Meetups gone wrong

Gravity cat the adequately amused
Meeting up with people you've met over the Internet - either through a dating site or an online friend - are pretty common but sometimes things go south.
What was the worst meetup you've ever experienced?

I've met a couple of nutjobs myself;

>Be 19 year old me
>Arrange to meet up with a 8/10 who I'd known for a few years
>She stays at mine for the night and wants to share a bed
>Potential to procreate, not going to say no
>In bed we get touchy-feely and she lets me see and fondle her tits, but gives me the cold shoulder when I didn't meet her expectations of pulling her clothes off citing that I didn't "desire" her enough, then ignored me and started texting her ex
>Absolute boner killer

Meh whatever

>Go to sleep
>We finally fuck in the morning. She's like a dead fish but she's attractive so the anaconda stays attentive
>Post-coitus she randomly asks if I mind if she talks to her ex, I said I didn't
>She later goes back home

I texted her throughout the week with either one-word responses back or none at all. Eventually I thought to look on Facebook and I saw that she got back with her ex and made it "Facebook official". Spoke to her, and her only response was that "he was there for her through the abortion".

At this point my only reaction was "Wait what"

Apparently I got her pregnant but didn't tell me about it. She said she was "sick of talking about it", so basically she could talk to everyone else about it except the person it involves. Even after explaining my side of the story which made her see that she was in the wrong by not talking to me and apologising, when we next spoke she acted like I'd commited murder again and she cut off contact.

I tried to build bridges a few years ago but she refused.

>Be 20 year old me
>Arrange to meet a 6/10 who I'd known for a few years
>We meet at London
>We sit in a field near the London Eye and she makes it painfully obvious that she wants the D
>Not comfortable with public sex I turn her down
>She takes it personally, bitch mode activated
>Trip ends on a sour note

She became passive-aggressive whenever we spoke on MSN. Her shitty attitude caused arguements, which ended up with her cutting contact. She's unblocked me twice on Facebook since then; both times tried to make out like her life was much better since she got with her new bloke and boasted about the life I doubt she actually has. After she's done with that she reblocks me.
I had one meetup when I was 18, and I was either a clueless moron or just plain chicken.

My friends and I arranged to meet at the entrance to Disneyland HK and me being me got there almost 30 minutes beforehand. After a while my friends turned up with a new face in tow. My friends kept trying to stir up something between us, and the girl took the hint and went on the offensive. Me being a dumbass didn't know how to talk to girls in the right way and after what seemed like an hour she became fed up.

After a fun day we went down to a bar to have a bite and a drink, and once again my friends tried to make us hook up. Everything went south when I stubbornly refused to drink, not even a single mouthful. That was probably the last straw and she just gave up and went home. I tried to take her home but she shrugged it aside and took off.
Monster Girl
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