Street Fighter V

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So Street Fighter 5 was leaked then confirmed yesterday and will be exclusive to PS4 and PC. (though i think the versions after will be multiplatform)

Here's a gameplay trailer

What do you guys think?

These are early models and will look better as time goes on but i think the art style looks to similar to SF4 which im not a big fan of.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
When it comes to 2D fighters, I'm mostly a button masher. This is especially true for the SF series. I haven't played a SF game since alpha 3. I'm more of a GG fan, so I doubt I'll pick this up. I don't get why they made it console exclusive to PS4. Its a popular enough series for it to get high sales from all consoles. Like you said, the later editions will probably be multiplat.
I didn't enjoy the SF4 series too much because it felt kinda slow. The KOF series always delivered on game speed for me, though sadly enough it doesn't have a broader appeal.

That being said, I really hope that this game will be much faster than SFIV.

EDIT: I believe I saw...
1. Guard Breaks?
2. Powerup moves
3. Better animations
4. Altered/New specials
5. Jump height seems to have changed somewhat.
Figured as soon as Microsoft got Killer Instinct that Sony would try to get a fighting game too. Didn't think Capcom would let them have Street Fighter though.

It's cool there is cross platform multiplayer.
The models look a lot more polished than that of the IV series. With that said, as someone who plays this on a compeitive level, i'm personallg waiting on solid knowledge of the mechanics for this game.

Wall breaks will change corner pressure that a lot of compeitive FGs are based off of. I'm hoping for similar mechanics to the CvS2. Good footies mechanics as well as good fireball game as SF is known for.

Also hoping they release it in 2017 or 18 to give Ultra breathing room.
sakabato24 wrote...
The models look a lot more polished than that of the IV series. With that said, as someone who plays this on a compeitive level, i'm personallg waiting on solid knowledge of the mechanics for this game.

Wall breaks will change corner pressure that a lot of compeitive FGs are based off of. I'm hoping for similar mechanics to the CvS2. Good footies mechanics as well as good fireball game as SF is known for.

Also hoping they release it in 2017 or 18 to give Ultra breathing room.

It's been confirmed for Spring of this coming year. Don't quote me on that, need to find source. But I wouldn't wait for 2018, Capcom needs to break bank with this title, I'd say mid-2016 at the latest.

Capcom originally intended for this game to be released in 2018, but if you've been keeping up, Capcom hasn't made a decent game sale since RE6 and that was a pitfall trap. Following it's success sales by number, it sorta shook faith of customers. RE6 was a terrible game on console in my experience, and as a result I didn't even know about Revelations until my friends told me it was a better experience than RE6, so I picked it up and enjoyed it very much but it still felt too much like a shooter.

DmC had so many resources invested into it and it was a fucking failure. They originally estimated 2 million title sales by the end of 2013(released January 2013), it's now the end of 2014 and it's only reached 1.6 million sales. That's almost 3 years, and it still hasn't met quota. The only things keeping Capcom afloat are these overly milked editions of SF4, Monster Hunter in Japan(God Bless this series.), and Resident Evil. Believe it or not RE5 was Capcom's best title sold ever. I can't disagree I fucking loved that game with or without that shitty inventory system of 9 slots.

I don't know why they can't just team up with fucking Comcept and let Inafune do his magic with Megaman again.

Supposedly the reason why it's only on PS4 is because Sony decided to back Capcom on it. It wouldn't surprise me if it's true considering Microsoft didn't want to do the same with Platninum Games and Bayonetta 2.
ichikogawolfdemon wrote...
Supposedly the reason why it's only on PS4 is because Sony decided to back Capcom on it. It wouldn't surprise me if it's true considering Microsoft didn't want to do the same with Platninum Games and Bayonetta 2.

I also believe that Capcom decided to go with PS4 is because Microsoft and the Xbox One have Killer Instinct as their exclusive FG. That's my guess though.
sakabato24 wrote...
ichikogawolfdemon wrote...
Supposedly the reason why it's only on PS4 is because Sony decided to back Capcom on it. It wouldn't surprise me if it's true considering Microsoft didn't want to do the same with Platninum Games and Bayonetta 2.

I also believe that Capcom decided to go with PS4 is because Microsoft and the Xbox One have Killer Instinct as their exclusive FG. That's my guess though.

I've also heard that cross platform play is against Xbox policy.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
nothing935 wrote...
sakabato24 wrote...
ichikogawolfdemon wrote...
Supposedly the reason why it's only on PS4 is because Sony decided to back Capcom on it. It wouldn't surprise me if it's true considering Microsoft didn't want to do the same with Platninum Games and Bayonetta 2.

I also believe that Capcom decided to go with PS4 is because Microsoft and the Xbox One have Killer Instinct as their exclusive FG. That's my guess though.

I've also heard that cross platform play is against Xbox policy.

Both Xbox and Windows are Micosoft properties though, why would cross play between Xbox and PC at least be against policy?
artcellrox wrote...
nothing935 wrote...
sakabato24 wrote...
ichikogawolfdemon wrote...
Supposedly the reason why it's only on PS4 is because Sony decided to back Capcom on it. It wouldn't surprise me if it's true considering Microsoft didn't want to do the same with Platninum Games and Bayonetta 2.

I also believe that Capcom decided to go with PS4 is because Microsoft and the Xbox One have Killer Instinct as their exclusive FG. That's my guess though.

I've also heard that cross platform play is against Xbox policy.

Both Xbox and Windows are Micosoft properties though, why would cross play between Xbox and PC at least be against policy?

I don't know it's just what i heard.
Ryu's model still looks ugly as shit. He hasn't looked good since 3rd Strike.
Well Chun-Li's legs don't look like mutated horse legs anyone. So hooray for progress.

I won't buy SF5 unless my conditions are met:

1. Balanced.
What I mean I don't mind if some characters beat others like Grappler beating Boxer for example but I don't want to see anyone "7-3" or 8-2" anymore. That shit is ridiculous and it takes away from the competitiveness of the game when I have research hours upon hours for a character I lose to to only "might win." That goes for characters completely in there own tier. *Cough* Yun *Cough* I won't have any of that shit either.

2. Various Characters (Old & New)
Pretty simple. Bring back characters we all recognize but also bring characters people want to see. No El Fuerte, Rufus, or C.Viper because almost no one want to see those asses again but R.Mika, Juri, or even fucking Ingrid or Maki. The character polls done last year are proof of that.

3. No Focus Attack
It's garage substitute for the parry of SF3. Either bring it back entirely or not at all. Don't half way it.

4. Runs at 60 FPS from when I boot up the game.
No fighting game up to now shouldn't be running at 60 FPS especially if you're next generation.
This wont be exclusive to PS4/PC. Crapcom would make more profit by selling it on Xbone too. I don't know why they say first it will be exclusive to one console only to later port it to another. I like a lot of the characters from street fighter like Chun-Li, Cammy, and Ryu but I suck at street fighter. i'm a mortal Kombat guy. One thing I really want to see is being able to unlock different costumes for the characters. Like back in the day you would have to do certain challenges or beat arcade mode with a certain character to unlock costumes. unlike today they want you to buy everything.
[color=green]So Charlie just got revealed at Capcom Cup. Hope he doesn't replace Guile though.

Also some new gameplay:

The stage demo is incomplete so I won't judge it just yet.I do hope that Capcom will go for faster gameplay though as the game speed in its current form is SLOW. Ultras are back (revenge gauge under the health bar) and parries are back as well it seems. Each character has a different amount of meter it seems (Ryu has two bars while Chun Li has three).

On the other hand I'm glad Charlie's coming back though he doesn't look himself for now (that glowing forehead). Maybe Guile or Chun Li's going to knock some sense back into him
From the demo:
- Revenge moves are back, but they can be cancelled from normals now.
- Characters have their own super bar lengths: Ryu had 2 EX blocks, Chun had 3.
- The "power up" (which in the new gameplay trailer worked like a RC/FADC) uses the full super bar, and works differently for different characters. Ryu's power up vanishes after getting hit or after using a special, whereas Chun's vanishes after being knocked down.
- No guard crushes or guard meter was observed
- Ryu's cr.HP is now two hits
- The demo was played on PC (90% sure)
- UltraDavid said that Chun didn't seem to be a charge character any more
- Stage interactions weren't observed mid-match, however both Ryu and Chun were knocked into the restaurant after being KO'd. This means there is still no evidence as to whether stage interactions affect gameplay
- After a character was knocked into the restaurant, subsequent rounds started in the entrance of the restaurant rather in the middle of the street
- Chun was also knocked back in the restaurant even further, landing in the kitchen and having a bowl of noodles fall on her head. The bowl remained for the next round
- Chun had her upkicks, and it her stomps seem to be cancellable into a "Tensei Ranka" special as previously seen. Combofiend attempted a s.HK otg as seen in the trailer but he was too late.
- Start Menu was quite bare so it was pretty apparent that this game is still a work in progress
- Notifications (Reveral, Counter, Technical etc.) now appear low on the screen, above the EX bars. IMO a great change.

I get a feeling that the matches may have been pre-recorded or choreographed (i.e. Mike and Combofiend agreed on what to do before playing), which is rather acceptable (I assume they tried to show as much as they could).
Deathcount779 Thigh High Enthusiast
nothing935 wrote...
sakabato24 wrote...
ichikogawolfdemon wrote...
Supposedly the reason why it's only on PS4 is because Sony decided to back Capcom on it. It wouldn't surprise me if it's true considering Microsoft didn't want to do the same with Platninum Games and Bayonetta 2.

I also believe that Capcom decided to go with PS4 is because Microsoft and the Xbox One have Killer Instinct as their exclusive FG. That's my guess though.

I've also heard that cross platform play is against Xbox policy.

I thought Sony felt the same way.

I am seriously looking forward to this. I don't really want the play station though. I wish they would announce the game for Xbox instead. I'm probably going to pick this up on my PC.

Personally I think the wall break is kind of cheesey, but it still looks like it's going to be a fun and interesting mechanic to account for when performing some serious yomi. Art is looking nice and smooth. I'm hoping they don't nerf my characters though.
Charlie is back even though that makes no sense because he's DEAD but whatever.
Shotty Too Hotty wrote...
Charlie is back even though that makes no sense because he's DEAD but whatever.

Forum Image:
Shotty Too Hotty wrote...
Charlie is back even though that makes no sense because he's DEAD but whatever.

[color=green]I said the same for Gouken.[/color]
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