One insignificant thing you dislike about today.

MrTickTock Vanguard of NTR
I cut my my hand on the webbing between my ring and pinkie finger, its sore.
Sun too strong
[color=#993300]Broke mai toes.....
Gravity cat the adequately amused
  • Went and had Pick n Mix at the cinema. Discounts weren't working so I had to pay the full price. Remind me to stop buying sweets there, it makes my wallet cry.

  • A friend of mine is ignoring me and has been for 2 weeks. Keep trying to strike up conversation with her but every time:

    Forum Image:

    Suffice to say I'm getting a bit pissed off by it. She commented on something I posted on Fagbook but deleted it soon after, and when I tried speaking to her resumed ignoring me again. Gonna take a wild guess that it's the control-freak boyfriend she told me about whom she recently convinced herself that she can't live without.
My ribs still hurt.

And we ran out of Mountain Dew. I can't drink beer on my current pain meds either. I could use a Budweiser or a coke but noooooo

All i got is water and coffee to drink all day
Missed my stop because i fell asleep on the bus ! :@
I got sick again, therefore I'm now back on the antibiotics.
I gained weight /cries/
I got parking ticket today, fuck.
being stubborn
The cuddling last night did not go that great since I couldn't roll on my side. She held my hand all night though.

It's also just really irritating. I know I've gone on about my broken ribs the past couple days, but let me tell you, it's much more annoying than I expected because it hurts to do certain things like bending over ir turning my body to look around, or laying on my side like I like to do, or any breathing that isn't slow and calm.

I've never had a broken rib before. I broken arm, sure, but not a rib. It just sucks and it is getting in the way of things I like to do which is why it sucks so much for me.
[color=blue]Got a very bad migraine from playing a game that's so bright it's eyebleed. Wish I had an eyepatch to alleviate the huge pressure behind my eye.[/color]
MrTickTock Vanguard of NTR
Tsamari and Revelation flipped out over moe, it urks me slightly.
I post another thing because another thing happened today.

I saw a child crying and no one really giving a damn.
She was alone too, a bit dirty, and in some unwashed clothes. I wanted to do something but then she just ran away and I couldn't find her in the store at all. I guess she was running from a store employee who was looking for her, I hope to help her out. Maybe she shoplifted something and was going to be punished or talked to about it? Whatever she did it, she was afraid she was going to be in a lot of trouble or something.
I don't know, but it is possible I may have found a homeless or neglected child today, and she ran away before I could try and help.
Sigh, another fukking crappy weekend, nothing to do...
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
Fucking downloads resetting themselves. Plus by my estimation it should take roughly 8+ hours to fully download. Wish my internet wasn't complete shit.
[color=#993300]I learned something I wish I didn't, oh my naivety
Stupid guy go away.
I'm sure a certain someone is not going to like that her phone is in the hands of another. That ought to count, right?

Well for me, it rained on me and I forgot my umbrella. It was fun, until I got cold. The rain was cold.
For Kelly... I dunno. Other than her ribs hurting she seemed to have a good day
Almost out of candy
Monster Girl
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