One insignificant thing you dislike about today.

Gravity cat the adequately amused
Went clubbing last night. Felt tired by midnight but we didn't leave until 2 in the morning - so I was standing around for 2 hours waiting for them to decide to leave while my feet were aching like cunts and my back was hurting. To top it all off, some slack-jawed cunt knocked a stool over and it landed on my big toe, so had to deal with that last night and this morning.

On the plus side, a good night's sleep cured what ailed me.
I'm the only adult in my household who has does anything; I'm still the only adult actually doing shit while sick.
I.e. I'm sick and I'm the only one cleaning and working in my household.
That feel when you get - rep on your first post on a new community.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I want to fap but my dad's downstairs and won't fuck off. I can't take my laptop upstairs unless I want to haul my laptop and a computer monitor and set it all back up.

Edit: 2 hours later he's still here.
some guy blocked me for no reason on another similar I hardly visit the site anyway :P
Drank a little bit of juice that may have expired, I don't trust my sense of taste.
~sigh~ 2 huge bottles that are supposed to expire in a week, seem to have gone bad.
I'm hoping I don't have food poisoning... my stomach is weak as hell..

Also woke up at 1 or 2 in the afternoon... Damn my sleep schedule.
Someone sabotaged and ate my entire pie!
Gravity cat the adequately amused
You know your mum's a two-faced bitch when she's nice to your girlfriend face to face (offers tea, helps with her child, has a nice chat with her etc), but then turns into a venomous snake as soon as she's out of the house. She bitched at my dad while we were out and then confronted me about her as soon as I got home after I took her to the train station. Know what she said? She told me that she is:

  • intending to use me as a full-time unpaid babysitter

  • is a benefit leech

  • intends to use me to get pregnant to leech more from the benefits system

  • is still sleeping with her kid's dad

  • lied about being in the army

  • and has no intention to work, even though she can't right now because until she's given the all-clear from the hospital and assured that she won't have fits she can't

...all based on the flimsiest and most ridiculous evidence ever.

  • She thought she saw her kid's dad in a car across the road from the bus stop

  • The girlfriend was sat down the entire time I was out Sat. morning and was supposedly on her phone to her ex

  • She "had to look after the girl" while she was sat doing nothing. She was only here for 3 and a bit days and I was exhausted. My mum's had 2 kids so she must know what it's like.

  • Me putting a nappy bag in the bin (which I might add, I offered to) is apparently grounds for thinking that she expects me to look after her kid full-time

  • "She has no money" - she knows nothing about her financial situation, but is certainly not penniless.

My dad likes my girlfriend and disagrees with my mum - but is too spineless to say anything. The girlfriend's distraught about it, and I'm seething with rage. What really struck the nail into the coffin was that, as soon as my mum told me all of these "facts" she "knows" about le girlfriend, she told me not to tell her any of it and "banned" her from ever coming again. She just slagged my girlfriend off, like I'm going to fucking take that.

I've given solid counterarguements to her claims and given examples of the other imes where she's misunderstood people and twisted the context entirely (I went as far as saying "This is why people don't like you"), she won't admit that she's wrong. Instead she either just tells me to "leave off" and says that I'm "thick" or tries to bring up other arguements to discredit her. She's even threatened to kick me out because of all this.

Edit: She keeps changing her story as to why she doesn't like her. This is fucking childish now.

Edit edit: She's calmed down now and justified her behaviour by saying that she didn't want to have to look after my dad (who is actually pretty low maintenance as he just sits on the sofa and watches TV) as well as my girlfriend and her daughter. Thing is, we stayed out their way most of the time, the girlfriend is very independant and my mum could've asked for her help if she wanted it. She said some cruel things about her so I'm still awaiting an apology for the girlfriend.

Triple edit: Just when I thought I was getting through to her, she plays the "her family are scum because you've never met them" card. I actually never thought her true colours were so evil. How am I related to this... witch?
I procrastinated on a teensy assignment and it bit me in the ass a little. I got it done pretty easily, but it was still an annoyance.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I procrastinated my jobsearches (well, more along the lines of didn't have time as I was busy throughout the week) so I'm having to do it all in one go. I had time last night, but was in too much of a foul mood to concentrate. And now my mum's acting like nothing ever happened yesterday.

Turned up 5 minutes late to my Job centre appointment because the buses suck. Didn't get seen for 20-30 minutes and got a warning letter for being late. Brilliant.
Some asshole took my Cheerwine from the office fridge.
They clearly don't understand that you just shouldn't fuck with my Cheerwine.
Ran out of weed.
Having classes on Veteran's Day.
There are so many amazing chiptune artists that will be going to Magfest 12, and I'll be missing them because I didn't feel like traveling.
Being a lazy traveler is a shitty thing sometimes.
After I bought some grub and was about to watch Flashpoint Paradox I was interrupted to do some labor for a good 10 minutes...yeah...I'm lazy too.
cold weather today where I live
Finding this shirt. So much want. I want to grab one before they run out of stock.
Forum Image:
Fruid Lurker of Threads
Foreground Eclipse wrote...
Finding this shirt. So much want. I want to grab one before they run out of stock.
Forum Image:

Is that Hatsune Miku?
Fruid wrote...
Foreground Eclipse wrote...
Finding this shirt. So much want. I want to grab one before they run out of stock.
Forum Image:

Is that Hatsune Miku?

I've been sick with the flu for about a week and today I woke up still puking. It's effing awful in every possible damn way.

On top of that I have to work later. Sigh.
Monster Girl
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