What time of day do you watch the most anime?

What time of day do you watch the most anime?

Total Votes : 4,380
frogman111 Down with brown town
Work, writing, games, then when all the roommates have gone off to their respected rooms, Anime till I can't see straight!!!
it's actually starting from early afternoon till early morning
I tend to watch it when ever I have time but that is usually only have time at night.
Why isn't there a "when i find the time, i watch, who cares about the sun" option :D
i do it in the Early-Mid Morning it's make my day
Jack MeHofe The burnished eyes
Cruel it is to seek the corners of lust bereft of light~ as if we hide from the sun itself. No creation is born with purpose despite our greatest poets whimsical musings - In our pointless existence I do find purpose, it is not to mark my brethren or dye the ground my hue, but it is to know if I want to mark my brethren at all and the color I choose.

Anime all day, errday.
I watch anime infrequently enough, and have such inconsistent sleep patterns, that I don't really have a specific time of the day/night. I mean, I have seen a descent amount of anime (probably around 500 or so series) but that is over the course of around 17/18 years. I don't consider it something I do enough to even count as a hobby or interest which I would mention to others. I would be more inclined to say manga, if nothing else because I actually own a substantial collection of it, in contrast to my nonexistent anime collection.
Need another option, 24/7
I mainly watch late-night because of Toonami. sub episode like One Piece are out at night. I have to get things done in the day for I can watch at night with no disturbance.
Usually during the night. I like to just put on my headsets, and watch it in peace, since the rest of the family is sleeping.
Whenever I have free time.
If I am working then it would have to be late at night.

On my days off it can vary greatly depending on my mood.
I think that "all day every day" should be an option.
Night to Early Morning for me.

Sometimes in the Late Morning to Early Afternoon if I had a good sleep and I have nothing to do for the day.
darkfrair wrote...
Usually i do it at night, mainly because that is when im awake. Im nocturnal, apparently. In my nocturnalness, i have grown to hate sunlight, so calling me a vampire wouldn't be to far off.

Forum Image: http://i40.tinypic.com/125nuv4.png
Any time is time for anime!
i don`t see the one that says early afternoon till mid morning thats the one i need
Mostly late at night but when I have free time I'll watch what anime caught my attention.
Early morning, with cofee and cig before going to work/university.
for me is usually after i arrive in the afternoon all the way to late night i'm working and watching/reading anime. Early Afternoon-Late Night for me.
After work is the only time for me and it help me unwind from the days events.