Does anyone know about your hentai hobby?

Does anyone know about your hentai hobby?

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My best friend and I often discuss the new manga we see on Fakku and e-hentai.
My good friends know, my brother knows, my parents don't know.
I always say openly my teachers hate me XD
My sister knows that I watched porn one time nothing more, nobody else in my family knows, why should they :p. As for friends well most know that I watch anime but know nothing of hentai or similar stuff but there are like 1 or 2 friends that know of this site but I trust them so I don´t think anybody else knows.
Everyone knows. They even ask me for recomendations
Everytime I open my laptop I have some type of porn open for some reason so my friends saw it when I brought it to school in the past
Everyone knows, I just let it all hang out :p
godsend The Pun Master
No, I keep this to myself.
I don't have very many close friends, and my family is definitely a no-no. My parents aren't religious. THEIR parents are though. And both my parents are pretty uptight about this.
(Also, this isn't a 'hobbby' for me. I have more hentai on my computer than I do normal files. And I have 6.25 TB of storage, most of which is full. Of hentai.)
I love you Fakku
A few of my friends but never my family....they'd never look at me the same -_-
It's safe to assume that my family already knows that I fap, but not to hentai specifically. I also only talk to my family during dinner time, so it'll be painfully awkward if I said, " Hey, I read an interesting hentai doujinshi today, it's about rape and cheating." My friends, though they know I fap to hentai, they don't really know what I fap to and I blame this on FAKKU...
I haven't told anyone but I'm the quiet girl who doesn't talk much and when I do it's to the minimum...but my brothers always joke about my "Obsessive hentai habits" ..they joke about that stuff thinking I don't actually do it...and I deny it but little do they know they are correct.
I guess I'm part of the silent majority, hopefully no president calls upon this one.
I really would've have kept this hobby a secret, even to my friends. But heck I got to know more people because of anime and hentai.
I can spend hours talking about hentai with my friends, my family will probably freak out if they knew though.
I'm kinda envious of all you who talk about it with friends/family... if I ever revealed my hentai interests (that is, providing I worked up the courage to do so) I think I would get shunned harder then an Amish boy playing computer games.
I wouldn't mind if my family knew but...they're not open minded enough to accept it.
Only like one or two people. It's totes awks because my best friend and I have watched Bible Black together just to make fun of it (the English dub is damn hilarious, a 10/10) buuut I'm pretty sure she doesn't know I actually enjoy it? If she asks I'll tell her the truth, but so far, she's blissfully unaware. Cute.
I don't really feel any shame about my interest in hentai, but I consider things like your sex life, pornography, personal fetishes, and hentai to be topics that are just not something that one should be completely open about. I wouldn't really like it if one of my friends just came up to me a said "I love it when my girl puts needles in my foreskin." It's fine that he's into that, but that's his business, not mine. As my dad says "If that's what gets your Irish up fine, but leave me out of it."
To my knowledge not a single person knows. I have my own laptop and I'm typically looking at hentai when either no one is home home or awake. Except for when this one guy who constantly comes over, he never frickin sleeps when he is over even when everyone else is. He is here right now but the loser probably won't go home for a few hours despite doing exactly what he would do at home. His excuse is he is too tired to drive home but not tired enough to play Planetside, I think that is the game.
Monster Girl
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