How often are you ill?

How often are you ill?

Total Votes : 4,977
I'm sick very often. It's mainly because I have a white blood cell deficiency.
I'm sick every few months. I'm actually sick right now. I use hentai to help cure me.
Well... my daily dose of fakku keeps me pretty healthy!
i rarely get sick, but when i do, I'm out for days to weeks
Define sick... Spewing sick? If spewing sick, like once or twice a year, if even that. If just getting a cold or the likes, every month or so. Currently have a cold, but I'm ignoring it, so it knows who is boss. It's pretty much being a little bitch, and knows it's place. I had tonsillitis last year, and nuked it with throat drops. It died pretty quickly.
I gg'd an ailment.
Maybe a couple times a year.

Health wise do alright, but there are always those times when things just catch up to you.
Not very often. When I was in school I said not often enough.
ehh i have a half assed surgery unfinished and i cant afford to get the 2nd one so i have constant infections n get sick quiet easy
Like Drifter brought up... I often have a slight cold or such and I also tend to ignore it. If that doesn't count, then from 2 to 4 times a year or so.
I only get sick once every few months.
I technically don't get sick. I mean, I can tell if I'm getting sick or becoming ill if that makes sense at all. xP
Other than that; I rarely get sick.
As a child, I got ear infections all the time. However, it's so rare that I get ill now that I don't remember what it feels like.
I'm usually pretty healthy, but "Once or twice per year" I get sick.
And boy, when I get sick, it really gets to me.
The "stay-in-bed-for-a-week-at-minimum" kind of sickness. It's usually a simple cold or a flu.
"Ill" being like the common cold? Once or twice a year. Ill as in vomiting and such, once every few years.
sick at the moment but i'm usually sick once a while every few months
I'll usually get sick around the fall season and spring season. I'm not allergic to anything so I really don't know what gets me sick...
Used to get sick until few years ago. Whenever autumn came, I'd get sick. Few days later I'd get better. But I'd get sick again. And it would repeat like that until the summmer.
But since 3 years ago when, I started dressing very lightly (used to wear thick coats, changed to T-shirt and hoodie, if it's called like that in English) through autumn and winter and getting used to cold temperates, I hadn't been ill.
I have the worst immune system. I don't get fevers, but I get colds that last for a week or more, sometimes worse. And I can't do anything about them except sleep. And I get them at least once a month. It's pretty horrible. D:
Every couple of years. I use to be really sickly when I was around 5-6. Enough to be hospitalized for 3 months. I guess god decided to give a break and give the common cold every couple of years.
I don't really get sick anymore, but there are one or two times of the year that i feel sicker than normal. But those times are usually no longer than a day or two.