feel that would be my answer.
For me, I expend an exorbitant of the negative energy in one really shitty week or 2, and then from then on I'm extremely emotionally detached from the person. It usually takes me about six months to really get over them.

I don't have any coping mechanisms. I'm a pretty emotional person and have an obsession with digging through my consciousness for answers, which serves me well with dealing with grief.

I do have one comfort food, though.

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