Has an anime ever made you cry?

Has an anime ever made you cry?

Total Votes : 6,035
Clannad, AnoHana, Angel Beats Real Tear jerkers. And in terms of being inspirational, Hikigaya Hachiman is mah true bro!
The second season of darker than black made me cry. So did Claymore..omg X had me sobbing.
Witchblade was pretty sad too :(
Angel Beats! nuff said.
I don't know if anyone remembers this one, but Now and Then, Here and there was like the saddest anime ever.
Just about every single one of the Key anime releases has left me in tears at LEAST once, and Angel Beats I re-watch at least every few months (extreme emotional masochism, maybe?) Oddly enough, I find the more emotional driven scenes hit HARDER the second and successive times after, since my brain tends to fry out of shock the first time i see em. I mean, the first time I watched the Yui ep "I" felt paralyzed while watching it, but didn't cry at all, while the tears fall freely every time since. I only recently (as in only 48 hours ago) got around to watching the 2006 Kanon remake, and watching Makoto degenerate did it there. Ef ~ a tale of memories ~, and ~ melodies ~ both have clutch points around episode 10 and 11 iirc. Sola, which if ANYONE knows of a higher quality file download I would love a link, left me bawling at the end (Not so much a surprise once I found out it was written by the same guy who did Kanon). Anohana, of course from the more recent titles. But I find that a LOT of the galge adapted to anime have at least one scene that will always get me, and it's clearly by design.

...Actually, one of the major drawbacks to re-watching tearjerker scenes is that the music is usually unique for those scenes, and the music alone is enough for a pavlonian reaction in me. I can't play any of the versions of "My most precious treasure (Ichiban no takaramono)" anymore without involuntarily tearing up.

..and I have to disagree, for me, at least, Ima, Soko ni Iru Boku (Now and then, Here and there) wasn't so much a tearjerker as incredibly depressing. I can think of series that was BOTH depressing but still made me cry: Bokurano.
I don't watch much anime anymore, but I've read quite a few mangas that have affected me a couple of times
So many animes, so many tears...
The ending of Air, the death of Hughes in FMA, Naruto's first meetings of Minato and Kushina, end of Chrono crusade were hard enough but Romeo x Juliet made me sob buckets.
I will also add "Graveyard of the Fireflys" cried for 3 hrs after.
cmswpm wrote...
Angel Beats Ending is my Face Rain Maker
i mean it doesn't exactly count as an anime because its a game, but the ending of the first kingdom hearts made me ball my eyes out. if you don't cry to that especially if you played the whole game through, you have no soul. just saiyan
I cry about everything! Many animes have made me cry.
At first I put no but I've had to hold back a few tears, but then i remembered. During the Graduation in Angel Beats I started bawling like a little girl.
I teared up the first time I watched Angel Beats, but for whatever reason the second time it hit me... hard. I cried and cried for a very long time. AnoHana and CLANNAD are also others where I bawled like a little girl. I actually teared up near the end of Tasogare x Amnesia as well. That "part" was executed very well. The graduation of Sakurasou also got me.
clannad, hanasaku iroha, ano hana, angel beats, chrono crusade, usagi drop, graveyard of the fireflies
The only time I will ever admit to was when I watched The Grave of the Fireflies. That movie was so freaking sad. I don't like to see any child real,imaginary,or cartoon; hungry. So when the little baby girl was sucking on beads and buttons because she thought they were candy I started to cry. Then they died at the end and I just broke down. I can't watch that movie to this day.
Only once for me. What's really sad though is I can't even remember which one it was.
Clannad....waterfalls...in my eyes.
well clannad made me cry. So did Angel beats um... sakurasou
um and also what made me cry was muv-luv alternative
i cry for Chobbit.
Monster Girl
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