#Facebook #hashtags #are #retarded (a rant)

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No seriously. The decision for Facebook to incorporate hashtags is annoying and retarded. They're essentially picking up on Twitter's sloppy seconds for ad placement and revenue. The only people I see using and abusing those hashtags are teenage girls and attention whores (can be of the male and female persuasion)

I see absolutely no constructive use for Facebook hashtags. Essentially if you use facebook hashtags you're either a preteen girl or a complete tool.

NEVER go full retard. You see how well it treated the Xbox One.

Good thing I use neither of them.
devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
I use both but never use hashtags on neither.
All the more reason for me to avoid using either.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
What do the hashtags even do?!

I also just use FB to track bands and talk to some people not on Skype.
mdarkanima wrote...
The only people I see using and abusing those hashtags are teenage girls and attention whores (can be of the male and female persuasion)

Oh, so 90% of Facebook? Well I guess it was a good call on their part then eh?
Not a twitter user here. How is hashtag different from normal words? Is the # supposed to mean anything?
Post a picture of Starbucks Coffee

#coffee #caffeine #starbucks #hipster #battery acid #brew #caffeine #café #café au lait #café noir #cappuccino #decaf #decoction #demitasse #espresso #forty weight #hot stuff #jamocha #java #joe #mocha #mud #perk #varnish remover
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Yuuki wrote...
Post a picture of Starbucks Coffee

#coffee #caffeine #starbucks #hipster #battery acid #brew #caffeine #café #café au lait #café noir #cappuccino #decaf #decoction #demitasse #espresso #forty weight #hot stuff #jamocha #java #joe #mocha #mud #perk #varnish remover

You forgot #cafe wifi
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
Honestly this is the least upsetting thing facebook has done lately.

I don't really care about hashtags.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
artcellrox wrote...
What do the hashtags even do?!

Supposedly anything tagged with a Hashfag can be found in the search bar if you look for that specific word or phrase. It's like the internet equivalent of PAY ATTENTION TO ME I WANT TO BE FAMOUS
Damoz ~Not A User~
cruz737 wrote...
Honestly this is the least upsetting thing facebook has done lately.

I don't really care about hashtags.

All i saw was the new shitty layout and turning into myspace slowly~

OT: Didn't know facebook even hashtags, because i don't add faggots~
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
Damoz wrote...
cruz737 wrote...
Honestly this is the least upsetting thing facebook has done lately.

I don't really care about hashtags.

All i saw was the new shitty layout and turning into myspace slowly~

That's not it either.
Damoz ~Not A User~
cruz737 wrote...
Damoz wrote...
cruz737 wrote...
Honestly this is the least upsetting thing facebook has done lately.

I don't really care about hashtags.

All i saw was the new shitty layout and turning into myspace slowly~

That's not it either.

What did they do?

I don't go on enough to notice many changes.....
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
Damoz wrote...
cruz737 wrote...
Damoz wrote...
cruz737 wrote...
Honestly this is the least upsetting thing facebook has done lately.

I don't really care about hashtags.

All i saw was the new shitty layout and turning into myspace slowly~

That's not it either.

What did they do?

I don't go on enough to notice many changes.....

Their moderation.
Meh. White ppl problems.
Microsoft should add hashtags to skype.
I wonder who's the weeb that started this trend.
I dont use facebook.
[size=8]inb4 #opfaggot[/h]
mdarkanima wrote...
I see absolutely no constructive use for Facebook hashtags.

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