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What are your views on abortion, are you for it or against it? Should it be completely illegal or if legal, what are the conditions? Why?

My own view is that it absolutely should be legal and that there shouldn't be any restrictions as to who and why someone decides to 'get' one. I don't know the science of it, as to what are the time periods when you can safely do it and whatnot, but i think any woman for any reason should be allowed to legally get a abortion and that there shouldn't be any shame about it what so ever. Obviously this doesn't mean that i support a woman who likes to get knocked up every weekend and goes to the abortion clinic on a monthly basis, obviously using contraception is always the better option if you do not want to have a child. But even if such a person existed whos idea of fun is to constantly go to get abortions, i wouldn't be against it (it would be a good thing if a person like that didn't give birth to a child).

Most often the arguments against abortion (at least from my experience) come from the religious and the arguments usually are that the fetus has a soul, the fetus is a human being which has rights, abortion is murder, so on and so fort.

First off, i would say that all the hypothetical arguments (like the soul thing), to me they don't mean anything. It is just noise and i just ignore them pretty much, because they are arguments which can't be proven correct in the first place.

Second, abortion being murder to me isn't scientific and not even true. Yes, fetus is a potential human being, but at its early stages it simply isn't one and there for no murder can be committed. Its brain, nervous system, any of the organs for that matter have not even developed yet, it doesn't resemble (in a realistic sense) a human being. Like i already said, i don't know the science of this, i don't know at which time the fetus develops these things and the time in which abortion is allowed varies from country to country.

Third, the point about fetus having rights, i don't agree with. Not that it doesn't make any sense, but i have always hold the idea that the human rights we give and hold are given to humans after it is no longer legal to perform an abortion. I believe that womens right to their bodies and their lives outweighs that of the potential life of the fetus. I believe that women should not be forced to have a child they may or may not want to have or give birth to.
I have only one reason why I think abortion should be legal. People can get pregnant even if they don't want to. I have heard countless stories of women who got pregnant even after using rhythm method, a condom, and a contraception all at the same time. If you are one of them, what in the world are you supposed to do with your loving boyfriend or husband? Not have sex at all? You have done everything you can, so it wasn't you fault. The government might as well make sex illegal if you don't want babies if my logic is not justified.
DatYuriThough Goddess of Nature
Obviously it should be legal. The argument I always lead with when discussing abortion is imagine a hypothetical situation: Let's say a women is raped and gets pregnant as a result, living with the constant remainder of that event (not that it's the child's fault but it would remind them of that horrific event) for her entire life. So the woman should be allowed to at least have the choice to get the abortion so she doesn't have to suffer the effects of getting pregnant.

Also, in my country (UK) most abortions are legal up to the 24th week, however their are cases when you are legally allowed to go past that under certain circumstances. I'm not so well versed on potential harm from abortions but I know (here at least) two Doctors need to agree that going through the abortion will cause less harm than if the woman didn't go through with it. Most abortions here are preferred to occur before the 12th week though (I think it's easier and less likely to cause harm that way).

However, contraception is always a better and safer choice. Best to go that route, it doesn't always work but at least the odds are in your favour so you don't have to go through the whole abortion procedure and can stop STI's as well, double win. I think abortions should be stopped at the point where the fetus is capable of survival outside of womb without equipment aiding it (unless of some medical reason) simply because at that point I think it qualifies as a human being rather than the potential for one. I also believe this since it no longer requires it's mother (other than for feeding, but there's alternatives than a mother's milk) and it's basically a human at that point.
I think it should be legal.
Xillia Full Time Waifu.
Well as a Catholic raised person, we're supposed to believe that abortion is wrong and considered as murder since our definition of life starts at conception. Personally I'm not pro-life, BUT if you had a choice, I'd reccomend acting against aborting since a new life is a beautiful thing in my opinion.
Likhos01 Monster Girl Lover
It's legal in my country, so the debate is closed for me.

Ironically my life was permitted due to abortion.

My opinion is that it should be allowed.
You can put limits to that if you fancy it, but it should be automatically authorised when it threatens the life of the mother or if pregnancy is due to rape.

About the argument about abortion being murder, I remember a french humorist saying that "if we go to that point, we should also consider masturbation to be a genocide, and fellatio to be cannibalism"

Anyway, Abortion is still a last chance measure, if you don't wanna have kids, use contraception, it's less traumatising.
the legality of abortion depends on a couple things that I can think of.

1. At what point does the right to live kick in? When the baby is born? When conception happens? Somewhere in between? Where exactly and why?

2. What if any rights does the male have. I know its in the woman's body but it wouldn't be there without the participation of the male.
Reaperzwei wrote...
the legality of abortion depends on a couple things that I can think of.

1. At what point does the right to live kick in? When the baby is born? When conception happens? Somewhere in between? Where exactly and why?

Somewhere in between, when it is no longer legal or safe to perform abortion. I already mentioned that at its early stages, fetus doesn't even resemble a human, it is just a collection of cells and i don't understand why we would give those collection of cells rights.

What about the fetus being a potential human being? Well so is every single of man's sperm cells, a potential human being. So why not give your cum the right to live?

Reaperzwei wrote...
2. What if any rights does the male have. I know its in the woman's body but it wouldn't be there without the participation of the male.

As far as i know and depending on which country you are talking about, men don't have any legal rights to the potential human being at all. If the man wants to keep the baby, but the woman doesn't, the woman has every right to go and get an abortion and the man can't legally do anything about it. If the man doesn't want to keep the baby, doesn't want to become a father, but the woman wants to become a mother, again the woman has every right to keep the baby, and the man can't do anything about it, and in fact is forced legally to pay child support.
Basically from a medical standpoint abortion can mean either natural and/or artificial termination of pregnancy. So when we have patients that have an abortion number on their medical history sheet that doesn't necessarily mean that they did it by choice. To meet the requirement you have to have had a medically proved pregnancy (aka a doctor confirms it with any form of medical testing) and said pregnancy was terminated by any various means. Just a tidbit of information since it's something that surprises people, even I didn't know it till I started to learn medical charting.

I think it should be legal within reason. Basically it's your body you do what you want with it. As long as someone is doing the procedure's properly (there is more then one method of abortion that depending on what you want, where you are in the pregnancy, complications, etc) and if you understand the consequences of your actions. Should also seek counseling afterwards because regardless of how others feel about this, it is a serious life decision and can affect you in a multitude of ways.

The only reason I don't see abortion as being good is when it is abused. Basically if a person feels they are forced into getting one or they do it later in the game (aka fetus is fully formed, moving and kicking) unless the pregnancy could cause fatal complications to the woman.
Here's my two cents,
Abortion should be legal. People get raped and/or accidentally get pregnant despite precautions. Sometimes, it is too dangerous for the mother to have the kid or is just not viable etc. You're just terminating a bunch of cells so it should be fine.

However, late-term abortions should be illegal (except for serious medical cases) for several reasons that really concern me. Late-term abortions are not so simple nor safe like early ones. Aside from infection, hemorrhage, damage to the uterus, perforation and laceration of major blood vessels, bladder, vagina, intestine and other structures; Late-term abortion carries nearly the same degree of risk of death as childbirth.
Also, concerning ethics, it's a bit iffy depending on the viability of the fetus. At 25 weeks, the fetus can have as high as 80% chance of surviving, which makes it kinda a homicide. Seriously, though, you have near 20 weeks to find out if you are preggers, and it's not always that hard.

Also, abortion done illegally is a big no-no. Please, go to a legitimate doctor or clinic. Don't make your life any harder than it has to be...
kickiluxxx wrote...
Here's my two cents,
Abortion should be legal. People get raped and/or accidentally get pregnant despite precautions. Sometimes, it is too dangerous for the mother to have the kid or is just not viable etc. You're just terminating a bunch of cells so it should be fine.

However, late-term abortions should be illegal (except for serious medical cases) for several reasons that really concern me. Late-term abortions are not so simple nor safe like early ones. Aside from infection, hemorrhage, damage to the uterus, perforation and laceration of major blood vessels, bladder, vagina, intestine and other structures; Late-term abortion carries nearly the same degree of risk of death as childbirth.
Also, concerning ethics, it's a bit iffy depending on the viability of the fetus. At 25 weeks, the fetus can have as high as 80% chance of surviving, which makes it kinda a homicide. Seriously, though, you have near 20 weeks to find out if you are preggers, and it's not always that hard.

Also, abortion done illegally is a big no-no. Please, go to a legitimate doctor or clinic. Don't make your life any harder than it has to be...

Question for you, are you in a medical related field or study a form of medicine/science? Your post was really nicely done and sounds like you know your stuff. (OuO)b
Misaki_Chi wrote...
kickiluxxx wrote...
Here's my two cents,
Abortion should be legal. People get raped and/or accidentally get pregnant despite precautions. Sometimes, it is too dangerous for the mother to have the kid or is just not viable etc. You're just terminating a bunch of cells so it should be fine.

However, late-term abortions should be illegal (except for serious medical cases) for several reasons that really concern me. Late-term abortions are not so simple nor safe like early ones. Aside from infection, hemorrhage, damage to the uterus, perforation and laceration of major blood vessels, bladder, vagina, intestine and other structures; Late-term abortion carries nearly the same degree of risk of death as childbirth.
Also, concerning ethics, it's a bit iffy depending on the viability of the fetus. At 25 weeks, the fetus can have as high as 80% chance of surviving, which makes it kinda a homicide. Seriously, though, you have near 20 weeks to find out if you are preggers, and it's not always that hard.

Also, abortion done illegally is a big no-no. Please, go to a legitimate doctor or clinic. Don't make your life any harder than it has to be...

Question for you, are you in a medical related field or study a form of medicine/science? Your post was really nicely done and sounds like you know your stuff. (OuO)b

Yes, I am.
Well, in my part-time work, when a patient or subject/research participant asks us for our opinion, we have to state it in the most neutral and nicest way possible.

Also, one thing that I despise, but most people can lie about this, is people who get abortion because of the gender of the fetus. Almost all of the time, gender-based abortion targets are the female ones.
Another thing that I find disturbing is how a lot of people have misconceptions about abortions, from how it is like a cakewalk to how it is one of the most dangerous things in the planet...
kickiluxxx wrote...
Misaki_Chi wrote...
kickiluxxx wrote...
Here's my two cents,
Abortion should be legal. People get raped and/or accidentally get pregnant despite precautions. Sometimes, it is too dangerous for the mother to have the kid or is just not viable etc. You're just terminating a bunch of cells so it should be fine.

However, late-term abortions should be illegal (except for serious medical cases) for several reasons that really concern me. Late-term abortions are not so simple nor safe like early ones. Aside from infection, hemorrhage, damage to the uterus, perforation and laceration of major blood vessels, bladder, vagina, intestine and other structures; Late-term abortion carries nearly the same degree of risk of death as childbirth.
Also, concerning ethics, it's a bit iffy depending on the viability of the fetus. At 25 weeks, the fetus can have as high as 80% chance of surviving, which makes it kinda a homicide. Seriously, though, you have near 20 weeks to find out if you are preggers, and it's not always that hard.

Also, abortion done illegally is a big no-no. Please, go to a legitimate doctor or clinic. Don't make your life any harder than it has to be...

Question for you, are you in a medical related field or study a form of medicine/science? Your post was really nicely done and sounds like you know your stuff. (OuO)b

Yes, I am.
Well, in my part-time work, when a patient or subject/research participant asks us for our opinion, we have to state it in the most neutral and nicest way possible.

Also, one thing that I despise, but most people can lie about this, is people who get abortion because of the gender of the fetus. Almost all of the time, gender-based abortion targets are the female ones.
Another thing that I find disturbing is how a lot of people have misconceptions about abortions, from how it is like a cakewalk to how it is one of the most dangerous things in the planet...

I think rather then be neutral about information I try to be simple and understanding of the information I give. Basically you tell them what you know and be as kind and honest about the information as possible. If I know something could cause fatal complications or even potential death I can't just leave that information out. I try to understand the knowledge of my patients and to understand their point of view. I then see if I can answer their questions or if I need to have the physician talk with them about their concerns. I also try to be as nice as I can about providing information, though you still have to be honest about things. If a medication as severe side effects, a procedure has complications or if a disease has profound effects then a patient must know all of the good and bad information. Every person is different in their recovery/understanding/tolerance, but the level of noncompliance can be rather difficult to handle sometimes so a little tough love within reason may be used. I also get a little annoyed when patients think that the hospital is a hotel. I try keep from bugging patients as little as possible, but you can't help when certain things must be done to hospital protocol or a physician has specific orders that must be done during your shift. I also can't help if the diet the physician puts people on sucks or the food sucks in general lol. I love my work though so I just do it with a big smile and to the best of my abilities.

The amount of risk involved with abortions depends on the method used, though I do agree with you that people that think it's just an "easy fix" with no complications are misinformed. Every method has a risk, but some abortions can be induced via medication which isn't as severe as procedural abortions. Most common risks with any abortion as you said will usually be some form hemorrhage/blood clotting or infection, which should be properly discussed with a client seeking abortion. The cost will be anywhere from $300 to close to a grand, so abortions are not cheap either. Recovery time is usually a few days to a couple of weeks.

I've heard about gender bias as well and it's quite sad to hear about people who wish to get rid of a pregnancy just because their child wasn't the gender of their liking. Even if that happens I still think it's a person's choice to terminate a pregnancy if they understand the consequences of their actions. I try to look at it in a better way such as maybe it's best to not bring a child into the world if said child won't be loved for something such as specific gender aversion.
Misaki_Chi wrote...
kickiluxxx wrote...
Misaki_Chi wrote...
kickiluxxx wrote...
Here's my two cents,
Abortion should be legal. People get raped and/or accidentally get pregnant despite precautions. Sometimes, it is too dangerous for the mother to have the kid or is just not viable etc. You're just terminating a bunch of cells so it should be fine.

However, late-term abortions should be illegal (except for serious medical cases) for several reasons that really concern me. Late-term abortions are not so simple nor safe like early ones. Aside from infection, hemorrhage, damage to the uterus, perforation and laceration of major blood vessels, bladder, vagina, intestine and other structures; Late-term abortion carries nearly the same degree of risk of death as childbirth.
Also, concerning ethics, it's a bit iffy depending on the viability of the fetus. At 25 weeks, the fetus can have as high as 80% chance of surviving, which makes it kinda a homicide. Seriously, though, you have near 20 weeks to find out if you are preggers, and it's not always that hard.

Also, abortion done illegally is a big no-no. Please, go to a legitimate doctor or clinic. Don't make your life any harder than it has to be...

Question for you, are you in a medical related field or study a form of medicine/science? Your post was really nicely done and sounds like you know your stuff. (OuO)b

Yes, I am.
Well, in my part-time work, when a patient or subject/research participant asks us for our opinion, we have to state it in the most neutral and nicest way possible.

Also, one thing that I despise, but most people can lie about this, is people who get abortion because of the gender of the fetus. Almost all of the time, gender-based abortion targets are the female ones.
Another thing that I find disturbing is how a lot of people have misconceptions about abortions, from how it is like a cakewalk to how it is one of the most dangerous things in the planet...

I think rather then be neutral about information I try to be simple and understanding of the information I give. Basically you tell them what you know and be as kind and honest about the information as possible. If I know something could cause fatal complications or even potential death I can't just leave that information out. I try to understand the knowledge of my patients and to understand their point of view. I then see if I can answer their questions or if I need to have the physician talk with them about their concerns. I also try to be as nice as I can about providing information, though you still have to be honest about things. If a medication as severe side effects, a procedure has complications or if a disease has profound effects then a patient must know all of the good and bad information. Every person is different in their recovery/understanding/tolerance, but the level of noncompliance can be rather difficult to handle sometimes so a little tough love within reason may be used. I also get a little annoyed when patients think that the hospital is a hotel. I try keep from bugging patients as little as possible, but you can't help when certain things must be done to hospital protocol or a physician has specific orders that must be done during your shift. I also can't help if the diet the physician puts people on sucks or the food sucks in general lol. I love my work though so I just do it with a big smile and to the best of my abilities.

The amount of risk involved with abortions depends on the method used, though I do agree with you that people that think it's just an "easy fix" with no complications are misinformed. Every method has a risk, but some abortions can be induced via medication which isn't as severe as procedural abortions. Most common risks with any abortion as you said will usually be some form hemorrhage/blood clotting or infection, which should be properly discussed with a client seeking abortion. The cost will be anywhere from $300 to close to a grand, so abortions are not cheap either. Recovery time is usually a few days to a couple of weeks.

I've heard about gender bias as well and it's quite sad to hear about people who wish to get rid of a pregnancy just because their child wasn't the gender of their liking. Even if that happens I still think it's a person's choice to terminate a pregnancy if they understand the consequences of their actions. I try to look at it in a better way such as maybe it's best to not bring a child into the world if said child won't be loved for something such as specific gender aversion.

Oh, I'm never neutral about information. Just when people ask us about our opinions (whether politics, religion, ethics etc) we have to be neutral, so as to avoid offending them.
Yup, the person must know all side effects of a medicine, especially ones on trial. However, the best solution is find desperate enough people that would take anything. Also, being honest can be tricky. Some might find wording things differently to be a form of honesty.

Yeah.. That part when they don't like what diet they are prescribed or medicine they are given, or the side effects that comes with it, I really dislike that. Also, when they come in to find the results for their test, I hate when they try to argue they can't possibly have that...
However, what I hate the most is when people try to blame me for their waiting time... Like I can do anything about that...

Hmm... Where I am, abortion is free, so there is absolutely no excuse to go to a dubious place to get an abortion.

Gender abortion is sad and I believe it should never happen in the first place whatever the reason is. However, I can't really do anything about it. Like I said, people can lie about reasons and whatsoever.
I myself never really see this as an issue...

Roe vs Wade case actually made abortions legal in every state, but not every state will have the the clinics for abortions. Most places that do have the clinic will do them up to 22 weeks. So to me saying someone raped cannot get an abortion is funny cause right now they still can. Now certain politicians are trying to change those laws, but I think general younger public won't allow things like that. Now still needs to be certain restrictions like, time frame between abortions, number of total abortions, and obviously pregnancy no more than 22-24 weeks.
No one likes abortion, and im guessing that no one ever wants to get one, but it should be a woman's right to have control over her body, so of course it should be legal.
Well, over here on Chile is illegal for any reason, even if not doing so costs the life of both: mother and child. (Medics still do it illegally, though).

Anyway, I'm in favor of it, on any circumstance. I think each person should be able to take their own decisions on so subjective things. I mean, I dislike to force people to take the option you personally think is the best: they can think it inst the best.

As for the child for being born I don't care that much. I'm not humanist, so I value the live of each thing by same, and frankly, I kill bigger and more complex lifeforms by just walking. I think it's more relevant as time pass as it's getting complex and starts to have more senses. But over the 90% of aborts are done before the second trimester, so I don't care. As for those who happens after the first trimester I still hold my position, but I think it should try to be avoided as much as possible. Natural abortion happens all the time anyway.

Medical reasons? I don't think any medic, anywhere, will do an abortion that he thinks it's too dangerous to being reasonable. Of course, that comes from the legal framework. Illegal's frameworks doesn't care about laws or anything.

About myself, what could I do. Well, aside from therapeutic abortion to save my life, I could not do it. I dislike the idea, I prefer giving it the chance to born and so even if he can't live or anything. If I got raped: I love children, a lot, so I prefer to cheer me up with one, after all its rapist fault and not from anyone else.

Anyway, I'm sterile (illness), so I'll never live something like that.

Note: On the hypothetic case I were fertile and were bisexual or heterosexual (I'm homosexual), I could never do it if I got pregnant by accident. Like I said, I love kids, so its something I wish all in all even if that means being single mother.

There should be a few ways to (badly) punish people who force a girl to abort, too. Maybe a phone center for girls being forced or pressured to do so, too, to help preventing it. Making abort itself illegal doesn't change anything as people will force you for illegal means if necessary.
I believe it should be an option... That it should always be legal to preform, but I just don't like the idea of killing something that hasn't really had a chance to live at all. I do believe they would have some sort of soul developing as the body develops... So where would that unborn soul go when it dies? Pergatoury? Apparently that's where the baptized babies go or something like that.

Religious stuff aside, I don't like the idea of abortion, but at the same time, I can't argue with how useful it can be to those who just aren't ready to be parents or maybe to those women who didn't want to have sex with that guy in The first place... And what of medical reasons, such as the mother might not being able to survive bearing a child due to her condition? Or maybe, heaven forbid, but the fetus dies at some point before birth, like halfway through or something...

I see why it's there, and I'm not saying it should be abolished or anything, I just don't like how so many people have to use it these days, especially teenagers
NutritiousGoop wrote...
I believe it should be an option... That it should always be legal to preform, but I just don't like the idea of killing something that hasn't really had a chance to live at all. I do believe they would have some sort of soul developing as the body develops... So where would that unborn soul go when it dies? Pergatoury? Apparently that's where the baptized babies go or something like that.

Religious stuff aside, I don't like the idea of abortion, but at the same time, I can't argue with how useful it can be to those who just aren't ready to be parents or maybe to those women who didn't want to have sex with that guy in The first place... And what of medical reasons, such as the mother might not being able to survive bearing a child due to her condition? Or maybe, heaven forbid, but the fetus dies at some point before birth, like halfway through or something...

I see why it's there, and I'm not saying it should be abolished or anything, I just don't like how so many people have to use it these days, especially teenagers

It's a bit sad to be frank, well, not just a bit, but a lot. I mean, it feels like a problem without solution. If you abolish abortion it's done illegally anyway, or even if a girl is not even able to access that, most of them just abandon the child...

There should be a stronger family and friend support I think... but it isn't that easy as just saying. =/
NutritiousGoop wrote...
I see why it's there, and I'm not saying it should be abolished or anything, I just don't like how so many people have to use it these days, especially teenagers

Saying many people or 'too' many people deciding to use this option of abortion as a bad thing is actually not an argument against abortion at all. Because the best way to counter people doing abortions is the proper usage of contraception (or to not simply have sex, which will never happen). The better we educate the public about the usage of different methods of contraception the less we have abortions i would think.

I do understand the argument that maybe abortion is the very reason (for some people) to not to use contraception, because you can always count on that as the last option if you indeed do get pregnant. I don't know how expensive if at all the operation is, i think here in Finland it is indeed free, but non the less my answer to that would be that maybe abortion shouldn't be a free operation (if it is) and the public should also be educated about the reality of abortions, the risks, what is done, how its done, so on and so fort, and i think that also would make it a less desirable option and in effect result in less abortions.
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