Getting arrested because of hentai

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unpronounceable wrote...
vashtrgn6 wrote...
Flaser wrote...
vashtrgn6 wrote...
It's like that in a lot of countries... You really shouldn't be surprised you know. Even if it is just "lines on paper," it's still pornographic material depicting minors and is treated as such. Instead of complaining about it and assuming that it's a double standard on hentai content, maybe you should consider the possibility that other cultures (yes other cultures exist within humanity besides our own) frown upon child pornography and will take legal action against it, and that they have every right to do so. In addition, it's our responsibility as mature adults to respect their laws and customs as well.

The same way said societies respect my own customs? The same way they respect the laws of my country? You're either a very deluded liberal who got into his head that toleration means unthinking acceptance of all customs or one of those statetist assholes who believes that authority can't be unjust as long as its "lawful" or "legitimate".

...which is all bullshit.

There are objective standards to morality and law - which is a tool for society to enforce morality - and not all customs and laws pass these. Objective morality is based on reason, belief doesn't enter into it.

Customs & laws based on mere tradition without any inherent, objective morality to it is unjust... and even if such things may fit one group or nation, don't necessarily fit me or my nation. We don't live in the same place after all, and we're not the same. saying that I should be complicit with all laws & custom because it's the "right" thing to do is not only stupid, but inherently arrogant. One should follow said laws, because not following them could lend one in great trouble... and the risqué waaay outweighs the nuisance you have to put up with... if this is not the case you'd better not go to that place anyway. This isn't prudence or good manners. This is just common sense - not pissing into the wind.

I don't say one should only follow laws one agrees with, most laws were made for a reason - usually to protect people from harm. However for hentai I can't bring *any* objective reason that it'd hurt anyone. Minors weren't involved in its creation. If demand rises, minors won't be harmed if more is produced.

...whereas banning hentai creates a precedent for curtailing freedom of speech, which is *very* dangerous. If you create "forbidden" modes or topics of speech you invite other special interest groups to push their definition onto others.

It has absolutely nothing to do with morals, freedom, or justice. Other countries do whatever they want, and whoever decides to go there is subject to their laws. Why do you think China is still communist, and North Korea even exists? How about you go shove your videos and moral theory in Kim Jong Il's face and see what happens.

This thread is about Canada arresting a man entering their country with loli manga, so I'll get to the point. Canada may promote freedom of speech as well, but it's up to them to interpret "freedom of speech" however they want to. If you disagree, take it up in court there, or stay out.

"The same way said societies respect my own customs? The same way they respect the laws of my country? You're either a very deluded liberal who got into his head that toleration means unthinking acceptance of all customs or one of those statetist assholes who believes that authority can't be unjust as long as its 'lawful' or 'legitimate'"

This paragraph shows just how ridiculously deluded and immature you are. Seriously, you're ignorance disgusts me. A country's laws reign supreme in it's boundaries, regardless of what you think, unless you plan on heading over there with the intention of starting a war.

Did you know that recently, U.S. hikers who entered Iran taking scenic pictures were convicted of "spying" and sentenced to 8 years in prison? The suspects have no prior suspicious activity, and are seemingly innocent. Presumably, they were arrested because of the political disagreement between the U.S. and Iran. Even so, the U.S. can't do a single thing about it, aside from sending it's troops over there and forcibly taking the hikers back. This is the reality of world politics. Grow up and open your eyes, and quit shoving your misguided sense of righteousness in everyone's face.

Morality isn't subjective. Just because another culture thinks its wrong, doesn't mean it's wrong.
Did you even read Flaser's post?

Saying that laws have nothing to do with "morals, freedom, or justice"?
Wow. Just wow.
There's a reason it's called the justice system.

We're saying a double standard exists because it does.
You can buy paintings of a similar nature and nobody will question your motives.
That's called a double standard.

Really your post is entirely devoid of logic.
I don't see your point here at all. What are you actually trying to say?
We're debating the morality of jailing people for having hentai, not the flexibility of the law.
Yes we know there is often nothing we can do about it.

Just because it exists in law does not make it just.
And you know what? It may be our responsibility as mature adults to ensure that we follow laws, but its equally important to ensure that laws are based on objective morality, not stupid uneducated opinions.

It should be worth mentioning that I am a Canadian.

You obviously didn't read anything I said. My point is not even remotely close to what you said it was. you both seem to think that I'm saying that morality has nothing to do with laws, which is not what what I said even once.


I do believe in basic freedoms such as those laid out in the bill of rights, and the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights. I believe that laws should be justified with sound reasoning and morality.


I am NOT ARGUING ABOUT WHETHER THE LAW IS MORAL OR IMMORAL. I AM arguing that a country's SOVEREIGNTY gives it the right to enforce its laws however it pleases, regardless of what you and I may think.


This means that if you go to another country, you are ACKNOWLEDGING that you will ABIDE by ALL their laws, REGARDLESS of whether or not you think they are fair.


Thus, the authorities enforced the law, and took him into custody.
Yes, this may seem unfair, and that the law was enforced as a double standard on the hentai genre, but the POINT IS that the man BROKE THE LAW, and it's HIS FAULT.

1. Man goes to another country.
2. Man breaks law in this country.
3. Man thinks law is bullshit.
4. Man goes to jail anyways.

MORAL: It does not matter if the law is absolute bullshit, by your standards, or the entire world's standards. You broke their law, you're in their country, you go to jail.
vashtrgn6 wrote...
unpronounceable wrote...
vashtrgn6 wrote...
Flaser wrote...
vashtrgn6 wrote...
It's like that in a lot of countries... You really shouldn't be surprised you know. Even if it is just "lines on paper," it's still pornographic material depicting minors and is treated as such. Instead of complaining about it and assuming that it's a double standard on hentai content, maybe you should consider the possibility that other cultures (yes other cultures exist within humanity besides our own) frown upon child pornography and will take legal action against it, and that they have every right to do so. In addition, it's our responsibility as mature adults to respect their laws and customs as well.

The same way said societies respect my own customs? The same way they respect the laws of my country? You're either a very deluded liberal who got into his head that toleration means unthinking acceptance of all customs or one of those statetist assholes who believes that authority can't be unjust as long as its "lawful" or "legitimate".

...which is all bullshit.

There are objective standards to morality and law - which is a tool for society to enforce morality - and not all customs and laws pass these. Objective morality is based on reason, belief doesn't enter into it.

Customs & laws based on mere tradition without any inherent, objective morality to it is unjust... and even if such things may fit one group or nation, don't necessarily fit me or my nation. We don't live in the same place after all, and we're not the same. saying that I should be complicit with all laws & custom because it's the "right" thing to do is not only stupid, but inherently arrogant. One should follow said laws, because not following them could lend one in great trouble... and the risqué waaay outweighs the nuisance you have to put up with... if this is not the case you'd better not go to that place anyway. This isn't prudence or good manners. This is just common sense - not pissing into the wind.

I don't say one should only follow laws one agrees with, most laws were made for a reason - usually to protect people from harm. However for hentai I can't bring *any* objective reason that it'd hurt anyone. Minors weren't involved in its creation. If demand rises, minors won't be harmed if more is produced.

...whereas banning hentai creates a precedent for curtailing freedom of speech, which is *very* dangerous. If you create "forbidden" modes or topics of speech you invite other special interest groups to push their definition onto others.

It has absolutely nothing to do with morals, freedom, or justice. Other countries do whatever they want, and whoever decides to go there is subject to their laws. Why do you think China is still communist, and North Korea even exists? How about you go shove your videos and moral theory in Kim Jong Il's face and see what happens.

This thread is about Canada arresting a man entering their country with loli manga, so I'll get to the point. Canada may promote freedom of speech as well, but it's up to them to interpret "freedom of speech" however they want to. If you disagree, take it up in court there, or stay out.

"The same way said societies respect my own customs? The same way they respect the laws of my country? You're either a very deluded liberal who got into his head that toleration means unthinking acceptance of all customs or one of those statetist assholes who believes that authority can't be unjust as long as its 'lawful' or 'legitimate'"

This paragraph shows just how ridiculously deluded and immature you are. Seriously, you're ignorance disgusts me. A country's laws reign supreme in it's boundaries, regardless of what you think, unless you plan on heading over there with the intention of starting a war.

Did you know that recently, U.S. hikers who entered Iran taking scenic pictures were convicted of "spying" and sentenced to 8 years in prison? The suspects have no prior suspicious activity, and are seemingly innocent. Presumably, they were arrested because of the political disagreement between the U.S. and Iran. Even so, the U.S. can't do a single thing about it, aside from sending it's troops over there and forcibly taking the hikers back. This is the reality of world politics. Grow up and open your eyes, and quit shoving your misguided sense of righteousness in everyone's face.

Morality isn't subjective. Just because another culture thinks its wrong, doesn't mean it's wrong.
Did you even read Flaser's post?

Saying that laws have nothing to do with "morals, freedom, or justice"?
Wow. Just wow.
There's a reason it's called the justice system.

We're saying a double standard exists because it does.
You can buy paintings of a similar nature and nobody will question your motives.
That's called a double standard.

Really your post is entirely devoid of logic.
I don't see your point here at all. What are you actually trying to say?
We're debating the morality of jailing people for having hentai, not the flexibility of the law.
Yes we know there is often nothing we can do about it.

Just because it exists in law does not make it just.
And you know what? It may be our responsibility as mature adults to ensure that we follow laws, but its equally important to ensure that laws are based on objective morality, not stupid uneducated opinions.

It should be worth mentioning that I am a Canadian.

You obviously didn't read anything I said. My point is not even remotely close to what you said it was. you both seem to think that I'm saying that morality has nothing to do with laws, which is not what what I said even once.


I do believe in basic freedoms such as those laid out in the bill of rights, and the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights. I believe that laws should be justified with sound reasoning and morality.


I am NOT ARGUING ABOUT WHETHER THE LAW IS MORAL OR IMMORAL. I AM arguing that a country's SOVEREIGNTY gives it the right to enforce its laws however it pleases, regardless of what you and I may think.


This means that if you go to another country, you are ACKNOWLEDGING that you will ABIDE by ALL their laws, REGARDLESS of whether or not you think they are fair.


Thus, the authorities enforced the law, and took him into custody.
Yes, this may seem unfair, and that the law was enforced as a double standard on the hentai genre, but the POINT IS that the man BROKE THE LAW, and it's HIS FAULT.

1. Man goes to another country.
2. Man breaks law in this country.
3. Man thinks law is bullshit.
4. Man goes to jail anyways.

MORAL: It does not matter if the law is absolute bullshit, by your standards, or the entire world's standards. You broke their law, you're in their country, you go to jail.

No shit, sherlock.
Laws are enforceable.

We never said we could dodge the consequences of the law.
We are discussing the morality of the law.
You completely missed the point of the thread, dipshit.
Now shut up unless you're actually going to discuss the issue at hand.
unpronounceable wrote...
vashtrgn6 wrote...
unpronounceable wrote...
vashtrgn6 wrote...
Flaser wrote...
vashtrgn6 wrote...
It's like that in a lot of countries... You really shouldn't be surprised you know. Even if it is just "lines on paper," it's still pornographic material depicting minors and is treated as such. Instead of complaining about it and assuming that it's a double standard on hentai content, maybe you should consider the possibility that other cultures (yes other cultures exist within humanity besides our own) frown upon child pornography and will take legal action against it, and that they have every right to do so. In addition, it's our responsibility as mature adults to respect their laws and customs as well.

The same way said societies respect my own customs? The same way they respect the laws of my country? You're either a very deluded liberal who got into his head that toleration means unthinking acceptance of all customs or one of those statetist assholes who believes that authority can't be unjust as long as its "lawful" or "legitimate".

...which is all bullshit.

There are objective standards to morality and law - which is a tool for society to enforce morality - and not all customs and laws pass these. Objective morality is based on reason, belief doesn't enter into it.

Customs & laws based on mere tradition without any inherent, objective morality to it is unjust... and even if such things may fit one group or nation, don't necessarily fit me or my nation. We don't live in the same place after all, and we're not the same. saying that I should be complicit with all laws & custom because it's the "right" thing to do is not only stupid, but inherently arrogant. One should follow said laws, because not following them could lend one in great trouble... and the risqué waaay outweighs the nuisance you have to put up with... if this is not the case you'd better not go to that place anyway. This isn't prudence or good manners. This is just common sense - not pissing into the wind.

I don't say one should only follow laws one agrees with, most laws were made for a reason - usually to protect people from harm. However for hentai I can't bring *any* objective reason that it'd hurt anyone. Minors weren't involved in its creation. If demand rises, minors won't be harmed if more is produced.

...whereas banning hentai creates a precedent for curtailing freedom of speech, which is *very* dangerous. If you create "forbidden" modes or topics of speech you invite other special interest groups to push their definition onto others.

It has absolutely nothing to do with morals, freedom, or justice. Other countries do whatever they want, and whoever decides to go there is subject to their laws. Why do you think China is still communist, and North Korea even exists? How about you go shove your videos and moral theory in Kim Jong Il's face and see what happens.

This thread is about Canada arresting a man entering their country with loli manga, so I'll get to the point. Canada may promote freedom of speech as well, but it's up to them to interpret "freedom of speech" however they want to. If you disagree, take it up in court there, or stay out.

"The same way said societies respect my own customs? The same way they respect the laws of my country? You're either a very deluded liberal who got into his head that toleration means unthinking acceptance of all customs or one of those statetist assholes who believes that authority can't be unjust as long as its 'lawful' or 'legitimate'"

This paragraph shows just how ridiculously deluded and immature you are. Seriously, you're ignorance disgusts me. A country's laws reign supreme in it's boundaries, regardless of what you think, unless you plan on heading over there with the intention of starting a war.

Did you know that recently, U.S. hikers who entered Iran taking scenic pictures were convicted of "spying" and sentenced to 8 years in prison? The suspects have no prior suspicious activity, and are seemingly innocent. Presumably, they were arrested because of the political disagreement between the U.S. and Iran. Even so, the U.S. can't do a single thing about it, aside from sending it's troops over there and forcibly taking the hikers back. This is the reality of world politics. Grow up and open your eyes, and quit shoving your misguided sense of righteousness in everyone's face.

Morality isn't subjective. Just because another culture thinks its wrong, doesn't mean it's wrong.
Did you even read Flaser's post?

Saying that laws have nothing to do with "morals, freedom, or justice"?
Wow. Just wow.
There's a reason it's called the justice system.

We're saying a double standard exists because it does.
You can buy paintings of a similar nature and nobody will question your motives.
That's called a double standard.

Really your post is entirely devoid of logic.
I don't see your point here at all. What are you actually trying to say?
We're debating the morality of jailing people for having hentai, not the flexibility of the law.
Yes we know there is often nothing we can do about it.

Just because it exists in law does not make it just.
And you know what? It may be our responsibility as mature adults to ensure that we follow laws, but its equally important to ensure that laws are based on objective morality, not stupid uneducated opinions.

It should be worth mentioning that I am a Canadian.

You obviously didn't read anything I said. My point is not even remotely close to what you said it was. you both seem to think that I'm saying that morality has nothing to do with laws, which is not what what I said even once.


I do believe in basic freedoms such as those laid out in the bill of rights, and the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights. I believe that laws should be justified with sound reasoning and morality.


I am NOT ARGUING ABOUT WHETHER THE LAW IS MORAL OR IMMORAL. I AM arguing that a country's SOVEREIGNTY gives it the right to enforce its laws however it pleases, regardless of what you and I may think.


This means that if you go to another country, you are ACKNOWLEDGING that you will ABIDE by ALL their laws, REGARDLESS of whether or not you think they are fair.


Thus, the authorities enforced the law, and took him into custody.
Yes, this may seem unfair, and that the law was enforced as a double standard on the hentai genre, but the POINT IS that the man BROKE THE LAW, and it's HIS FAULT.

1. Man goes to another country.
2. Man breaks law in this country.
3. Man thinks law is bullshit.
4. Man goes to jail anyways.

MORAL: It does not matter if the law is absolute bullshit, by your standards, or the entire world's standards. You broke their law, you're in their country, you go to jail.

No shit, sherlock.
Laws are enforceable.

We never said we could dodge the consequences of the law.
We are discussing the morality of the law.
You completely missed the point of the thread, dipshit.
Now shut up unless you're actually going to discuss the issue at hand.

1. "No shit, sherlock?" "Dipshit?" You're like a 12 year old. I might've disagreed with you, but I never insulted you with flimsy little gradeschooler insults. Grow up.

2. You misunderstood my post to begin with, and started flaming me on your own, i.e. YOU STARTED IT. Now when you understand what I was actually saying, you're getting all defensive.

3. You said verbatim, "So, Fakku, your thoughts?" I posted my thoughts on the issue. If you had said, "Do you think it's morally right for the child pornography law to be enforced on loli hentai, which doesn't involve the harming of children?"
It would have been an entirely different story.

4. Go ahead and respond with more cuss words and insults. You'll just prove my point. (and make me laugh)
vashtrgn6 wrote...
unpronounceable wrote...
vashtrgn6 wrote...
unpronounceable wrote...
vashtrgn6 wrote...
Flaser wrote...
vashtrgn6 wrote...
It's like that in a lot of countries... You really shouldn't be surprised you know. Even if it is just "lines on paper," it's still pornographic material depicting minors and is treated as such. Instead of complaining about it and assuming that it's a double standard on hentai content, maybe you should consider the possibility that other cultures (yes other cultures exist within humanity besides our own) frown upon child pornography and will take legal action against it, and that they have every right to do so. In addition, it's our responsibility as mature adults to respect their laws and customs as well.

The same way said societies respect my own customs? The same way they respect the laws of my country? You're either a very deluded liberal who got into his head that toleration means unthinking acceptance of all customs or one of those statetist assholes who believes that authority can't be unjust as long as its "lawful" or "legitimate".

...which is all bullshit.

There are objective standards to morality and law - which is a tool for society to enforce morality - and not all customs and laws pass these. Objective morality is based on reason, belief doesn't enter into it.

Customs & laws based on mere tradition without any inherent, objective morality to it is unjust... and even if such things may fit one group or nation, don't necessarily fit me or my nation. We don't live in the same place after all, and we're not the same. saying that I should be complicit with all laws & custom because it's the "right" thing to do is not only stupid, but inherently arrogant. One should follow said laws, because not following them could lend one in great trouble... and the risqué waaay outweighs the nuisance you have to put up with... if this is not the case you'd better not go to that place anyway. This isn't prudence or good manners. This is just common sense - not pissing into the wind.

I don't say one should only follow laws one agrees with, most laws were made for a reason - usually to protect people from harm. However for hentai I can't bring *any* objective reason that it'd hurt anyone. Minors weren't involved in its creation. If demand rises, minors won't be harmed if more is produced.

...whereas banning hentai creates a precedent for curtailing freedom of speech, which is *very* dangerous. If you create "forbidden" modes or topics of speech you invite other special interest groups to push their definition onto others.

It has absolutely nothing to do with morals, freedom, or justice. Other countries do whatever they want, and whoever decides to go there is subject to their laws. Why do you think China is still communist, and North Korea even exists? How about you go shove your videos and moral theory in Kim Jong Il's face and see what happens.

This thread is about Canada arresting a man entering their country with loli manga, so I'll get to the point. Canada may promote freedom of speech as well, but it's up to them to interpret "freedom of speech" however they want to. If you disagree, take it up in court there, or stay out.

"The same way said societies respect my own customs? The same way they respect the laws of my country? You're either a very deluded liberal who got into his head that toleration means unthinking acceptance of all customs or one of those statetist assholes who believes that authority can't be unjust as long as its 'lawful' or 'legitimate'"

This paragraph shows just how ridiculously deluded and immature you are. Seriously, you're ignorance disgusts me. A country's laws reign supreme in it's boundaries, regardless of what you think, unless you plan on heading over there with the intention of starting a war.

Did you know that recently, U.S. hikers who entered Iran taking scenic pictures were convicted of "spying" and sentenced to 8 years in prison? The suspects have no prior suspicious activity, and are seemingly innocent. Presumably, they were arrested because of the political disagreement between the U.S. and Iran. Even so, the U.S. can't do a single thing about it, aside from sending it's troops over there and forcibly taking the hikers back. This is the reality of world politics. Grow up and open your eyes, and quit shoving your misguided sense of righteousness in everyone's face.

Morality isn't subjective. Just because another culture thinks its wrong, doesn't mean it's wrong.
Did you even read Flaser's post?

Saying that laws have nothing to do with "morals, freedom, or justice"?
Wow. Just wow.
There's a reason it's called the justice system.

We're saying a double standard exists because it does.
You can buy paintings of a similar nature and nobody will question your motives.
That's called a double standard.

Really your post is entirely devoid of logic.
I don't see your point here at all. What are you actually trying to say?
We're debating the morality of jailing people for having hentai, not the flexibility of the law.
Yes we know there is often nothing we can do about it.

Just because it exists in law does not make it just.
And you know what? It may be our responsibility as mature adults to ensure that we follow laws, but its equally important to ensure that laws are based on objective morality, not stupid uneducated opinions.

It should be worth mentioning that I am a Canadian.

You obviously didn't read anything I said. My point is not even remotely close to what you said it was. you both seem to think that I'm saying that morality has nothing to do with laws, which is not what what I said even once.


I do believe in basic freedoms such as those laid out in the bill of rights, and the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights. I believe that laws should be justified with sound reasoning and morality.


I am NOT ARGUING ABOUT WHETHER THE LAW IS MORAL OR IMMORAL. I AM arguing that a country's SOVEREIGNTY gives it the right to enforce its laws however it pleases, regardless of what you and I may think.


This means that if you go to another country, you are ACKNOWLEDGING that you will ABIDE by ALL their laws, REGARDLESS of whether or not you think they are fair.


Thus, the authorities enforced the law, and took him into custody.
Yes, this may seem unfair, and that the law was enforced as a double standard on the hentai genre, but the POINT IS that the man BROKE THE LAW, and it's HIS FAULT.

1. Man goes to another country.
2. Man breaks law in this country.
3. Man thinks law is bullshit.
4. Man goes to jail anyways.

MORAL: It does not matter if the law is absolute bullshit, by your standards, or the entire world's standards. You broke their law, you're in their country, you go to jail.

No shit, sherlock.
Laws are enforceable.

We never said we could dodge the consequences of the law.
We are discussing the morality of the law.
You completely missed the point of the thread, dipshit.
Now shut up unless you're actually going to discuss the issue at hand.

1. "No shit, sherlock?" "Dipshit?" You're like a 12 year old. I might've disagreed with you, but I never insulted you with flimsy little gradeschooler insults. Grow up.

2. You misunderstood my post to begin with, and started flaming me on your own, i.e. YOU STARTED IT. Now when you understand what I was actually saying, you're getting all defensive.

3. You said verbatim, "So, Fakku, your thoughts?" I posted my thoughts on the issue. If you had said, "Do you think it's morally right for the child pornography law to be enforced on loli hentai, which doesn't involve the harming of children?"
It would have been an entirely different story.

4. Go ahead and respond with more cuss words and insults. You'll just prove my point. (and make me laugh)

Haha. Wow. Just stop.
You're just mad you misunderstood the original post and acted like a moron.
Get off your goddamn high horse. You were accusing others of being "deluded", "immature", "disgusting", and illiterate and you think I'm the 12 year old?

Notice that everyone else knew exactly what I was talking about.
You were the only one who failed to understand the plainly written original post.
Don't blame the poster for your own inability to understand simple messages.

Now please, get the fuck out of my thread.
unpronounceable wrote...
vashtrgn6 wrote...
unpronounceable wrote...
vashtrgn6 wrote...
unpronounceable wrote...
vashtrgn6 wrote...
Flaser wrote...
vashtrgn6 wrote...
It's like that in a lot of countries... You really shouldn't be surprised you know. Even if it is just "lines on paper," it's still pornographic material depicting minors and is treated as such. Instead of complaining about it and assuming that it's a double standard on hentai content, maybe you should consider the possibility that other cultures (yes other cultures exist within humanity besides our own) frown upon child pornography and will take legal action against it, and that they have every right to do so. In addition, it's our responsibility as mature adults to respect their laws and customs as well.

The same way said societies respect my own customs? The same way they respect the laws of my country? You're either a very deluded liberal who got into his head that toleration means unthinking acceptance of all customs or one of those statetist assholes who believes that authority can't be unjust as long as its "lawful" or "legitimate".

...which is all bullshit.

There are objective standards to morality and law - which is a tool for society to enforce morality - and not all customs and laws pass these. Objective morality is based on reason, belief doesn't enter into it.

Customs & laws based on mere tradition without any inherent, objective morality to it is unjust... and even if such things may fit one group or nation, don't necessarily fit me or my nation. We don't live in the same place after all, and we're not the same. saying that I should be complicit with all laws & custom because it's the "right" thing to do is not only stupid, but inherently arrogant. One should follow said laws, because not following them could lend one in great trouble... and the risqué waaay outweighs the nuisance you have to put up with... if this is not the case you'd better not go to that place anyway. This isn't prudence or good manners. This is just common sense - not pissing into the wind.

I don't say one should only follow laws one agrees with, most laws were made for a reason - usually to protect people from harm. However for hentai I can't bring *any* objective reason that it'd hurt anyone. Minors weren't involved in its creation. If demand rises, minors won't be harmed if more is produced.

...whereas banning hentai creates a precedent for curtailing freedom of speech, which is *very* dangerous. If you create "forbidden" modes or topics of speech you invite other special interest groups to push their definition onto others.

It has absolutely nothing to do with morals, freedom, or justice. Other countries do whatever they want, and whoever decides to go there is subject to their laws. Why do you think China is still communist, and North Korea even exists? How about you go shove your videos and moral theory in Kim Jong Il's face and see what happens.

This thread is about Canada arresting a man entering their country with loli manga, so I'll get to the point. Canada may promote freedom of speech as well, but it's up to them to interpret "freedom of speech" however they want to. If you disagree, take it up in court there, or stay out.

"The same way said societies respect my own customs? The same way they respect the laws of my country? You're either a very deluded liberal who got into his head that toleration means unthinking acceptance of all customs or one of those statetist assholes who believes that authority can't be unjust as long as its 'lawful' or 'legitimate'"

This paragraph shows just how ridiculously deluded and immature you are. Seriously, you're ignorance disgusts me. A country's laws reign supreme in it's boundaries, regardless of what you think, unless you plan on heading over there with the intention of starting a war.

Did you know that recently, U.S. hikers who entered Iran taking scenic pictures were convicted of "spying" and sentenced to 8 years in prison? The suspects have no prior suspicious activity, and are seemingly innocent. Presumably, they were arrested because of the political disagreement between the U.S. and Iran. Even so, the U.S. can't do a single thing about it, aside from sending it's troops over there and forcibly taking the hikers back. This is the reality of world politics. Grow up and open your eyes, and quit shoving your misguided sense of righteousness in everyone's face.

Morality isn't subjective. Just because another culture thinks its wrong, doesn't mean it's wrong.
Did you even read Flaser's post?

Saying that laws have nothing to do with "morals, freedom, or justice"?
Wow. Just wow.
There's a reason it's called the justice system.

We're saying a double standard exists because it does.
You can buy paintings of a similar nature and nobody will question your motives.
That's called a double standard.

Really your post is entirely devoid of logic.
I don't see your point here at all. What are you actually trying to say?
We're debating the morality of jailing people for having hentai, not the flexibility of the law.
Yes we know there is often nothing we can do about it.

Just because it exists in law does not make it just.
And you know what? It may be our responsibility as mature adults to ensure that we follow laws, but its equally important to ensure that laws are based on objective morality, not stupid uneducated opinions.

It should be worth mentioning that I am a Canadian.

You obviously didn't read anything I said. My point is not even remotely close to what you said it was. you both seem to think that I'm saying that morality has nothing to do with laws, which is not what what I said even once.


I do believe in basic freedoms such as those laid out in the bill of rights, and the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights. I believe that laws should be justified with sound reasoning and morality.


I am NOT ARGUING ABOUT WHETHER THE LAW IS MORAL OR IMMORAL. I AM arguing that a country's SOVEREIGNTY gives it the right to enforce its laws however it pleases, regardless of what you and I may think.


This means that if you go to another country, you are ACKNOWLEDGING that you will ABIDE by ALL their laws, REGARDLESS of whether or not you think they are fair.


Thus, the authorities enforced the law, and took him into custody.
Yes, this may seem unfair, and that the law was enforced as a double standard on the hentai genre, but the POINT IS that the man BROKE THE LAW, and it's HIS FAULT.

1. Man goes to another country.
2. Man breaks law in this country.
3. Man thinks law is bullshit.
4. Man goes to jail anyways.

MORAL: It does not matter if the law is absolute bullshit, by your standards, or the entire world's standards. You broke their law, you're in their country, you go to jail.

No shit, sherlock.
Laws are enforceable.

We never said we could dodge the consequences of the law.
We are discussing the morality of the law.
You completely missed the point of the thread, dipshit.
Now shut up unless you're actually going to discuss the issue at hand.

1. "No shit, sherlock?" "Dipshit?" You're like a 12 year old. I might've disagreed with you, but I never insulted you with flimsy little gradeschooler insults. Grow up.

2. You misunderstood my post to begin with, and started flaming me on your own, i.e. YOU STARTED IT. Now when you understand what I was actually saying, you're getting all defensive.

3. You said verbatim, "So, Fakku, your thoughts?" I posted my thoughts on the issue. If you had said, "Do you think it's morally right for the child pornography law to be enforced on loli hentai, which doesn't involve the harming of children?"
It would have been an entirely different story.

4. Go ahead and respond with more cuss words and insults. You'll just prove my point. (and make me laugh)

Haha. Wow. Just stop.
You're just mad you misunderstood the original post and acted like a moron.
Get off your goddamn high horse. You were accusing others of being "deluded", "immature", "disgusting", and illiterate and you think I'm the 12 year old?

Notice that everyone else knew exactly what I was talking about.
You were the only one who failed to understand the plainly written original post.
Don't blame the poster for your own inability to understand simple messages.

Now please, get the fuck out of my thread.

Using words like "goddamn, dipshit, and fuck" to sound like a tough guy? Thanks, you just proved my point. If you didn't know, those words I used to call other people out are real words, you know, ones that you'll find in a published dictionary.

By the way, not all of the posts on this thread pertain to morality either. Many of them discuss the legality of the arrest as well, so perhaps you should go flame them too.

Anyways, there's no point in posting here anymore because we're obviously not having a "Serious Discussion" anymore. I'm going to be the better man and bow out, so go ahead and call it your victory, if you'd like.
Hm ok if it seems like I jumped the last few Replys, its not that.
I found them very informative and entertaining, but think its a personal issue between these two.
So I'll just post my oppinion:
-Is it right the man was arrested:
Yes. He didn't abide the law (even if he might not knew it) and got punished.

-Is the law morally correct:
Hard to say. The point of these laws is, that Loli Hentai might inspire child rape. We'll it might, but on how many of the readers? 0,01%? I suppose even less.
If you argue like that, you can also say that animal shows, where they show the act of mating are inspiring people to rape their dog.
oO seriously
These madmen who actually do these things, are bound to get in conflict with the law in some point of their lives either way.
So it is not really fair to accuse the 99,99% rest of might sharing the same interest as these ... we'll lets call them people whatever they might be.
But I think its understandable:
-If you were a parent, you would like to have everything banned that even might have the slightest chance to invoke the urge to rape your child in somebody!
Is it ok to compare 1 raped chield with 10000 or even more people who get discriminated because of that?
I really don't know...

You might think this reply was a complete waste of my and your time, but I just wanted to make my point ^^

Greetings, Shishamaru.
vashtrgn6 wrote...
unpronounceable wrote...
vashtrgn6 wrote...
unpronounceable wrote...
vashtrgn6 wrote...
unpronounceable wrote...
vashtrgn6 wrote...
Flaser wrote...
vashtrgn6 wrote...
It's like that in a lot of countries... You really shouldn't be surprised you know. Even if it is just "lines on paper," it's still pornographic material depicting minors and is treated as such. Instead of complaining about it and assuming that it's a double standard on hentai content, maybe you should consider the possibility that other cultures (yes other cultures exist within humanity besides our own) frown upon child pornography and will take legal action against it, and that they have every right to do so. In addition, it's our responsibility as mature adults to respect their laws and customs as well.

The same way said societies respect my own customs? The same way they respect the laws of my country? You're either a very deluded liberal who got into his head that toleration means unthinking acceptance of all customs or one of those statetist assholes who believes that authority can't be unjust as long as its "lawful" or "legitimate".

...which is all bullshit.

There are objective standards to morality and law - which is a tool for society to enforce morality - and not all customs and laws pass these. Objective morality is based on reason, belief doesn't enter into it.

Customs & laws based on mere tradition without any inherent, objective morality to it is unjust... and even if such things may fit one group or nation, don't necessarily fit me or my nation. We don't live in the same place after all, and we're not the same. saying that I should be complicit with all laws & custom because it's the "right" thing to do is not only stupid, but inherently arrogant. One should follow said laws, because not following them could lend one in great trouble... and the risqué waaay outweighs the nuisance you have to put up with... if this is not the case you'd better not go to that place anyway. This isn't prudence or good manners. This is just common sense - not pissing into the wind.

I don't say one should only follow laws one agrees with, most laws were made for a reason - usually to protect people from harm. However for hentai I can't bring *any* objective reason that it'd hurt anyone. Minors weren't involved in its creation. If demand rises, minors won't be harmed if more is produced.

...whereas banning hentai creates a precedent for curtailing freedom of speech, which is *very* dangerous. If you create "forbidden" modes or topics of speech you invite other special interest groups to push their definition onto others.

It has absolutely nothing to do with morals, freedom, or justice. Other countries do whatever they want, and whoever decides to go there is subject to their laws. Why do you think China is still communist, and North Korea even exists? How about you go shove your videos and moral theory in Kim Jong Il's face and see what happens.

This thread is about Canada arresting a man entering their country with loli manga, so I'll get to the point. Canada may promote freedom of speech as well, but it's up to them to interpret "freedom of speech" however they want to. If you disagree, take it up in court there, or stay out.

"The same way said societies respect my own customs? The same way they respect the laws of my country? You're either a very deluded liberal who got into his head that toleration means unthinking acceptance of all customs or one of those statetist assholes who believes that authority can't be unjust as long as its 'lawful' or 'legitimate'"

This paragraph shows just how ridiculously deluded and immature you are. Seriously, you're ignorance disgusts me. A country's laws reign supreme in it's boundaries, regardless of what you think, unless you plan on heading over there with the intention of starting a war.

Did you know that recently, U.S. hikers who entered Iran taking scenic pictures were convicted of "spying" and sentenced to 8 years in prison? The suspects have no prior suspicious activity, and are seemingly innocent. Presumably, they were arrested because of the political disagreement between the U.S. and Iran. Even so, the U.S. can't do a single thing about it, aside from sending it's troops over there and forcibly taking the hikers back. This is the reality of world politics. Grow up and open your eyes, and quit shoving your misguided sense of righteousness in everyone's face.

Morality isn't subjective. Just because another culture thinks its wrong, doesn't mean it's wrong.
Did you even read Flaser's post?

Saying that laws have nothing to do with "morals, freedom, or justice"?
Wow. Just wow.
There's a reason it's called the justice system.

We're saying a double standard exists because it does.
You can buy paintings of a similar nature and nobody will question your motives.
That's called a double standard.

Really your post is entirely devoid of logic.
I don't see your point here at all. What are you actually trying to say?
We're debating the morality of jailing people for having hentai, not the flexibility of the law.
Yes we know there is often nothing we can do about it.

Just because it exists in law does not make it just.
And you know what? It may be our responsibility as mature adults to ensure that we follow laws, but its equally important to ensure that laws are based on objective morality, not stupid uneducated opinions.

It should be worth mentioning that I am a Canadian.

You obviously didn't read anything I said. My point is not even remotely close to what you said it was. you both seem to think that I'm saying that morality has nothing to do with laws, which is not what what I said even once.


I do believe in basic freedoms such as those laid out in the bill of rights, and the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights. I believe that laws should be justified with sound reasoning and morality.


I am NOT ARGUING ABOUT WHETHER THE LAW IS MORAL OR IMMORAL. I AM arguing that a country's SOVEREIGNTY gives it the right to enforce its laws however it pleases, regardless of what you and I may think.


This means that if you go to another country, you are ACKNOWLEDGING that you will ABIDE by ALL their laws, REGARDLESS of whether or not you think they are fair.


Thus, the authorities enforced the law, and took him into custody.
Yes, this may seem unfair, and that the law was enforced as a double standard on the hentai genre, but the POINT IS that the man BROKE THE LAW, and it's HIS FAULT.

1. Man goes to another country.
2. Man breaks law in this country.
3. Man thinks law is bullshit.
4. Man goes to jail anyways.

MORAL: It does not matter if the law is absolute bullshit, by your standards, or the entire world's standards. You broke their law, you're in their country, you go to jail.

No shit, sherlock.
Laws are enforceable.

We never said we could dodge the consequences of the law.
We are discussing the morality of the law.
You completely missed the point of the thread, dipshit.
Now shut up unless you're actually going to discuss the issue at hand.

1. "No shit, sherlock?" "Dipshit?" You're like a 12 year old. I might've disagreed with you, but I never insulted you with flimsy little gradeschooler insults. Grow up.

2. You misunderstood my post to begin with, and started flaming me on your own, i.e. YOU STARTED IT. Now when you understand what I was actually saying, you're getting all defensive.

3. You said verbatim, "So, Fakku, your thoughts?" I posted my thoughts on the issue. If you had said, "Do you think it's morally right for the child pornography law to be enforced on loli hentai, which doesn't involve the harming of children?"
It would have been an entirely different story.

4. Go ahead and respond with more cuss words and insults. You'll just prove my point. (and make me laugh)

Haha. Wow. Just stop.
You're just mad you misunderstood the original post and acted like a moron.
Get off your goddamn high horse. You were accusing others of being "deluded", "immature", "disgusting", and illiterate and you think I'm the 12 year old?

Notice that everyone else knew exactly what I was talking about.
You were the only one who failed to understand the plainly written original post.
Don't blame the poster for your own inability to understand simple messages.

Now please, get the fuck out of my thread.

Using words like "goddamn, dipshit, and fuck" to sound like a tough guy? Thanks, you just proved my point. If you didn't know, those words I used to call other people out are real words, you know, ones that you'll find in a published dictionary.

By the way, not all of the posts on this thread pertain to morality either. Many of them discuss the legality of the arrest as well, so perhaps you should go flame them too.

Anyways, there's no point in posting here anymore because we're obviously not having a "Serious Discussion" anymore. I'm going to be the better man and bow out, so go ahead and call it your victory, if you'd like.

Cool story bro.
Glad to hear you're done with the personal attacks.
Let's actually get back to topic now.
Flaser OCD Hentai Collector
Shishamaru wrote...
Hm ok if it seems like I jumped the last few Replys, its not that.
I found them very informative and entertaining, but think its a personal issue between these two.
So I'll just post my oppinion:
-Is it right the man was arrested:
Yes. He didn't abide the law (even if he might not knew it) and got punished.

-Is the law morally correct:
Hard to say. The point of these laws is, that Loli Hentai might inspire child rape. We'll it might, but on how many of the readers? 0,01%? I suppose even less.
If you argue like that, you can also say that animal shows, where they show the act of mating are inspiring people to rape their dog.
oO seriously
These madmen who actually do these things, are bound to get in conflict with the law in some point of their lives either way.
So it is not really fair to accuse the 99,99% rest of might sharing the same interest as these ... we'll lets call them people whatever they might be.
But I think its understandable:
-If you were a parent, you would like to have everything banned that even might have the slightest chance to invoke the urge to rape your child in somebody!
Is it ok to compare 1 raped chield with 10000 or even more people who get discriminated because of that?
I really don't know...

You might think this reply was a complete waste of my and your time, but I just wanted to make my point ^^

Greetings, Shishamaru.

Except little Johny won't have the one-eyed rattle snake pushed into his rectum by a stranger... it'll likely be daddy himself, or mommy's deadbeat boyfriend. Beyond protecting the freedom of speech, my biggest complaint against the pedo witch hunt is that it does *NOTHING* to actually protect children. 90%+ of child molestation is done by close relatives or friends of relatives close enough to be considered family.

By focusing on "danger stranger" and painting the typical molester as "candy man" we're actually drawing a lot of resources away from the real cases, in essence allowing molesters to go on doing their act.

It's not pedophilia that has to be prosecuted, it's child molestation and things that lead to child molestation. A pedophile may be a sick, but as long as he's not acting on is urges he's no more guilty then the guy who fantasizes about offing their boss with a chainsaw. The bad stigmatization of a mental condition, does nothing for these people... and it certainly doesn't make them willing to seek medical help! I find it a typical American attitude that would rather try to enforce morals on everyone, rather then save people (...or children in this case). It's as if the country as a whole has subscribed to the notion of thought crime, where thinking about something equals actually doing something.

Current sex offender laws have turned this up to 11. People get on that list for indecent exposure or public urination... or dating a peer (so they were close in age) when they were a teenager and their partner was below the age of consent. All a vengeful parent has to do is cry "statutory rape!" and teen will be ruined for life. Teenagers may also end up on that list for taking pictures of themselves... so they end up a sex offender for having "violated" themselves! The ridiculously high age of consent statures in some states don't help either... yeah, an older man dating a teenager (15-17 y.o.) may be disgusting, but come 'on! It's a far cry from dating/having sex with a child!
Flaser wrote...
Shishamaru wrote...
Hm ok if it seems like I jumped the last few Replys, its not that.
I found them very informative and entertaining, but think its a personal issue between these two.
So I'll just post my oppinion:
-Is it right the man was arrested:
Yes. He didn't abide the law (even if he might not knew it) and got punished.

-Is the law morally correct:
Hard to say. The point of these laws is, that Loli Hentai might inspire child rape. We'll it might, but on how many of the readers? 0,01%? I suppose even less.
If you argue like that, you can also say that animal shows, where they show the act of mating are inspiring people to rape their dog.
oO seriously
These madmen who actually do these things, are bound to get in conflict with the law in some point of their lives either way.
So it is not really fair to accuse the 99,99% rest of might sharing the same interest as these ... we'll lets call them people whatever they might be.
But I think its understandable:
-If you were a parent, you would like to have everything banned that even might have the slightest chance to invoke the urge to rape your child in somebody!
Is it ok to compare 1 raped chield with 10000 or even more people who get discriminated because of that?
I really don't know...

You might think this reply was a complete waste of my and your time, but I just wanted to make my point ^^

Greetings, Shishamaru.

Except little Johny won't have the one-eyed rattle snake pushed into his rectum by a stranger... it'll likely be daddy himself, or mommy's deadbeat boyfriend. Beyond protecting the freedom of speech, my biggest complaint against the pedo witch hunt is that it does *NOTHING* to actually protect children. 90%+ of child molestation is done by close relatives or friends of relatives close enough to be considered family.

By focusing on "danger stranger" and painting the typical molester as "candy man" we're actually drawing a lot of resources away from the real cases, in essence allowing molesters to go on doing their act.

It's not pedophilia that has to be prosecuted, it's child molestation and things that lead to child molestation. A pedophile may be a sick, but as long as he's not acting on is urges he's no more guilty then the guy who fantasizes about offing their boss with a chainsaw. The bad stigmatization of a mental condition, does nothing for these people... and it certainly doesn't make them willing to seek medical help! I find it a typical American attitude that would rather try to enforce morals on everyone, rather then save people (...or children in this case). It's as if the country as a whole has subscribed to the notion of thought crime, where thinking about something equals actually doing something.

Current sex offender laws have turned this up to 11. People get on that list for indecent exposure or public urination... or dating a peer (so they were close in age) when they were a teenager and their partner was below the age of consent. All a vengeful parent has to do is cry "statutory rape!" and teen will be ruined for life. Teenagers may also end up on that list for taking pictures of themselves... so they end up a sex offender for having "violated" themselves! The ridiculously high age of consent statures in some states don't help either... yeah, an older man dating a teenager (15-17 y.o.) may be disgusting, but come 'on! It's a far cry from dating/having sex with a child!

I live in America, and I can vouch for the majority of the middle class citizens that we belive laws such as those are total bull. It's mostly the government and uper class trying to control the norm of our daily lives. If one group doesn't like this one thing, they will make that act a black mark on your record for the rest of your life. It's stupid, but there's little we can do.
Flaser OCD Hentai Collector
dragonsheart967 wrote...
Flaser wrote...
Shishamaru wrote...
Hm ok if it seems like I jumped the last few Replys, its not that.
I found them very informative and entertaining, but think its a personal issue between these two.
So I'll just post my oppinion:
-Is it right the man was arrested:
Yes. He didn't abide the law (even if he might not knew it) and got punished.

-Is the law morally correct:
Hard to say. The point of these laws is, that Loli Hentai might inspire child rape. We'll it might, but on how many of the readers? 0,01%? I suppose even less.
If you argue like that, you can also say that animal shows, where they show the act of mating are inspiring people to rape their dog.
oO seriously
These madmen who actually do these things, are bound to get in conflict with the law in some point of their lives either way.
So it is not really fair to accuse the 99,99% rest of might sharing the same interest as these ... we'll lets call them people whatever they might be.
But I think its understandable:
-If you were a parent, you would like to have everything banned that even might have the slightest chance to invoke the urge to rape your child in somebody!
Is it ok to compare 1 raped chield with 10000 or even more people who get discriminated because of that?
I really don't know...

You might think this reply was a complete waste of my and your time, but I just wanted to make my point ^^

Greetings, Shishamaru.

Except little Johny won't have the one-eyed rattle snake pushed into his rectum by a stranger... it'll likely be daddy himself, or mommy's deadbeat boyfriend. Beyond protecting the freedom of speech, my biggest complaint against the pedo witch hunt is that it does *NOTHING* to actually protect children. 90%+ of child molestation is done by close relatives or friends of relatives close enough to be considered family.

By focusing on "danger stranger" and painting the typical molester as "candy man" we're actually drawing a lot of resources away from the real cases, in essence allowing molesters to go on doing their act.

It's not pedophilia that has to be prosecuted, it's child molestation and things that lead to child molestation. A pedophile may be a sick, but as long as he's not acting on is urges he's no more guilty then the guy who fantasizes about offing their boss with a chainsaw. The bad stigmatization of a mental condition, does nothing for these people... and it certainly doesn't make them willing to seek medical help! I find it a typical American attitude that would rather try to enforce morals on everyone, rather then save people (...or children in this case). It's as if the country as a whole has subscribed to the notion of thought crime, where thinking about something equals actually doing something.

Current sex offender laws have turned this up to 11. People get on that list for indecent exposure or public urination... or dating a peer (so they were close in age) when they were a teenager and their partner was below the age of consent. All a vengeful parent has to do is cry "statutory rape!" and teen will be ruined for life. Teenagers may also end up on that list for taking pictures of themselves... so they end up a sex offender for having "violated" themselves! The ridiculously high age of consent statures in some states don't help either... yeah, an older man dating a teenager (15-17 y.o.) may be disgusting, but come 'on! It's a far cry from dating/having sex with a child!

I live in America, and I can vouch for the majority of the middle class citizens that we belive laws such as those are total bull. It's mostly the government and uper class trying to control the norm of our daily lives. If one group doesn't like this one thing, they will make that act a black mark on your record for the rest of your life. It's stupid, but there's little we can do.

Your election system is screwed up. Because most states are dominated by one party or another getting elected is usually a matter of achieving Republican/Democrat nomination... so instead trying to build a platform with the most representation, candidates end up catering to the radical fringe of their own party. For the Republicans this also means the fundamentalist Christians, for the Democrats the Soccer Mom types.

...then you have lobbyists. Since you have elections every 2 years, the average senator spends more time touring for campaign contributions - as prime time TV / giant posters cost loads of money - then they do their job.

The natural result is that most politicians deliver their constituents to lobbyists and special interest groups (the aforementioned radical wings or pilot fish of the Dem/Rep parties).
Flaser wrote...
dragonsheart967 wrote...
Flaser wrote...
Shishamaru wrote...
Hm ok if it seems like I jumped the last few Replys, its not that.
I found them very informative and entertaining, but think its a personal issue between these two.
So I'll just post my oppinion:
-Is it right the man was arrested:
Yes. He didn't abide the law (even if he might not knew it) and got punished.

-Is the law morally correct:
Hard to say. The point of these laws is, that Loli Hentai might inspire child rape. We'll it might, but on how many of the readers? 0,01%? I suppose even less.
If you argue like that, you can also say that animal shows, where they show the act of mating are inspiring people to rape their dog.
oO seriously
These madmen who actually do these things, are bound to get in conflict with the law in some point of their lives either way.
So it is not really fair to accuse the 99,99% rest of might sharing the same interest as these ... we'll lets call them people whatever they might be.
But I think its understandable:
-If you were a parent, you would like to have everything banned that even might have the slightest chance to invoke the urge to rape your child in somebody!
Is it ok to compare 1 raped chield with 10000 or even more people who get discriminated because of that?
I really don't know...

You might think this reply was a complete waste of my and your time, but I just wanted to make my point ^^

Greetings, Shishamaru.

Except little Johny won't have the one-eyed rattle snake pushed into his rectum by a stranger... it'll likely be daddy himself, or mommy's deadbeat boyfriend. Beyond protecting the freedom of speech, my biggest complaint against the pedo witch hunt is that it does *NOTHING* to actually protect children. 90%+ of child molestation is done by close relatives or friends of relatives close enough to be considered family.

By focusing on "danger stranger" and painting the typical molester as "candy man" we're actually drawing a lot of resources away from the real cases, in essence allowing molesters to go on doing their act.

It's not pedophilia that has to be prosecuted, it's child molestation and things that lead to child molestation. A pedophile may be a sick, but as long as he's not acting on is urges he's no more guilty then the guy who fantasizes about offing their boss with a chainsaw. The bad stigmatization of a mental condition, does nothing for these people... and it certainly doesn't make them willing to seek medical help! I find it a typical American attitude that would rather try to enforce morals on everyone, rather then save people (...or children in this case). It's as if the country as a whole has subscribed to the notion of thought crime, where thinking about something equals actually doing something.

Current sex offender laws have turned this up to 11. People get on that list for indecent exposure or public urination... or dating a peer (so they were close in age) when they were a teenager and their partner was below the age of consent. All a vengeful parent has to do is cry "statutory rape!" and teen will be ruined for life. Teenagers may also end up on that list for taking pictures of themselves... so they end up a sex offender for having "violated" themselves! The ridiculously high age of consent statures in some states don't help either... yeah, an older man dating a teenager (15-17 y.o.) may be disgusting, but come 'on! It's a far cry from dating/having sex with a child!

I live in America, and I can vouch for the majority of the middle class citizens that we belive laws such as those are total bull. It's mostly the government and uper class trying to control the norm of our daily lives. If one group doesn't like this one thing, they will make that act a black mark on your record for the rest of your life. It's stupid, but there's little we can do.

Your election system is screwed up. Because most states are dominated by one party or another getting elected is usually a matter of achieving Republican/Democrat nomination... so instead trying to build a platform with the most representation, candidates end up catering to the radical fringe of their own party. For the Republicans this also means the fundamentalist Christians, for the Democrats the Soccer Mom types.

...then you have lobbyists. Since you have elections every 2 years, the average senator spends more time touring for campaign contributions - as prime time TV / giant posters cost loads of money - then they do their job.

The natural result is that most politicians deliver their constituents to lobbyists and special interest groups (the aforementioned radical wings or pilot fish of the Dem/Rep parties).

Funny thing, you have most of that right, except for the whole voting thing. When ever we are voting for a president, it's the electoral votes, which are vote from members of the house of representatives and the senate, are the ones that chooses the president, not the popular votes which are from the people. Literally, the government chooses for us. I just find it insane that we allow this.
Flaser OCD Hentai Collector
dragonsheart967 wrote...
Flaser wrote...
dragonsheart967 wrote...
Flaser wrote...
Shishamaru wrote...
Hm ok if it seems like I jumped the last few Replys, its not that.
I found them very informative and entertaining, but think its a personal issue between these two.
So I'll just post my oppinion:
-Is it right the man was arrested:
Yes. He didn't abide the law (even if he might not knew it) and got punished.

-Is the law morally correct:
Hard to say. The point of these laws is, that Loli Hentai might inspire child rape. We'll it might, but on how many of the readers? 0,01%? I suppose even less.
If you argue like that, you can also say that animal shows, where they show the act of mating are inspiring people to rape their dog.
oO seriously
These madmen who actually do these things, are bound to get in conflict with the law in some point of their lives either way.
So it is not really fair to accuse the 99,99% rest of might sharing the same interest as these ... we'll lets call them people whatever they might be.
But I think its understandable:
-If you were a parent, you would like to have everything banned that even might have the slightest chance to invoke the urge to rape your child in somebody!
Is it ok to compare 1 raped chield with 10000 or even more people who get discriminated because of that?
I really don't know...

You might think this reply was a complete waste of my and your time, but I just wanted to make my point ^^

Greetings, Shishamaru.

Except little Johny won't have the one-eyed rattle snake pushed into his rectum by a stranger... it'll likely be daddy himself, or mommy's deadbeat boyfriend. Beyond protecting the freedom of speech, my biggest complaint against the pedo witch hunt is that it does *NOTHING* to actually protect children. 90%+ of child molestation is done by close relatives or friends of relatives close enough to be considered family.

By focusing on "danger stranger" and painting the typical molester as "candy man" we're actually drawing a lot of resources away from the real cases, in essence allowing molesters to go on doing their act.

It's not pedophilia that has to be prosecuted, it's child molestation and things that lead to child molestation. A pedophile may be a sick, but as long as he's not acting on is urges he's no more guilty then the guy who fantasizes about offing their boss with a chainsaw. The bad stigmatization of a mental condition, does nothing for these people... and it certainly doesn't make them willing to seek medical help! I find it a typical American attitude that would rather try to enforce morals on everyone, rather then save people (...or children in this case). It's as if the country as a whole has subscribed to the notion of thought crime, where thinking about something equals actually doing something.

Current sex offender laws have turned this up to 11. People get on that list for indecent exposure or public urination... or dating a peer (so they were close in age) when they were a teenager and their partner was below the age of consent. All a vengeful parent has to do is cry "statutory rape!" and teen will be ruined for life. Teenagers may also end up on that list for taking pictures of themselves... so they end up a sex offender for having "violated" themselves! The ridiculously high age of consent statures in some states don't help either... yeah, an older man dating a teenager (15-17 y.o.) may be disgusting, but come 'on! It's a far cry from dating/having sex with a child!

I live in America, and I can vouch for the majority of the middle class citizens that we belive laws such as those are total bull. It's mostly the government and uper class trying to control the norm of our daily lives. If one group doesn't like this one thing, they will make that act a black mark on your record for the rest of your life. It's stupid, but there's little we can do.

Your election system is screwed up. Because most states are dominated by one party or another getting elected is usually a matter of achieving Republican/Democrat nomination... so instead trying to build a platform with the most representation, candidates end up catering to the radical fringe of their own party. For the Republicans this also means the fundamentalist Christians, for the Democrats the Soccer Mom types.

...then you have lobbyists. Since you have elections every 2 years, the average senator spends more time touring for campaign contributions - as prime time TV / giant posters cost loads of money - then they do their job.

The natural result is that most politicians deliver their constituents to lobbyists and special interest groups (the aforementioned radical wings or pilot fish of the Dem/Rep parties).

Funny thing, you have most of that right, except for the whole voting thing. When ever we are voting for a president, it's the electoral votes, which are vote from members of the house of representatives and the senate, are the ones that chooses the president, not the popular votes which are from the people. Literally, the government chooses for us. I just find it insane that we allow this.

Umm... I was talking about the election of senators, not the presidential election (which is every 4 years). Though I mixed up the House of Representatives and the Senate. Both have elections every 2 years, however a senator has a 6 years term (...and 1/3 of the Senate gets elected every 2 years), while a representative only has 2.
Flaser wrote...
dragonsheart967 wrote...
Flaser wrote...
dragonsheart967 wrote...
Flaser wrote...
Shishamaru wrote...
Hm ok if it seems like I jumped the last few Replys, its not that.
I found them very informative and entertaining, but think its a personal issue between these two.
So I'll just post my oppinion:
-Is it right the man was arrested:
Yes. He didn't abide the law (even if he might not knew it) and got punished.

-Is the law morally correct:
Hard to say. The point of these laws is, that Loli Hentai might inspire child rape. We'll it might, but on how many of the readers? 0,01%? I suppose even less.
If you argue like that, you can also say that animal shows, where they show the act of mating are inspiring people to rape their dog.
oO seriously
These madmen who actually do these things, are bound to get in conflict with the law in some point of their lives either way.
So it is not really fair to accuse the 99,99% rest of might sharing the same interest as these ... we'll lets call them people whatever they might be.
But I think its understandable:
-If you were a parent, you would like to have everything banned that even might have the slightest chance to invoke the urge to rape your child in somebody!
Is it ok to compare 1 raped chield with 10000 or even more people who get discriminated because of that?
I really don't know...

You might think this reply was a complete waste of my and your time, but I just wanted to make my point ^^

Greetings, Shishamaru.

Except little Johny won't have the one-eyed rattle snake pushed into his rectum by a stranger... it'll likely be daddy himself, or mommy's deadbeat boyfriend. Beyond protecting the freedom of speech, my biggest complaint against the pedo witch hunt is that it does *NOTHING* to actually protect children. 90%+ of child molestation is done by close relatives or friends of relatives close enough to be considered family.

By focusing on "danger stranger" and painting the typical molester as "candy man" we're actually drawing a lot of resources away from the real cases, in essence allowing molesters to go on doing their act.

It's not pedophilia that has to be prosecuted, it's child molestation and things that lead to child molestation. A pedophile may be a sick, but as long as he's not acting on is urges he's no more guilty then the guy who fantasizes about offing their boss with a chainsaw. The bad stigmatization of a mental condition, does nothing for these people... and it certainly doesn't make them willing to seek medical help! I find it a typical American attitude that would rather try to enforce morals on everyone, rather then save people (...or children in this case). It's as if the country as a whole has subscribed to the notion of thought crime, where thinking about something equals actually doing something.

Current sex offender laws have turned this up to 11. People get on that list for indecent exposure or public urination... or dating a peer (so they were close in age) when they were a teenager and their partner was below the age of consent. All a vengeful parent has to do is cry "statutory rape!" and teen will be ruined for life. Teenagers may also end up on that list for taking pictures of themselves... so they end up a sex offender for having "violated" themselves! The ridiculously high age of consent statures in some states don't help either... yeah, an older man dating a teenager (15-17 y.o.) may be disgusting, but come 'on! It's a far cry from dating/having sex with a child!

I live in America, and I can vouch for the majority of the middle class citizens that we belive laws such as those are total bull. It's mostly the government and uper class trying to control the norm of our daily lives. If one group doesn't like this one thing, they will make that act a black mark on your record for the rest of your life. It's stupid, but there's little we can do.

Your election system is screwed up. Because most states are dominated by one party or another getting elected is usually a matter of achieving Republican/Democrat nomination... so instead trying to build a platform with the most representation, candidates end up catering to the radical fringe of their own party. For the Republicans this also means the fundamentalist Christians, for the Democrats the Soccer Mom types.

...then you have lobbyists. Since you have elections every 2 years, the average senator spends more time touring for campaign contributions - as prime time TV / giant posters cost loads of money - then they do their job.

The natural result is that most politicians deliver their constituents to lobbyists and special interest groups (the aforementioned radical wings or pilot fish of the Dem/Rep parties).

Funny thing, you have most of that right, except for the whole voting thing. When ever we are voting for a president, it's the electoral votes, which are vote from members of the house of representatives and the senate, are the ones that chooses the president, not the popular votes which are from the people. Literally, the government chooses for us. I just find it insane that we allow this.

Umm... I was talking about the election of senators, not the presidential election (which is every 4 years). Though I mixed up the House of Representatives and the Senate. Both have elections every 2 years, however a senator has a 6 years term (...and 1/3 of the Senate gets elected every 2 years), while a representative only has 2.

I don't know why they made it so bloody complicated.
He was released without any charges in 2012.
He's now a speaker for the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund.
This was the group who helped him.
So does anyone know the state loli law for Maryland.
If it was just regular manga, then it's stupid.
But we don't know the actual manga contents so we don't know what circumstances it was under.
I can understand if it had some sort of Loli depiction.
Naroku wrote...
So does anyone know the state loli law for Maryland.

Answer: As defined in 47 U.S.C. 2256:
"child pornography" means any visual depiction, including any photograph, film, video, picture, or computer or computer-generated image or picture, whether made or produced by electronic, mechanical, or other means, of sexually explicit conduct, where?
(A) the production of such visual depiction involves the use of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct;
(B) such visual depiction is, or appears to be, of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct;
(C) such visual depiction has been created, adapted, or modified to appear that an identifiable minor is engaging in sexually explicit conduct; or
(D) such visual depiction is advertised, promoted, presented, described, or distributed in such a manner that conveys the impression that the material is or contains a visual depiction of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct.

Many courts apply the so-called Dost test to determine if a given image is considered to be "lascivious" under the statute. United States v. Dost, 636 F. Supp. 828, 832 (S.D. Cal. 1986), aff'd sub nom., United States v. Wiegand, 812 F.2d 1239, 1244 (9th Cir. 1987) set forth a six factor test:
(1) whether the genitals or pubic area are the focal point of the image;
(2) whether the setting of the image is sexually suggestive (i.e., a location generally associated with sexual activity);
(3) whether the child is depicted in an unnatural pose or inappropriate attire considering her age;
(4) whether the child is fully or partially clothed, or nude;
(5) whether the image suggests sexual coyness or willingness to engage in sexual activity; and
(6) whether the image is intended or designed to elicit a sexual response in the viewer.
In certain occasions I would believe one can get arrested for reading any type of pornographic material including hentai if you are in a public place. Here in Utah especially.
In certain occasions I would believe one can get arrested for reading any type of pornographic material including hentai if you are in a public place. Here in Utah especially.
Until the west realizes that fictional entertainment such as comic books and fictional films, where no actual persons were used in their production are harmless the stupidity will continue. The laws were design to protect actual persons, not send people to prison based on a comic-book or cartoon they read. This complication was created in due part to Bush Whacker's law added to PA in 2003.

America in particular is more concern what fans or readers are reading in comics than actual criminals roaming around on the streets. Because this nation has a puritan problem which expands from church-influence in the laws, anything remotely sexual or nude is treated with a 10-foot pole. It's thought-police at it's best with knee-jerk reactions.

The problem however, not ONCE has hentai been given a fair look to where it is actually harmful or contributes to harm to it's readers. Comics are still being viewed and treated as if their all E-rated material or must abide by e-rated standards, which they are not. So the laws as of now are being mis-used until more people challenge the legitimacy of those laws besides the political correctness.

We need more adult comics, more freedom of expression, and to stop punishing people for their enjoyment of fictional entertainment based on misconstrued "morals". The laws are there to protect real people, not force religious obligations down others throats.
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