Do you prefer cats or dogs?

Do you prefer cats or dogs?

Total Votes : 4,915
Cats is the best !!! \m/
My dogs eat cats.
so mean to force me to choose.... i love them both

i love the energy and excitement dogs have, the loyalty and commitment to there master.

but i also love cats, cool calm and completely trusting in there master.
(at them moment i have a cat that is the pure embodiment of a tsundere... she rubs her head on my legs then when i try to pet her she scratches me)
Dartinin89 wrote...
I love cats becouse they are independent I can leave my cat and know if i dont come back in a week she will find a way to survive ... the fact i dont have to worry about her and she can leave when ever she wants but shes still here means more to me then most dogs who are ... more or less traped where they are so thats why I perfer cats.

nothing says independent like would probably die if it left the house and poops in a box indoors. dogs don't need you to survive, they just wanna hang out and have fun with you.
flooshoomoo wrote...
Dartinin89 wrote...
I love cats becouse they are independent I can leave my cat and know if i dont come back in a week she will find a way to survive ... the fact i dont have to worry about her and she can leave when ever she wants but shes still here means more to me then most dogs who are ... more or less traped where they are so thats why I perfer cats.

nothing says independent like would probably die if it left the house and poops in a box indoors. dogs don't need you to survive, they just wanna hang out and have fun with you.

What type of cat do you have? My cats can go outside to do their business and will bring home dead creatures as presents so I know for a fact they could feed themselves.I also know my dogs couldn't leave the house if I wasnt around so they would very much die without me.
I like cats better, just barely.
I love cats~<3 there so cute as kittens but deprnding on there personality your in for a fun, bad or comfy ride. Dogs are usually obedant which is alright too. I like dogs but cats a bit more.
Dogs, I can't stand cats
Cats can't rescue little kids for cars and rivers.
I don't like pets but cats apply more to me than dogs.
Both, as long as I can pet them.

Though I chose dog.
I'm a cat kinda guy c;
Cats, so cute and fluffy and when they go outside, mine always followed me when i came back from school, it was the best!