My Otaku Room

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I'm an avid collector when it comes to figures or art books, but every now and then I need to set aside some time to clean up and reorganize my room for the things I have preordered or not even opened yet. Spring Break is right about now so this would be a perfect opportunity to get some Spring cleaning done around the house my room.

The following images are of what my (messy) room looks like. Since I tend to take my time and procrastinate a lot, it should be a while for me to have everything all settled and post up update images of my room.. Until then, feel free to post images of your own otaku room, or dedicated section.

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Shashin I <3 dakimakura covers
All of your pictures are broken, man. :( I'd try rehosting them on Sadpanda or Imgur.

Anyhow, I know the exact feeling and am in much the same situation. My walk in closet has taken the hit and is where I store most of my stuff. Boxes just keep piling up, so until this week it was an absolute mess and almost impossible to walk in. My Spring Break was also during this previous week, so I took to the task of clearing all of the boxes out and finding spots for most things. I still have some work to do, but it's looking immensely better than the box hell it has been for the last year. I'll post some pictures after I finish cleaning it up, since it's likely going to become my dedicated otaku room.
Yep, links broken.

As to my otaku room, well i dont have room i just got shelf:

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Btw just done reorganizing room as well, guess its summer thing.
And i try to not collect boxes, i just toss em away or good once i make small and store in some drawer.
Shashin wrote...
All of your pictures are broken, man. :( I'd try rehosting them on Sadpanda or Imgur.

Anyhow, I know the exact feeling and am in much the same situation. My walk in closet has taken the hit and is where I store most of my stuff. Boxes just keep piling up, so until this week it was an absolute mess and almost impossible to walk in. My Spring Break was also during this previous week, so I took to the task of clearing all of the boxes out and finding spots for most things. I still have some work to do, but it's looking immensely better than the box hell it has been for the last year. I'll post some pictures after I finish cleaning it up, since it's likely going to become my dedicated otaku room.

Thanks for those sites. Never heard any of them before to be honest, well except for Imgur, but I never bothered to used it. I hope my links are working now. Strangely, to me, the links under my spoiler looked fine... I guess to everyone else it didn't D:

illuna wrote...
Yep, links broken.

As to my otaku room, well i dont have room i just got shelf:

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Btw just done reorganizing room as well, guess its summer thing.
And i try to not collect boxes, i just toss em away or good once i make small and store in some drawer.

That's a very nice self you got there, I haven't dusted mine in the past few months. I like your taste for the two angel-winged figures at the ends and the Tsuneko Maid Yome figure in the center. Are you, by any chance, preordering Yuki (also from Maid Yome)?
Shashin I <3 dakimakura covers
Boreokookies wrote...
Shashin wrote...
All of your pictures are broken, man. :( I'd try rehosting them on Sadpanda or Imgur.

Anyhow, I know the exact feeling and am in much the same situation. My walk in closet has taken the hit and is where I store most of my stuff. Boxes just keep piling up, so until this week it was an absolute mess and almost impossible to walk in. My Spring Break was also during this previous week, so I took to the task of clearing all of the boxes out and finding spots for most things. I still have some work to do, but it's looking immensely better than the box hell it has been for the last year. I'll post some pictures after I finish cleaning it up, since it's likely going to become my dedicated otaku room.

Thanks for those sites. Never heard any of them before to be honest, well except for Imgur, but I never bothered to used it. I hope my links are working now. Strangely, to me, the links under my spoiler looked fine... I guess to everyone else it didn't D:

Nice looking room. :D And yeah, that's the case sometimes; Fakku can be a bit weird when it comes to displaying images. The actual image links looked like they were from a Google account, so it's possible that only the account owner could view them, but that's just a guess.
Boreokookies wrote...

That's a very nice self you got there, I haven't dusted mine in the past few months. I like your taste for the two angel-winged figures at the ends and the Tsuneko Maid Yome figure in the center. Are you, by any chance, preordering Yuki (also from Maid Yome)?

Yep, Yome-san is on preorder list.

got on preorder also:

Muv-Luv Alternative Total Eclipse - Yui Takamura Off Style Ver. 1/6
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Walkure Romanze: Shoujo Kishi Monogatari - Celia 1/6
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Im now looking for 2-3 nice looking maid clothed girls but hard to find what i would like.
Shashin I <3 dakimakura covers
As promised, here are my contributions for now:

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Shashin wrote...
As promised, here are my contributions for now:

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Whoa! That's a lot of dakimakuras you got there. I like your little "in plastic bag + pinned onto a clothes-hanger" idea. You seem to pin up your tapestries and posters. I, on the other hand, can't bring myself to puncture my pin-up posters. I just use scotch tape (masking tape is too weak, any other would tear it apart if I decide to remove them), make it into a loop, and apply them on each of the corners. I couldn't help, but eye on that poster of Momo, Mea, and that mystery person between them. Is it by Nise Midi Doronokai? And may I ask how you come across it?
Shashin I <3 dakimakura covers
Boreokookies wrote...
Shashin wrote...
As promised, here are my contributions for now:

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Whoa! That's a lot of dakimakuras you got there. I like your little "in plastic bag + pinned onto a clothes-hanger" idea. You seem to pin up your tapestries and posters. I, on the other hand, can't bring myself to puncture my pin-up posters. I just use scotch tape (masking tape is too weak, any other would tear it apart if I decide to remove them), make it into a loop, and apply them on each of the corners. I couldn't help, but eye on that poster of Momo, Mea, and that mystery person between them. Is it by Nise Midi Doronokai? And may I ask how you come across it?

Yeah, and I probably have another 40-50 sitting in boxes in my room that I need to find a spot for in the closet. I just figured I'd get the place mostly sorted out and then it would be easier to add stuff... but I'm kinda out of space unless I move some figures around. That was actually my initial storage idea, and it worked surprisingly well; I looped the bag through the hanger and then pinned the bag to it, so it wouldn't put any strain on the dakimakura cover itself. The problem with this idea was purely logistical; it requires an absurd amount of hangers, clothespins, and the space on my rack is limited. Still, I really like the sorting ability it provides, since I can't really pick and choose from the stacks on the shelves. Eventually, I'll probably pull out my favorite 50 or so, and hang them up in that manner so I have easy access to them.

Actually, the only two that are punctured are the Nise Midi Doronokai and red head under the Taiga. I didn't really want to do it, but they were both really bent up and out of shape from their time spent under boxes. But the others were still in the plastic they arrived in. I made use of that, puncturing the plastic bags just at the edges.

I think it was the doujinshi set they released at C82? The poster came with it, and I think I picked it up from YJA, but Mandarake had (and probably still does) it too.
I wish I could put up some more risque stuff, but alas, that's the shitty part about living with roommates. And holy crap, Shashin. You're collection is growing on a massive scale!
I live with my brother and sister so having a room like that wouldn't be the best idea for me XD
Love your rooms guys. One of the things I enjoy the most is seeing other peoples rooms. Always interesting to see. :D

I apologize for not re-uploading, but I have a post at of my room: My Oppai Filled Room.

I'm a little busy as my computer crashed and I'm still getting it back in working order. My room has changed a little bit as I've moved some of my Freezing posters to be behind my anime shelf and I put up JAV posters in their place. That's really the only change, but maybe once I'm done fixing things I can give some updated photos.
alamarco wrote...
Love your rooms guys. One of the things I enjoy the most is seeing other peoples rooms. Always interesting to see. :D

I apologize for not re-uploading, but I have a post at of my room: My Oppai Filled Room.

I'm a little busy as my computer crashed and I'm still getting it back in working order. My room has changed a little bit as I've moved some of my Freezing posters to be behind my anime shelf and I put up JAV posters in their place. That's really the only change, but maybe once I'm done fixing things I can give some updated photos.

omg i totally drooled when i saw your figurines. You even got HOTD figurines in double =)

btw whats that lovely maid on left? i think its only maid you got in picture there.

After Edit:

after slight amount of soul searching i found out its Akiyama Mio in maid outfit 1/8
Yup, you're spot on. It's Mio from FREEing. Link to the figure is here:
so far i only got 1/7 or 1/6 sized figures, but she really makes me wana buy her even if its 1/8, whyy oh whyy shes so small
Kobun_SLF wrote...
I wish I could put up some more risque stuff, but alas, that's the shitty part about living with roommates. And holy crap, Shashin. You're collection is growing on a massive scale!

Yeah same situation here, lol.
Just have to learn not to care what others think. :P
Ill have more stuff in 2 months, right now Idont have any more shelf space for figurines so im kind of limited.
alamarco wrote...
Just have to learn not to care what others think. :P

Yup. That's what I do. Parents seem to be okay with it (though they don't really approve of me spending money on such things). Sisters are kinda okay with it, as long as all the ecchi and H stuff are kept away within the confines of my room. And of course friends (including the non otaku ones) are alright with it.
Posted my room before in that one Nosebleed thread a few times but I'll post some new ones here. Not much has changed, just put up some new posters and stuff. It's inferior to the rooms in this thread but I'm happy with it. I really want to start collecting figures, I have a few but they're bootleg ones.
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Remembered I had to put my Kud poster up again, fell down last night because I didn't put it up properly:

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