One insignificant thing that made your day better

artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
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<3 <3 <3
I found a way to sit that the sun doesn't make it so I can't see either whatever's on the screen or myself in the reflection.
[color=#993300]I finally get to talk with her
Started new job, and apparently the owner of that ice cream shop inaugurates all new employees with a free scoop of their choice of flavor at lunch. It's the only time it's going to happen though XD
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Killed a guy on GTA Online who came after me and my friend.

He got in my car before me, so he drove. Was just as well, because after I told him to go to the airport so we could get 5* with a Buzzard, we noticed a guy was following us. Because he was driving I could focus on aiming with the Sticky Bomb. We got to the airport where they assaulted us with Machine guns. I threw a bomb down and blew them up. Was actually surprised we didn't blow up either, both the bomb and their car was that close to us.

Their reaction was priceless; "Fuck youuuuuu", as if me blowing them up was unprovoked or unfair in some way. Cackled at them in response and they left us alone.
[color=#993300]I wasn't completely rejected
I cuddled her today. It was nice. Wish she cloud have stayed the night though. That'd make tonight better.
I went to a Block party and saw a 100 year old woman get out of her wheelchair to throw down in the dance competition to the song "Blurred Lines".
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
Weird experiment that I wasn't sure about turned out to be awesome~ albeit still a bit weird...
I think i may have found myself i new job, will see.
Planning out my move and keeping my mind off other more serious things.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Was forced by my friend's sister to accompany her to someone's house to play board games with them and his kid. He popped into the shop yesterday where he invited her, but she didn't want to go on her own because "he smelled" and figured that he might have stopped showering. Next thing I know, she said "YOU'RE COMING TOMORROW" and kept reminding me throughout the morning until the time. So I had no choice in the matter, and I don't think he did either.

But I am pretty glad I did go - had quite a lot of fun. Played board games, that football game you have to flick the players but I can never remember the name, they showed me their Minecraft worlds (although merely Creative games) which are pretty cool. Just a shame they're on Xbox or I'd have added them and shown them mine. Then watched her and his kid play Lego Batman until she handed the controller to me because he was getting really frustrated because she sucked at it. Top lel.

The guy showed me one of his Guild Wars 2 characters which made me want to play, but the game looks so pretty I'll probably fear for my laptop's life if I tried to play it.

And went to the Pub Quiz straight after. We didn't win, but we did get 2 free meal vouchers for having the best Quiz name; "Oscar Pastorius has a better defence than Man. United", and I went to the shop and got 2 bags of Doritos.

Today was a good day.
Defeated an annoying boss, 3 days stuck at him >.<

And my Aikatsu torrent is almost finished! *jumps around like a kid*

[color=#993300]I was confessed to...
This wasn't today, it was yesterday, but I went to my fathers house, and we talked about anime, because he was going through some of my old stuff and found a bunch of my old manga, and he was like "why don't you show me a good show, and I'll see what I think about it." so I showed him the first Eva rebuild movie, and he really liked it, and I'm going back in a few days and were gonna watch the second one!
NutritiousGoop wrote...
Started new job, and apparently the owner of that ice cream shop inaugurates all new employees with a free scoop of their choice of flavor at lunch. It's the only time it's going to happen though XD

Did you ask for a Slime-Girl-Special flavor? ^^


Had a good shower, especially after a long tiring day.
I woke up this morning. Took a long, hard look at my penis, and I said to myself "it's not bad".
I helped my uncle with his moving, had many laughs, couple of big macs and he gave me 40€!

Was a really good day!
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
Being taught how to cook by my gf. All kinds of hilarious cooking-related shenanigans~