Awesome Driving Experiences for Today!

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I was driving down one of the main roads in Salt Lake City and some kids ran across the road. Nearly hit them.

Anyways. Put down any awesome driving experiences you had today.
Tegumi "im always cute"
That's not awesome, that's almost involuntary manslaughter.
Almost all of the lights on my way home from work today were green except for 2, sometimes its the little things that bring the most joy.
Me, my dad and my mom were driving back home today from the movie theater and there were minimum cars on the way back home and every traffic light was green. (my dad was driving)
Sneakyone wrote...
Almost all of the lights on my way home from work today were green except for 2, sometimes its the little things that bring the most joy.

Yesterday was the opposite all and I mean all the lights were caught on red.
I saw a zebra being moved from zoo to zoo on the highway.
Are we talking serious? Or sarcastic... your opening post sounded sarcastic

Sarcastic one: Went to start the car this morning, and oh joy, the battery was flat again... something about it being -5 and the battery don't mix... Luckily dad was there to give me a jump start.
Also figured the coolant had frozen. Got halfway to school/ tafe, and the car was almost boiling... slowed down for a roundabout, and then it just went to nearly dead cold. Joys of unfreezing.

Serious post:
Filled the car up with petrol, paid, then drove up the road... gave it a bit of a stomp, still has grunt. Very happy with it, just the battery and oil things are a little annoying. Need a daily, so I can pull this off the road, and chuck the turbo motor in.
Also, had the stereo cranked as I was driving, Put on by young jeezy came on. Dem 20hz drops. Can't wait till I get my splits for it, so I can have some actual kick for the system, and have decent sound, instead of it being harsh up high, cause of the speakers being in the rear, not the front.
I drove to a fishing spot and drove home. That is all.

OT: The best experience would definitely be the first time I started driving. I was like,"My God! I'm driving! I'm driving!" Good times.
-Can't be arsed to count the number of times I almost slammed into wild animals on the road.

-I did a barrel roll three years ago.

-We once filled my friends car with balloons. To find the car in the parking lot, we remote-opened the trunk and followed the balloon source.

-Got stuck in a traffic jam. Lit up my pipe and turned on some Miles Davis. Got more than a few stares.

-Drove around the parking lot at about 3mph with my pal standing up (convertible) all George Washington-like whilst blaring the Indiana Jones theme.

-Was caught speeding and saw the cops behind me. Took the next exit, and the copper kept going. Got back onto the highway, and saw that he stopped another guy with the same make and model as mine.
5 days ago I was dirt biking around, and I saw a moderate bump in the sand, do I floored it, nailed- and I mean nailed the landing- and took the turn immediately I landed like a baller.
The year before last I raced my former boss home. He was driving a Mustang Cobra and I was driving a pitiful 4-cyl 1996 Mitsubishi Galant. I was able to keep up and it was the most amazing thing ever. I'm also glad I didn't get pulled over.

Also this is relevant to how I typically drive

Forum Image:
There is a road( if you can still call it that ) in my home country that's pretty entertaining.

Every time you take it, it has changed, there's a new hole, or somebody put useless junk 'to mend it', or there's a car or a motorcycle lying there. Now that my mom has an all-road vehicle, every time I go back home, My dad takes the wheel and we hit the road at 60~70km/h.

It's simply awesome.
Blasting Deftones, Coal Chamber, and Mushroomhead out my windows in the blistering heat for all the unfortunate elderly people at the stop lights next to me.

*evil laughter*
0[/ this is hot and awesome]
I drove almost the entire way home from work without realizing the headlights in my dads car needed to be turned on and weren't on at the time.
driving back and forth to my house and apartment moving stuff.
Drove from Fresno to holtsvile without remembering how I drove there. Also rode drunk without killing someone. Granted I was 16 and it was a huffy.
When I first learned how to drive I was taught in a day in a dodgy little manual transmission 4 cylinder, then the following day immediately after I got my license I drove from south Florida to Texas in a straight shot. By the end of the trip I was fairly loopy from the lack of sleep and was singing loudly to my steering wheel to avoid falling asleep. It was surprisingly fun and, in retrospect, a fairly bad idea, but to me it was awesome. That being said I totalled that car after flipping it on an on-ramp turning entirely too fast, but I was young and inexperienced, also overconfident from the ludicrous journey I undertook earlier in that month.
4yrs ago: 360 degree crossover tree to rice field grinding... had trauma, is now on bike... sometime let someone drive...

1st group of people to survive out of 7 fatal accident in 40 yrs, in our area... that ***king drunk driver covered all the lanes "Like A Boss" XD
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