Renai Sample Review!

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Fine, you win I will freaking buy one. GOD! (Bought one. No regrets)
I'm sorry to say that I still wouldn't be caught dead with eromanga on my bookshelf, even though it's Homunculus, and the quality and art is amazing.
iyArashi Level 29 Virgin
Wish I could post some pics of my copy. It left Los Angeles on Dec. 26 and it's still "IN-TRANSIT".
I would buy one, if the shipping wasn't so expensive for Europe. Hope you will bring these books to the european amazon store, so that i can buy them with better conscience. :)
That was a really well done review, it's nice to see the books get any form of publicity when/where it can. The pictures are also great, definitely one of my personal better book purchases so I can't wait to get more soon (^^)
Those comments are funny. Fakku monopolizing the hentai market. At least it will be uncensored.
I was executing high quality but holy shit this was much higher quality than anticipated it is very well made and printed I am happy to have purchased it, keep it up and hopefully all manga can be this way in the future.
Just got Renai Sample!

Forum Image:
Fap Material: Check
Sake: Check
Tissues Toilet Paper Will Do
Lotion: Check

This is going to be a long night! <3
Never expected to see a photo of mine in a front page post. Hope everyone else enjoyed it as much as I did. Probably gonna get Peachy Butt Girls next.
What the?..I made it to the front page?
I see mr.Jacob has no qualms about me having my way with Asuka.
I so want to, but I'm just to poor to buy it. College text books are a b***h.
I finally got mine today. It even feels nice.
Me with my stuffing
I just wanted to say that, originally, I stopped buying manga in general due to how cheaply made most of them are over here in the states. When I bought Renai Sample, I did not buy it to enjoy the manga (as in, I would've kept to digital); I bought this book to support one of my favorite websites. When I actually recieved the book, my mind was blown by the sheer quality of of it. I feel skatetim did a great job explaining the majority of the reasons that I, and others like me, loved the physical release so much.

Also, a shout out to Uncle Ben for all his work. I heard he was the one person responsible for most of the shipping work. You have my utmost thanks for the work you provided. As well as a thanks for all his minions who also helped.
awesome review man and I was surprised of the size of the book I though it would be smaller
awesome review man and I was surprised of the size of the book I though it would be smaller
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