Hey Guys

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Good luck, hope you like MRE's.
I am going as well to be on the frontline.
Go to the air force.
You get to fly A10s.
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
Kiraneko wrote...
Go to the air force.
You get to fly A10s.

I'm really farsighted and 6'3". I don't believe I would be an ideal candidate for flying.

Not to worry just yet guys. I haven't even fully committed to it just yet and am still going through the joining process. Haven't even actually taken the real ASVAB yet and all that jazz so it'll probably be about 2 months before I go for basic training.

Though I guess they're going to just do my test and physical in the same day since I scored a 93/99 on their practice one.
Good luck man.

Inb4 Art actually does it.
@talk and rye
Yer fucked. Just saying since the military is shit when it comes to talking care of their own after service. In service well... You'll find out.
good luck, man. When you're out there in the field, remember the good times you spent in fakku and it'll be just a breeze
Why not join the navy?

And I'll post this just in case you'll need it in the future:
Forum Image: https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t1/q71/1655859_735062566503889_920592252_n.jpg

Also good luck.
Wish you luck as well as a safe trip and return in the future.
Join the Air Force. I'm joining and it's a whole lot better than Army. Especially if you want to develop your career. Many people enter the army expecting to learn a trade, but come out only knowing how to fight. Many also enter the army expecting to fight, but come out learning a trade.

Kiraneko wrote...
Go to the air force.
You get to fly A10s.

Takerial seems to want to go enlisted. Only officers can fly planes. Also its hard to get an A-10 pilot slot.
Hope you ain't afraid of guns and loud noises. I'm from Detroit so for me it was like I never left.
artcellrox wrote...
Can I have your wife if you do go?

Should I be concerned that he didn't address this?
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Hyatt wrote...
artcellrox wrote...
Can I have your wife if you do go?

Should I be concerned that he didn't address this?

Either he doesn't take me seriously, or he's indifferent/cool about it. I did mean it half jokingly though. Yes, I don't even know where you guys live, much less find out how to, but I honestly to have a fantasy for this.

Now the question is, whether or not you should be concerned, but ARE you concerned about this?
Takerial wrote...
animefreak_usa wrote...
From one to you... why?

My previous career path completely stalled and I ended up moving back home.

After spending some time and not being able to find a new career and no new direction I feel I need something to help.

Military would help develop some new career opportunities after I serve my time and hopefully help with some structure in my life too.

[size=12]Good luck with that! It's good to see you are trying to do something when things are rough.[/h]
artcellrox wrote...
Hyatt wrote...
artcellrox wrote...
Can I have your wife if you do go?

Should I be concerned that he didn't address this?

Either he doesn't take me seriously, or he's indifferent/cool about it. I did mean it half jokingly though. Yes, I don't even know where you guys live, much less find out how to, but I honestly to have a fantasy for this.

Now the question is, whether or not you should be concerned, but ARE you concerned about this?

Art... no woman dreams of being swept away after her husband's death to live in glorious Dhaka.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
animefreak_usa wrote...
artcellrox wrote...
Hyatt wrote...
artcellrox wrote...
Can I have your wife if you do go?

Should I be concerned that he didn't address this?

Either he doesn't take me seriously, or he's indifferent/cool about it. I did mean it half jokingly though. Yes, I don't even know where you guys live, much less find out how to, but I honestly to have a fantasy for this.

Now the question is, whether or not you should be concerned, but ARE you concerned about this?

Art... no woman dreams of being swept away after her husband's death to live in glorious Dhaka.

You're assuming I'll be in this shithole forever.
artcellrox wrote...
animefreak_usa wrote...
artcellrox wrote...
Hyatt wrote...
artcellrox wrote...
Can I have your wife if you do go?

Should I be concerned that he didn't address this?

Either he doesn't take me seriously, or he's indifferent/cool about it. I did mean it half jokingly though. Yes, I don't even know where you guys live, much less find out how to, but I honestly to have a fantasy for this.

Now the question is, whether or not you should be concerned, but ARE you concerned about this?

Art... no woman dreams of being swept away after her husband's death to live in glorious Dhaka.

You're assuming I'll be in this shithole forever.

>i knew you leave the desert of misfit Indians/pakis?
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
animefreak_usa wrote...
artcellrox wrote...
animefreak_usa wrote...
artcellrox wrote...
Hyatt wrote...
artcellrox wrote...
Can I have your wife if you do go?

Should I be concerned that he didn't address this?

Either he doesn't take me seriously, or he's indifferent/cool about it. I did mean it half jokingly though. Yes, I don't even know where you guys live, much less find out how to, but I honestly to have a fantasy for this.

Now the question is, whether or not you should be concerned, but ARE you concerned about this?

Art... no woman dreams of being swept away after her husband's death to live in glorious Dhaka.

You're assuming I'll be in this shithole forever.

>i knew you leave the desert of misfit Indians/pakis?

OK, now I really have no idea what you're talking about.
animefreak_usa wrote...
artcellrox wrote...
animefreak_usa wrote...
artcellrox wrote...
Hyatt wrote...
artcellrox wrote...
Can I have your wife if you do go?

Should I be concerned that he didn't address this?

Either he doesn't take me seriously, or he's indifferent/cool about it. I did mean it half jokingly though. Yes, I don't even know where you guys live, much less find out how to, but I honestly to have a fantasy for this.

Now the question is, whether or not you should be concerned, but ARE you concerned about this?

Art... no woman dreams of being swept away after her husband's death to live in glorious Dhaka.

You're assuming I'll be in this shithole forever.

>i knew you leave the desert of misfit Indians/pakis?

oh he will leave those. they're pre shit apparently
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