Why you SHOULDN'T buy a Chromebook

Alright guys in the few weeks I've had a CB. I've met may problems that I want to go out and suck Bill Gates... Let's get the other Devilbook users to help me out with this.

-No .mkv support (mainly problems with codec licensing)
-Lower end models overheat way to easy (You can notice a huge drop in performance while browsing plain sites like 4chan.
-No java
-Very few worthwhile apps (have you ever looked at the chrome web store?)

I can't be too harsh on on it, since it's designed to be the physical incarnation of chrome browser, but sometimes it can't even do that right.
It was designed for light usage.... and writing papers.
Kadushy wrote...
It was designed for light usage.... and writing papers.

in that even if it is for light usage and writing papers IF it cant even browse the web fast enough then what's the point of having it over a slightly more expensive one what can browse the web at the speed you desire? ... that is if you can afford the slightly more expensive one instead of a Chromebook.
Personally laptops and any laptops just don't work to well for me so my personal expensices with them have been from IT jobs and in store demos but even in that laptops seem to break due to overheating way to often when having to write lengthy papers and/or do tons of research on an online encyclopedia.
IMO chrome book is a waste of money, you could have put that money into a new anime figure and it would be way more worth it.
I'd rather cough up another 50 and get an older thinkpad. Chromebooks are retarded. From what I've seen most, if not all of them don't even have 3.0 ports.
cromebook VS netbook

netbook: doesnt need internet to function probertly
cromebook: must be connected to internet for proper usage
I have a c710 Chromebook and never had it overheat when I had ChromeOS. Installed Ubuntu on it after flashing a different BIOS on it and now can play 1080p h.264 mkv files, was able to get Half Life 2 running, and have many more functions. For $100, it is a pretty impressive device. I wouldn't pay more than $200 on one since at that price you can get a decent Windows tablet or hybrid table notebook, but for under $200, they are pretty great.
KingKamanashi wrote...
I have a c710 Chromebook and never had it overheat when I had ChromeOS. Installed Ubuntu on it after flashing a different BIOS on it and now can play 1080p h.264 mkv files, was able to get Half Life 2 running, and have many more functions.

If this is true, I'll be shocked. My old laptop (which had decent performance for the time) can't play 1080p properly. I was under the impression that computer hardware isn't advancing at such a fast rate anymore, but I guess they're making pretty good progress on the lower end chips.
ChrisBRosado123 wrote...

If this is true, I'll be shocked. My old laptop (which had decent performance for the time) can't play 1080p properly. I was under the impression that computer hardware isn't advancing at such a fast rate anymore, but I guess they're making pretty good progress on the lower end chips.

The new Intel Atom processors are actually really good for the price. I think that is in part because they are used in tablets so they needed to make sure they were capable of media playback. The part that surprised me the most was getting Half Life 2 to run. Took a little bit of work in terminal but once everything was set it up it ran decently well. Been meaning to record a video of it for people interested to get an idea of the performance. Might do that soon since I am always tweaking the settings to push it a little further.
For a time I owned an acer c720. I had it running chromeos for a good 3-4 months then loaded arch on it. The newer haswell celerons pack a huge amount of performance in terms of power consumption and cost. 8-9 hours a charge in a machine that was tiny and cheap to replace (got them for $100 or so on craigslist) was a great deal.
i had two chrombook going to a third and i have to say the device is not that bad once you install ubuntu. i had the hp 14 and the old asus model (this one being my first) and it was oneee enjoyable machine.
Portaldemon wrote...
...i have to say the device is not that bad once you install ubuntu. ...

Everything is not that bad when you install ubuntu on it. :)

I wouldn't buy a webbook at all again, be it a chrome book or anything else. They may appear to be lower priced, but if you have to add equipment to run the machine according to your needs, you'll end up at wasting the sum of a regular Computer which has everything built in.

Just remember: Uwaaaaargh! It's a trap!
@tonymonster true true. oh by the way i looked online but found no answer is it possible to change the SSD on the chromebooks?
Rovencrone wrote...
loaded arch on it.

Elitist Arch-fag reporting for duty.

No CLI No Life
Considering this site... if you actually are considering ChromeBook or using any Google products they hate porn and anything sex/adult.
Look what what they tried to do to Blogger just recently - complete removal of all adult content. And try Googling pussy or even the technical vagina/penis terms in their image search. With the lowest settings you get memes and shirts....
Monster Girl
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