The most fulfilling thing you did today was...?

vacuuming my room
Went outside, sounds like its not a lot, but it was the great achievement for a Monday.
[color=#993300]School day
Sleep till noon
[color=#993300]Become a surprise professor
Went to school after skipping for two days
Scratching that itch.
[color=#993300]Save my brother
Cleaned my room. Made more improvements to my love fortress that is my bed.

Such improvements are

It now covers my whole night stand and as such I can put a larger desk fan in.

Lamp with color changing bulb now added in my ceiling fan. With the push of a putt on and a flick of the wrist I can turn off my twinkly Christmas lights and set dimmer colorful mood lighting.

Hid a few things in my nightstand drawer for when Cherry and I are alone. ;) Massage oil, some lubricant for any toys we might get, my old (but clean) vibrating toothbrush and a new one just like it (for Cherry because she liked using my old vibrating toothbrush much more than her vibrator. The shape of it also helps because it can be used as a thin dildo as well.) some of my hentai stash, and some shot glasses with hearts on them. I have champagne ready for our anniversary of something she keeps talking about but won't tell me what it's for.

Bought me my own incense oil burner because Cherry had one in her bathroom and it made relaxing bath times and I was jealous. It works well.

With the extended area, I can pull back part of the "wall" to cases my mini fridge. Mountain Dew and jello cups for
anime watching fun times!

I also have my teddy bears on display. I made it look like they are all in a group hug or holding hands or something.

I like working on my love fort. It makes me feel like a kid again and it is hella comfy to sleep in my nigga! XD
Remind me never to talk street again. It sounds awkward, even on the internet lol.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
100% learned how to use the till at work. (Except gift cards, refunds which I'm not allowed to do, and discounts)


Next stop, taking over the world.
Had a cup of coffee.. and drawing
Gravity cat the adequately amused

[list]Started a huge project of building a railway leading from my house going around the boundaries of my world. Even though my world is finite, placing Stone Bricks and quickly blasting through stacks of them makes my world feel ginormous. Gone through almost all of my Cobblestone reserves (which I fired into Stone and turned it into Stone Brick) and I'm just about halfway. Making the Rails and Powered rails is going to be fun. I may have to dismantle the old railway I originally was building leading to an NPC village, because there's not much point in it anymore if my house has a player-made one and the new railway goes past it anyway. Or at least it will once I connect the blocks where the rails are going to go.
[*]I started building on a huge Jungle Tree which also acts as a ladder to get out my partially-underground Village, turning it into a Treehouse. But I never finished it, and since the tree is now the start of my railway, consistency demands I turn it into a train station. So need to do that.
[*]Made use of all my Melon Slices I'm not using by crafting them into Blocks and placing them under said tree to make it a Melon Tree. Might name the rail station "Melon Rail". Still got a stack of Melon Blocks so might build a small house out of them for shits and giggles. Or a statue with a Jack'o'Lantern as the head.
[*]The other day I converted a Dungeon with a Zombie Mob Spawner into a Fall Trap. It's functional, I just need to cuten it up. Still need to flatten the land on the surface and make a pixel art of a Zombie's face as the entrance.

I should probably finish one project before doing another. The prettyfying of my Zombie Mob Trap and my railway are among countless other projects I've yet to finish. Like finishing the Obsidian building sitting on top of my World Spawn point, which took ages to figure out the exact dimensionsfor because I had to kill myself so many times and dig a Dirt block out where I spawned. I'm very, very close to finishing it - probably need a stack of Obsidian - but I just haven't done it. And because the Zombie Trap entrance is so close to it, I'll need to move the small Wheat Farm I built.
[color=#993300]Design a newspaper/magazine/hybrid thing
I wrote stuff today. Nothing specific really, just vague ideas I might want to try out
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Since last time,

  • Officially used up all my Cobblestone making my railway. And I still have a little ways to go before constructing the rails.
    [*]Built another Jungle Tree next to the one containing the railway station, so it doesn't look like it's going to topple over from the uneven weight, and instead is suspended evenly. I tried growing one but it wasn't having any of it.
    [*]Found out that Item Frames cause a lot of lag if you use lots of them (they're Entities - as far as the game's concerned they're NPCs). Reduced over half the amount I use and fuck me I haven't seen performance this smooth around my house since what feels like an eternity. But now I have a 64-stack of Item Frames going to waste.

Next time I play I'm going to try and find some Mooshrooms. It will mean rearranging my animal farms so the 'Shrooms are next to the cows, and I might wanna remove the "luxury condo" I built for a saddled pig, fill it in a bit and use that for my sheep or something. Hooray, the area won't be totally useless and I gain sticks from getting the wood back.
[color=#993300]Make the whole class laugh at a joke on Rice
Gravity cat the adequately amused
  • Finished the conversion of my Saddled Pig's luxury condo into a larger sheep pen. More room for the sheep means an easier time shearing them because they don't all crowd into a small space. The saddled pigs are now penned off next to my pig farm with chests with Saddles and Carrot-sticks.
    [*]Got a breeding pair of Mooshrooms. I had to get 2 because the single Mooshroom wouldn't breed with a regular cow, which sucked.
    [*]Moved my sheep into the new pen, moved the cows into the pen next to where they were, and the Mooshrooms are where the cows were.
    [*]Started building a Ghast Pixel art model over my house made of White, Light Grey, Grey and Black Wool. Had to use a bit of Stone for another shade of grey. Done the underbelly and the face, just need to do the sides, back, top and the tentacle thingies. Got the dimensions wrong slightly, but I couldn't find a texture file with a grid. Would've been so much easier.

Real Life:
  • Feel more confident on the till at work. Still not without my minor mishaps though. Like that time I closed the drawer without getting change out. Oops.
    [*]Drew some money out for the week and got some more fizzy at ASDA. Get in.

GTA Online:
  • Played with friends.
    [*]Played about with my new Grenade Launcher as I'm now Rank 60+. I love it.
    [*]Attempted and failed to claim a bounty because the Buzzard's Rockets wouldn't lock onto them. They got out and Grenaded me. One of my bigger fails. Next time I get myself into a similar situation I'm not going to fly so low and I'll use First-Person view.
    [*]Got a Grey Cat mask. Had the Tabby one for a while and wanted both.
tsujoi jenkins. winning the game.
[color=#993300]Finally finished coloring the god damn hair
Got my pay check. So happy to have cash again, I spent my food budget on anime merch and have been living for the last week mostly on top ramen and eggs that I get from my neighbors who have a butt load of chickens.