One insignificant thing you dislike about today.

Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
My Dad telling me i did to move out cuz Dr.phil said checkout time is 18 and he was kick out the day he turn 18. >_>
Had to wake up early to go to the dentist.
Air Conditioning got fixed today so for a good 3 hours I baked in my room like a potato.
The AC in my car stopped working.
>Started playing Pokemon Crystal through Wii emulator.
>Got my Chickorita and headed out to Route 29.
>Expected to battle low level Sentrets and Hoothoots.
>Lv. 60 Charizard appears while I'm walking through the grass.
>A Lv. 5 Grass-type, no Pokeballs, one potion and couldn't run.
>Obvious outcome is obvious.
Rewatched the Dubbed version of Bible Black. Immediately regretted my decision. So fuckin' much.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I'd say this was pretty significant.

A girl I like who I've known for a good 5-6 years - who also claimed to have fallen for me - is now married as of today, to the guy she said she couldn't stand and doesn't love. She lives with him, but since housing here is expensive as shit and requires 2 people chipping in for rent/bills and shit and she said he was seeing other people, I assumed they were no longer together and didn't think otherwise.

She didn't tell me anything about the wedding, I only found out today through Facebook, of all places. When asked about why she'd gone quiet for days at a time, she only said that she was busy, tired or that she was feeling ill. She claims she got forced into it by her mum, but she and her friends seemed pretty happy about it.

lololol story of my life.
Kleenex box finally gave out today. :(
My thermo pot just burst into flames...
It made my heart stop for a few seconds...
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
That Hayao Miyazaki is going to make one last movie and than retire. :'(
Allergic reaction. I felt like throwing up upon awakening from my slumber.

Thank Aestivalis I didn't, though.
My Mochi ice cream melted :(
I got religion forced down my throat by a relative. Tuned her out, but it wasn't fun...
This week I have to carry the projector for my class
News of Hayao Miyazaki retiring.
I feel weak when i get up from my bed
My 3 day weekend is over.
My friend didn't come over tonight
It started raining while I was trying to swing.
I fucking love swinging.
I have to pretend to eat whilst having dinner with my aunt somehow. I really don't want any form of food but I love her and I want to show her that I appreciate her so... I'm going to try.
Monster Girl
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