One insignificant thing that made your day better

One of my girl friend declare war on me, i hereby accept the challenge
I finally got my most awaited game on the Vita which is Senran.
Had completely forgotten my age, no matter how hard I tried I couldn't figure out how old I was.
I got a chance to commandeer a rescue boat, which only happens once every three months and depending on the management.

[insert Machinae Supremacy - Laser Speed Force music]
Spring cleaning.
Not because I was told, but because I wanted to set up some of my figures.
Spent some time with friends I haven't seen in forever, than got the most hilarious phone call from my best friend, and spent some time with my grandma and mom ^^.. basically got to communicate with some of my favorite people <3.
A sort of relaxing day today. Managed to finished 2 volumes of NGE in the library.
Hung out with friends I haven't seen in a while, bought WoW shirts, got a bunch of relationship advice. All in all had a pretty good day.
Had some delicious panda express.
Didn't have to cover a wall with paint today.
[color=#006FFF]Finally played Injustice.
Downloaded Kill the noise's album black magic. It's epic.
Also, installed my new sub. Still breaking it in, once that's over and done with, I'll crank it up, and feel the bass pulse through my body. A pure state of ecstasy.
Also also, fixed my rc drift car. It drifts so much better now, I'm happy as :D
Also also also, Saving up for my cars, keen to get them. I'm hoping I can get a small cash advance if I don't have the full amount in time.
Learning some sort of absurd etiquette.
Had some nice games in LoL
Decimated my unworthy opponent.
Made some plans with friends for tomorrow.
Had delicious lunch
I was playing with my cat then found a pack of hula hoops under my sofa I was like when the fuck did I buy these.. num num num.
Was able to control how long I slept with a 90-95% accuracy. I'm tired as hell, but I did it! Now I have to get ready in a hour but I can't stop reading manga... I have a problem... XD