The most fulfilling thing you did today was...?

I finally decided to pre-order Renai Sample.
Did a 4 mile walk/jog and sold one of the 2 items I needed to sell before moving.
Got to race my friends car, was pretty fun.
[color=#993300]Destroy some Biology tests
I made considerable progress towards entomological genocide in my apartment. You six legged fucks are gonna wish you had the dignity of extinction by the time I'm finished with you and your children.
[color=#993300]Toredown a giant bamboo node
Initial recon reported massive and hopefully total casualties in the alleged Insect HQ (aka: My Radiator) in last night's chemical weapons bombardment (Piperonyl Butoxide spray). To ensure complete victory, I decided to put a bug bomb in my radiator. I even treated myself to a one-liner before setting it off.

"If any of you bastards are still alive in there, lemme offer you some advice. Face the vents looking outward. Tuck your head between your legs. And kiss your asses goodbye."
[color=#993300]Made my 1000th post, I post way to fucking much in the scope of things...
Sold my guitar amp and my extra laptop computer so that I can have the money to ship my items out for the move in 20 days.
Absolutely nothing. And it will stay that way today.
I'm just waiting for Cherry because I haz surprizes
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Grinded the hell out of GTA Online. Then got bored and proceeded to laze the day away further.

My Exemplar is now as modded as my Rank and Race wins will allow. And I put Turbo on my Cavalcade for no other reason other than it's my first car and deserves to not be the worst one I have. The Panto holds that honour in my collection, but I got that as a novelty car because it's just absolutely hilarious.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#ff69b4]Walked a hour and a half in the rain to hand in a job application.
[color=#993300]Get interviewed by MIT for a student application, now we wait...
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Got quite a few things done on Minecraft. Again.

  • Progressed on flattening the Snowy biome next to my house for my Ice Rink, until I got distracted by the sound of a Zombie, and unwittingly uncovering a dungeon by TNT which contained said Zombie. The dungeon is huge. Managed to get enough Iron from a single trip to make 14 blocks.
    [*]Retired my Diamond Shovel and Pickaxe and replaced them with new ones from my Villagers. My new Pickaxe has Fortune III on it. So much Coal. It's a godsend for Coal trades.
    [*]The Farmer Villager which has been in the Village since its early days (because he's been fenced off so I didn't get tempted to kill him if he had shit trades - which he never did) now has a roommate. Also upgraded his living quarters from a dinky hole in the wall and being caged in with a fence, to an entire shop of his own, complete with Wheat farm and piston-powered flooding system. So I now have 2 E-Z Harvest Wheat farms. Perfect for Wheat trades. In each "shop" I try to use materials I don't normally use, in this case I used Sandstone and its nicer-looking variants. Looks more like a Middle-Eastern shop for bartering random crap though.
    [*]Because I moved the Village Wheat patch, it looks and feels less cluttered in the Village. Freed up space to place more doors. My Village population grew by 4. Not bad.
    [*]Every so often I find a lone Zombie standing at the Library entrance trying to bash the door down. At first I thought it was dark enough for mobs to spawn but even when I cranked up the Torch usage it still happened. I witnessed a Zombie coming in using the ladder, so apparently they don't "jump" up them when they're fixated on trying to kill Villagers. Quickly fixed that through the magic of fences.
    [*]Got a Diamond Leggings trade. Officially have a full set of Diamond equipment available through Village Trades.

I love how you can get Diamond equipment through trades. I only use Diamonds to extend the life of my Looting-enchanted Diamond sword.
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
Did the majority of my 2000 word essay done in about 45 minutes...the rest can wait until the morning.
Went to class and wrote about my fictional galactic war instead of paying attention.
Took in a couple of feral kittens who wouldn't survive otherwise since they're autumn droppings.
Likhos01 Monster Girl Lover
Finished my Berserk manga collection.

I can now wait years for a new volume to be published.
i went to the library and got some good books ive been meaning to read. I got Cloud Atlas, which ive heard is good, and i also got A Short History of Nearly Everything.