FAKKU Version 4

I'm Liking this New Version Update 4 of FAKKU!! Kudos!! Live Long and Prosper Forum Image: http://strix.org.uk/stencil/img/1308928810-127869078279153351.jpg
Whoa...i don't go on fakku! for 2 week and so much has happened..wow...am never going to leave here again...T_T Thanks Jacob!!!!
Jacob, you sir are a God. I swear if they started an official religion for perverts you would be nominated as a saint!
You know, I've been around here since December 2007(made an account some months later) and has been coming here almost everyday ever since. Back then, finding even a hentai doujinshi took you to a paysite. Only a handful of doujins were free but the best ones were only available by a monthly subscription or whatever scheme those sites invented. In summary, to look for hentai in the internet was quite a hassle. I knew that there had to be a place on the net where I could enjoy all hentai material available for free. Imagine my surprise when I found this place when I was looking for nude pics of Cassandra from Soul Calibur. It was exactly what I was looking for. It was like a paradise for everything hentai. A place where people like me, after suffering for so long looking for their fix around the net, gathered and shared their hentai experiences freely with everyone. We had h-doujins, h-games, h-videos and all of those things for free, it was amazing.

For that, I thank you Jacob. You gave an oasis to those who thirsted for hentai and only relied on the scraps found out there. This place became like a second home to me. The thing about this place is that you come for the hentai and you stay for the community. After all this time, I never get tired of it. This has been the best community I've ever seen. Thanks again Jacob and the community for making this place as awesome as it is. Here's hoping for another 6 years more at least.
W.O.C183 always fapping
Always great to see my cognitive getaway being modified for the better of its community, may this good time last forever,my brethren!!
I immensely enjoy the change to the comments system.

Hopefully with this change we see a wider diversity of opinions on uploaded works, and don't see people with an unpopular one never getting a fair chance to air it out there.

The other changes all seem very solid as well, and the site already feels a lot better with them in place. I look forward to using the new and improved FAKKU!
Waar is back! All of humanity is doomed! IN A GOOD WAY~
Yay! For the return of download links.
Hello Jacob,I would like to thank you for all the work and time you have put into Fakku, not only to benefit yourself but also for the society grown in Fakku. From my soul to yours, may the reaper take my thanks.

(Replace "we're sorry" and "sorry" with "thank you")

Yead. One more change since I first visit Fakku.
This change is so great, more comfortable for someone who want to collect H-manga like me :D
Got an achievement telling me I've been on here for 4 years now. Doesn't feel like that long at all, but the site certainly has come along. May we fap together for all time.
Happy 6 years and beyond!
biribiri Handheld Railgun
Love every minute of using new version.
Congratulations Jacob and everyone involved with making FAKKU! what it is today after six successful years!

May the growth and improvement continue!
I've been on Fakku for 2-3 years now (with a previous account and this one) and I am impressed at changes implemented by Jacob and the others on Fakku. I really enjoy being on Fakku, thanks for everything!

(Also, I've noticed the 'load more' and 'reply' buttons on the comments section are working again for iPad users! Hooray!)
I honestly can't believe how well this site has become over the past two years.
Finally! An excuse to open the snacks I brought last week. Celebration~ yay~

Still quite surreal on how Fakku! grew... and survived without turning into a paysite...
Decided to make an account to congratulate you guys and all your hard work :U
Do you think we'll ever have gifs?
KPT wrote...
Wow, 6 years. I feel bad for not being as active as I used to be and lurking a lot, but I like having been able to see FAKKU! Grow over the years :D. Awesome new design.

Jacob wrote...
GodofAethism wrote...
Question: Will there be achievements related to fapping?

Answer: Yes.

FAKKU! API for dongles confirmed!

Will it be added in Fakku store? I must have it!

Anyway big kudos to Jacob for all the hard work and also for all the other admin, mods, and contributors too. Looking back on our graveyard and blackout days, I have to say that I'm really proud to see what Fakku have become now. I remember back then we "celebrate" for every traffic increase and also the struggle to keep the site alive with donation and all as Fakku grew bigger.

Take pride, for this is a huge leap coming from bunch of pervs (myself included). Cheers for many years to come
Monster Girl
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