Boreokookies wrote...
yurixhentai wrote...
Posted my room before in that one Nosebleed thread a few times but I'll post some new ones here. Not much has changed, just put up some new posters and stuff. It's inferior to the rooms in this thread but I'm happy with it. I really want to start collecting figures, I have a few but they're bootleg ones.
Really nice room. I notice some things we happen to have in common. Aha. I also have that Kantoku STEP book you have. By any chance do you also have his Ashiato or Polyphonica Aphonic Songbird artbooks? I have Ashiato, planning to get the 3rd one I mentioned. And may I ask where did you get your artbooks? I got mine from HLJ. Nice doujins btw.
And I also notice you have a handful of Megami/Nyantype wall posters. I really wanted the Sakurasou ones. I only have one. Me and my friend exchange pin ups. Him with Nyantype and Megami, and I, with Dengeki Hime's* and Dengeki Moe Oh... Well not really Moe Oh, I keep those to myself. Aha. He prefers to have his room non-H oriented.
*standalone pinups discontinued since Jan. '12, however the cover pages for each eroge review article can be cut out and used as posters :P
Oh, and dat gif. xD
Thanks. The STEP artbook is great ^-^ Unfortunately, that's the only one I have by Kantoku, but I really want to get some more. I get my artbooks from London MCM Expo. I'll be going again next month so if I see some there I may pick them up. I'll definitely be buying more doujinshi there.
I'm behind with Megami, the latest one I have I think is December 2012, I want the ones from this year. Same with Dengeki Hime, but I don't have enough money to buy them at the minute. Saving up for Expo, they usually sell those magazines there.