Quirky Quirks!

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Zurui_Kitsune wrote...
I tend to moan and whimper when I'm falling asleep... I know... Super weird, but it's been confirmed on more than one occasion >.<

I definitely do this hahaha, my boyfriend tells me of times where we've apparently had full on conversations when I was asleep?

Or when I'm falling asleep I'll have random little twitches, my legs will twitches, sometimes my arms, occasionally my whole body does D: it's weird.
-When I'm nervous or it's quiet, I crack whatever knuckles, joints, ligaments that haven't been cracked after being lazy.
-I mix foods I know shouldn't and eat 'em despite knowing my stomach will go wild.
-Most of the time I wake up, I end up in some weird position. Hands in my pockets, posing like old superman comics, folded arms with my leg lifted like a crane (the bird).
-Lazier than Tony.
-At times I'll forget what I ate 5 seconds after I finished it.
-Selective long term memory.
-I daydream outta nowhere.
I can see sheet music when I hear music....its damn annoying
- My books, magazines, cards and pretty much everything I have are all sorted not by author or name, but by how much I like them.

- My spoon and fork should always come from the same set. It can't be just some random ones from the drawer.

- I have a hardcore sweet tooth. I also love very spicy foods.

- I randomly dance and/or sing at home when not doing anything.

- I bite my lower lip when concentrating immensely.

- I blush easily when embarrassed.

- At home when I wear my glasses, everytime that I adjust it, I always follow it with tucking my hair behind my ears.

- I have a tendency to twirl my hair when I'm very nervous or really bored.

- My friends told me I always flip my hair when I go out of the car no matter what. That the very moment I step out; I do a flirtatious hair-flip.
kickiluxxx wrote...

- I have a hardcore salt tooth. I also love very spicy foods.

- I randomly dance and/or sing at home when not doing anything.

- I bite my lower lip when concentrating immensely.
two things, one when i'm watching tv I can't have the volume on 13 even if it's perfect for just that moment I just can't, I put it either at 12 or 14 instead, and the second thing is that I have to fap one out in the morning even if it means that im going to be late, I even prioritize that over food in the morning hehe.
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