Reddit AMA

I will be giving an AMA on Reddit tomorrow (Thursday) at 5PM PST/8PM EST. I'll be taking questions on anything and everything related to FAKKU, including our new venture into publishing with FAKKU Books. I will be joined by Tech from Genesis Translations who will be providing the point of view of a scanlator, GTeam is responsible for releasing a lot of really awesome stuff. If you've ever wanted to know what I fap to, tomorrow is the time to ask!

Thursday June 26th at 5PM PST/8PM EST
Anything you say?
( †¢_†¢)>⌐o-o
Congratulations Jacob
Sgt.broski Where's the futa Jacob
No one ever holds conventions in ohio ...

[size=5]Congrats jake[/h]
Nice! Hope you do it in /r/IAmA, though. Pretty sure they won't mind something like this. Even having it scheduled would attract more people and produce better questions!
wawawa22 wrote...
Nice! Hope you do it in /r/IAmA, though. Pretty sure they won't mind something like this. Even having it scheduled would attract more people and produce better questions!

We're not important enough for an officially sanctioned AMA. Maybe in 2-3 years...
Have a good time! I had some friends that were asking about this that have never had any interest in FAKKU at all.

It was literally the last thing I expected out of them...
Now i love fakku but just look at "really awesome stuff" then the dates in the below pic

Now Lusty lady was AWESOME, would be a shame if you happened to partner with the very company that shut them down along with many really would, its not like you picked a group that didn't touch Wani-doujins ^^; *whistles*
TheOverFlow wrote...
No one ever holds conventions in ohio ...

[size=5]Congrats jake[/h]

There are two major ones in Columbus, Ohayocon (big one; every January) and Matsuricon (small one, every August). They're both at the Greater Columbus Convention Center. There's also Colossalcon up in Sandusky in early June, but that's passed now. I don't think Fakku goes to any of them though, but I'd love it if they did!
Xammie wrote...
Now i love fakku but just look at "really awesome stuff" then the dates in the below pic

Now Lusty lady was AWESOME, would be a shame if you happened to partner with the very company that shut them down along with many really would, its not like you picked a group that didn't touch Wani-doujins ^^; *whistles*

Wani did not ask Lusty Lady Project to shutdown, they made that decision on their own.
Shashin I <3 dakimakura covers
Thanks for doing the AMA on Reddit, Jacob! I'm pumped to see what Wani merchandise FAKKU will have in the future.

DakimakuraGuy on Reddit.
Wani did not ask Lusty Lady Project to shutdown, they made that decision on their own.

I won't argue about that, nor will I link to forum topic about it but emails/letters from a publisher are scary as hell especially when it's the first time you get one ( LLP), yes sometimes they won't chase it up because it's not worth it but it would have likely been pressure situation, always looking over your shoulder screwed if they comply, screwed if they dont.

Anyway before I start sounding like im being a grouch, an analogy would be to think of it like skyrim, great game/product, less than reasonable publisher, otherwise I'm really excited for this joint venture and hopefully I'll be able to buy some without shipping costs killing my wallet more than steam sales did :D
Wow im suprised , this side has more active members then ...
Monster Girl
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