PYP3: Superpowers

artcellrox The Grey Knight :y


That's right, time for another of my Pick Your Poison threads! The topic of discussion is simple, for those new or not in the know: pick your poison from the theme of the thread. The emphasis is on the word poison; you have to pick a choice you really want while understanding the possible cons that can arise, along with the pros.

So, for our third theme, I decided to pick another broad topic: superpowers

Pick Your Poison #3: what is your preferred superpower of choice?

Yeah, really broad topic. That was the point. I want to see how creative and ambitious the people of Fakku can be. To help you get a better scope of superpowers in general, here's the Wikia that lists a whole ton of them. Enjoy~
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Pyrokinesis and flight.

Pros: Fire is awesome

Cons: Might torch some shit I didn't mean to accidentally
Sgt.broski Where's the futa Jacob
Boundary manipulation

Pro- I can change the outcome of what is and what will be

Con- I could get killed by someone who has a space-time manipulation
Ice Manipulation

I always loved the Ice element.

Pro- I can keep drinks cooled.
Con- Freezing things accident
thats really it

Pros: I can fap in public
Cons: It might only be temporary or I might get hit by something
Control of Nuclear Fusion

Pros: Awesome power and unlimited and perfectly self-sufficient energy source
Cons: I might nuke the world.
Being able to pick things up with my mind, because i'm lazy. Also I could use the power to lift myself up and fly. Being able to teleport like in jumper would be pretty sweet too I suppose.
Hyper-intelligence and quantum field manipulation.
(Similar to Dr. Manhattan)

Pros- Become a God
Cons- Completely isolate me from everyone I know and care about.

If the standard model is right and Gauss was right, then any field will do, but I'd like it to be the Higgs or Electromagnetic field.
Absolute Existence

Pros: I can be reaaally powerful and do pretty much what I want, and experience humanity at the same time. I can also troll or genuinely help people if I want to.

Cons: What's fun for me can really be the opposite for other normal beings.
Organic Manipulation

Pro: could heal, destroy, create, transform anything living or that was once living. I could also give myself cat ears for cosplay.

Con: huge chance of power misuse, only applies to organic matter, would take serious training to learn about power and maxmize it (I'm lazy as fuck). I would probably also run into the issue Yuno did when she tried to bring back Yuki (could bring back the body/shell, but the soul/core is not within my power to bring back).
Instantaneous Regeneration

Pros: I'm pretty much invincible and can save people all the time.

Cons: It would probably screw me over mentally as everything still hurts and I would get a extremely arrogant mindset.
Electricity Mimicry

Pros: Can easily charge gadgets. Easy travel while in lightning form. Can show people who's boss by tasing them, thus not killing them. Bright electric stuff is cool.

Cons: Bad company at a swimming and rainy days. Always get asked to repair electrical problems cuz they're not worried about you being electrocuted.
Fallan Kamen Rider Cheeki
Meta Probability Physiology

Pro: Win at everything

Con: Win at everything, will be probably really boring after a while.

Pro: being able to change whatever features I dislike about myself physically
Con: manipulate others by changing myself to suit their interests, never know if they truly love me for who I am, eventually feel disconnected to my own physical identity, and never find true contentment with myself.
Freeze Time

Pros: I'd have the ability to control everything; whathever the situation might be, I could freeze time and change the circumstances to my advantage. In that sense, time freeze works as a much better invisibility power. I could also get the upper hand by myself i.e. I could read 10 books whereas everyone else would be reading one. And so on and so forth.

Cons: The reason I choose this one is because it has no cons except for that fact that it makes no sense. If time is frozen, do things still move the same way? Would I age as time was stopped? No clue.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
nateriver10 wrote...
Freeze Time

Pros: I'd have the ability to control everything; whathever the situation might be, I could freeze time and change the circumstances to my advantage. In that sense, time freeze works as a much better invisibility power. I could also get the upper hand by myself i.e. I could read 10 books whereas everyone else would be reading one. And so on and so forth.

Cons: The reason I choose this one is because it has no cons except for that fact that it makes no sense. If time is frozen, do things still move the same way? Would I age as time was stopped? No clue.

>no cons

I humbly direct your attention to episode 33 of the 2002 Cyborg 009 adaptation.
artcellrox wrote...
>no cons

I humbly direct your attention to episode 33 of the 2002 Cyborg 009 adaptation.

You might as well direct my attention to a porcupine on rollerblades because, much like the porcupine, that makes no sense to me.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
nateriver10 wrote...
artcellrox wrote...
>no cons

I humbly direct your attention to episode 33 of the 2002 Cyborg 009 adaptation.

You might as well direct my attention to a porcupine on rollerblades because, much like the porcupine, that makes no sense to me.

[size=10]What doesn't make sense about a porcupine on rollerblades...?[/h]

The titular protagonist had some adjustments done on his abilities (he's super fast). Eventually, he starts noticing that things around him are slowing to a grinding halt, until eventually, he's the only living being moving because time has stopped to a halt.

The logic basically goes that, when time stops, you're really just moving so infinitely fast, everything else seems infinitely slow. However, with all that speed comes a ton of friction as well. The protagonist soon realizes that whatever he's touching burns up because he's touching it so fast in real time, the friction goes into MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE!

In short, time stopping has the really, REALLY bad con of never being able to come into physical contact with anything around you. Yes, the logic and physics vary from franchise to franchise, but like I said. All things considered.
artcellrox wrote...
nateriver10 wrote...
artcellrox wrote...
>no cons

I humbly direct your attention to episode 33 of the 2002 Cyborg 009 adaptation.

You might as well direct my attention to a porcupine on rollerblades because, much like the porcupine, that makes no sense to me.

[size=10]What doesn't make sense about a porcupine on rollerblades...?[/h]

The titular protagonist had some adjustments done on his abilities (he's super fast). Eventually, he starts noticing that things around him are slowing to a grinding halt, until eventually, he's the only living being moving because time has stopped to a halt.

The logic basically goes that, when time stops, you're really just moving so infinitely fast, everything else seems infinitely slow. However, with all that speed comes a ton of friction as well. The protagonist soon realizes that whatever he's touching burns up because he's touching it so fast in real time, the friction goes into MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE!

In short, time stopping has the really, REALLY bad con of never being able to come into physical contact with anything around you. Yes, the logic and physics vary from franchise to franchise, but like I said. All things considered.

Freezing time doesn't involve going infinitely fast, just going at the speed of light. Energy isn't the issue, it's mass. Particles with mass can't reach the speed of light. Once mass is removed though, then they'll be governed by laws of electromagnetism, which can permeate "solid" objects. Also gravity won't be an issue anymore. The down side is that unless you're the strongest force in the area you'll behave like a plastic bag in the wind, tossed about by the other local fields.