Does anyone know about your hentai hobby?

Does anyone know about your hentai hobby?

Total Votes : 4,946
animangafan342 wrote...
I love telling some of my friends cause sometimes they think it's funny and sometimes they're freaking out. You could say I'm a closet pervert that left the door open... I have two Kohai's whom I teach about hentai. They are my successors. One of them is good at thinking up "forced" plots and the other comes to none other than Fakku to read her manga and asks me about good h-anime to watch. I have a huge list of ones I need to watch that I share with her. Lol probably the only people in my family that know are my sisters. That's cool though. As long as my elders don't find out.

I hate you. Why are you lucky enough to be able to have people you can teach about hentai in person, and most of the rest of us are stuck in the closet, all alone.
I think it's easier to tell your closest friends. If I were to tell my family, that wouldn't go over well.
PorygonPowah Genuine Lumberjack
My friends are well aware, but most of them are into way weirder shit than I am. In fact, I'm probably the most vanilla of my group.
ZexionZero wrote...
surprisingly me and my sister know about this site O.o is that good? lol

....depends on many things.
A Jersy Driver wrote...
My friends call me the Perverted King and my mom bought me hentai doujins for Christmas :D

hmmm my fren already know that from the beginning when i read a manga obviously they think if i read a manga then must read a hentai to..,my family don know about my hobby my family very strict ..that why im watch or read hentai have to avoid them..
Everyone that knows me knows I like anime, but only my friends know about the hentai side of it. If parents found out they would probably think there is something wrong with me. CONFESSION: Mom,Dad, there is a lot more of us out there than you think, sorry if your disapointed...'cause I'm NOT.
A few of my friends know. One actually introduced me to this site.
Ah yeah. My friends and family know. Majority of my friends are perverts as well and some of them are also regulars at Fakku. :D
My friends know. They know indeed......
nobody knows, why?... cause i'm a fuckin' ninja-wannabe!!!!!! (ノÒ□Ó)ノ
Family being my cousin first removed who is also on this site.
my closest friends do know it (even my girlfriend) well my familiy there is only my brother who know about it
Quite a lot of my friends enjoy hentai, too!
ONLY A Handful of Friends (All male friends) know about hentai.
But the family must not know.
I don't talk about those things
Unfortunately, my father found out about my love for hentai by looking through the internet history from the internet router or some shit. He never uses my pc
Yeah, they know. All of my friends know, and my family has hinted at me knowing about it in the most awkward of ways. It's cool if my girlfriend talks with me about it, but my mom accusing me of enjoying naked Sailor Moon just bugs the hell out of me.
a few of my friends know and we talk about them together but most of my friends are totally in the dark and so is my family
First of all only my friends knows my hobby until my parents caught me reading Hentai, now they both know my Hentai hobby.
Monster Girl
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