Do you play League of Legends?

Do you play League of Legends?

Total Votes : 4,941
Played League for years, tried my first game of DotA and never started the League client again after.
I've played League of Legends, mostly everyday with my friends^^
I want to though. What kind of specs does my Pc need to play this on an enjoyable level?
forever bronze, the land of the trolls, feeders, ragers and afks
No and will NEVER play it.I think it relies way too much on the "buy RP and get the brand new champion before everyone else can afford it/they nerf it to a near unplayable level." I could be wrong,but i'm tired of people I know orgasming to a game I find below average at best.
There's no way i will play that %#&$ again!!!
I'm against dota, because i hate that game!

I don't have time to play that @#$& because as i am a beta tester for "T.E.S. Online"...

For those who don't know T.E.S. stands for The Elder Scrolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What is League of Legends?
Yes Been Playing since 2011 or when wukong came out My Game tag StarPegasus first account got banned
Yep, just finished a match :D lost tho...
No ... i dont ... i am easily bored with games like league of legends and dota
Yes I do play for a very long time and I got gold in 2 weeks and currently working on Platinum :)
I fucking hate that game for reasons even I can't explain. I think it's because I have acquaintances who love the shit out of the game and won't shut the fuck up about it.
League is like that abusive boyfriend/girlfriend that just beats you down all the time, but no matter how many times you tell yourself its over, it just sucks you back in again and the cycle repeats itself. I play League daily, and I hate it.
Yup, hate it but still play it cause of friends. -message me if you like my ign-
I've only been playing for a few months now but I'm level 27 and I love mid champs such as Ahri
The league of cancer and throwing up all over the damn floor.
Gooood dammit.
Playing for 3 years (in one month !).

Ranked games can be a pain but I'm plat I atm, trying to reach diamond !
Played mainly custom games and some co-op vs AI all the way to level 30 since playing with people tends to be an unpleasant experience for various reasons. Recently finally decided to place at the end of the season and got Bronze II. I'm mainly a Sej Jungler but I'm a huge fan of most of the female champions aside from tristana, poppy.

Ahri, Riven, Fiora, Jinx, Lux, Ashe, Sej, Vi, and Cait are my favorites.
Stuck in Gold V due to feeders and trolls.