One insignificant thing you dislike about today.

This was technically yesterday but...: weirdos might be stalking me because BF tried to get sexual with me via messages and I revealed adultery in their relationship to GF. They stay together. They send friend to add me. Their friend weirds me out. I'm wary of anyone from Kentucky now.

Screw all of yesterday.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
Gotta get bloodwork done. I'm not afraid of needles, I just don't like the fact that I had to fast 12 hours for it. Going straight to Mcdonalds when its done and over with.
Feeling like shit the whole day.
Not much to do, even though it's my birthday.
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
The combination of intense pain and not walking in 2 whole days have made it so I can't balance myself properly on my own feet. And I can only have painkillers once a day that only last for maybe 10 hours or so, eventually the pain just comes right back as I try to sleep...
My order won't be in until tomorrow, even though the post office has had it all day T_T
Need. More. Sleeeeeeeeeeeeep.
Must. Count. Sheeeeeeeeeeeep.
1,2,3,4, wait that one was a cow. Start again with a fence made of neon lights.

I think of the most illogical shit when sleep deprived. Ironically those thought keep my mind active so that I can't sleep.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#ff69b4]Drop my bottle of water when I went to get a drink when I was out for a walk when it's fucking 90°F outside. Over half of it poured out when it hit the ground.
I dropped a carton of milk on my way out of the store and spilled everywhere... fucking embarrassing
[color=#993300]In da effing hospital
Creepy stalker guy was waiting outside lurking in the shadows when I got off work.

Now he knows what kind of car I drive... great.
Though because of this, I haven't had enough time to sit around and chat with my friends.
[color=#993300]Only two hours of sleep of this school day
Slept in, was late. Felt really guilty.
I sneezed. It was loud. It got me stared at.
Had to ask cashier for a napkin.
Woke up freezing because someone turned the air down way too low
[color=#993300]Its only Thursday...
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Fart attacks all day
That feel when you're basically fanning yourself with the door to the fridge and hoping food will magically appear the next time you open it...

...only to find nothing.
[color=#993300]I'm gonna say another one today, cause I'm back in the hospital