One insignificant thing you dislike about today.

Gravity cat the adequately amused
Kept dying on Skyrim. First I got decapitated 3 times in a row from a finishing move by a Greatsword-wielding Bandit Chief while purposely taking hits to train Light/Heavy armour skills, then I encountered an Elder Dragon and I was so weak compared to it that I could only take 2 hits from it before dying, 4 with my shield raised. Then I got instakilled by a Fireball from a Destruction-Bandit during the Boethiah Daedric quest not once, not twice, but three times in a row. I had full health (250 points of health I might add) with 50% Magic Resistance from Enchantments. Fuck logic.

Enchanting and Smithing is 100 now, so should encounter less problems. Just need another Necklace to gain more Magic Resist.
My cat died :(... thay I dislike about today.
I was supposed to have a basketball practice session with my friends in the uni's basketball hall. When we got there, we were told that the hall's been booked for 3 birthday parties for the whole day. That was surprising yet saddening.
Not being able to fap...
I woke up 3 hours earlier than I should have, because there was someone outside making noises. I went back to sleep. And then within those 3 hours were one of the worst experiences I had. So many bad dreams, each of them ended up with me waking up making sure I'm back in the real world.
Internet kept shutting off
I finished my book today. I hadn't even had it for a week.
I just found out that my best friend pre-ordered a certain car a few months ago.
I'm still convincing her 'tis not a good idea because the car is too conspicuous and not worth the price...
My internet is still being shitty
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I procrastinated my jobsearch activities for the weekly quota and now I'm having to do it all in one go. I'm basically bullshitting the dates to make it seem like I've done it throughout the week like a normal person, but at least I've hit my minimum.

That, and I'm up in less than 8 hours for my appointment today.
I fell asleep to long
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Kept dying on Runescape on the new quest, a couple of times due to crippling lag and the game crashing. It's insanely difficult and the respawn point is on the other side of the city where the quest takes place, and my gravestone to retrieve my shit is at the quest area and when I re-equip my items I have half my health (because armour provides health bonuses now which doesn't regenerate quickly outside of a bank), which is annoying.

I'm up to the final fight, died twice in almost no time at all so just ragequit.
Allergies are killing me fekhfskdnfdk
I ran out of bacon and eggs... Tfw no bacon.
My internet connection prevented me from visiting this site - and any others for that matter.
There's a party going on next door, and the guests are apparently hammered, since they're yelling loud as fuck right now.
yesterday I chickened out while talking to a beautiful girl... I could have gotten laid
My limited edition of Fairy Fencer F came today but nobody was home at the time of delivery. Now I have to wait until Tuesday for redelivery.
I got some lighter fluid in my eye.

I know what you're thinking, and no, I didn't get the ability to shoot fire from my eye - which is the worst part.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
moving every account i have to a new email, I had to go find a lot of old passwords.