Your own insecurities.

With my femur being broken I'm stuck in a body cast and stuck in bed

I feel like such a burden right now, having to rely on everyone for the simplest of things. It's so weird not having the independence I used to have. I also don't know what to do with my time if all I can do is watch tv and play on my phone.
Not gonna lie, I feel sad being stuck like this.
Salute to those with the guts to tell. Really guys, I hope you'd get around them. Cheers.
As for me, well...

Mostly it is the lack of person who are like me. I grew up in a secluded enviroment, and so, I don't have tastes similar to others, which in turn means whatever I like is weird to others. It always have scared the hell out of me and left me with a heart, drained and lonely. There aren't many with whom I can talk.
Also, because of the aforementioned conditions, my confidence seem to waver as well. Whatever I do feels like the wrong thing to do.
.. My bewbs.. A cup. Although i can sleep on my stomach. Which is a + i guess.
And my face without glasses

Damn it.. I necroed this thread didn't i?.. Sorry about that
My scruffles(facial hair) is fuller on the right side of my face.
I many insecurities but it all boils down to basically two overarching problems. The first is that I have been raised to be incredibly honest and open. For the most part this is a very good thing! However, it often means I make a terrible first impression and people are always REALLY suspicious of me/misunderstand what I mean because no one is used to someone being this honest.

The second issue is that I lack confidence. Now a lot of people lack confidence but there are very different reasons for it and they change how it becomes a problem. For me, I have had some very harsh betrayals in my life and this is made me very wary about getting close to others and prevented me from truly trusting anyone in a long time.

Put the two together and you get a sick mess of emotions. On one hand, I want people to be more open and trusting of me since I try to be as honest as I possibly can be and I avoid playing social politics at all costs. But on the other hand, I have a hard time trusting people myself which makes me feel like a hypocrite and knocks me down (emotionally speaking). As for what I am doing to deal with it, well not much right now. It is very hard to only be self aware but ALSO working on ones issues. I try my best to catch myself when I am over thinking someones actions and the like. Recently I have been trying to get out more and meet a whole bunch of new people to hopefully find people that do trust me. I feel like I am making a little progress but not at the rate I would like. :(

Anyways, I was beginning to ramble so I will end it here for now. For those that read, thanks for taking the time!
Hmm Skin being shown, random people touching me , some anxiety and confidence issues
Oh man, I could go on forever about this topic...

I'm 5' 11'' but only ~115 pounds. My BMI is off-the-charts low. Tried a high-fat diet. Didn't help. Tried a high-protein diet w/ exercise. Gained maybe 2 pounds. Some might call this a plus, but when the apolcalypse comes I'm going to be the first to starve.

My hair. All of it. I tried growing it out once but it gets so curly that it just looks like hell. I can't grow facial hair, aside from a very light stubble, which sucks because I'm kinda baby-faced and look 16 as opposed to almost 20. Facial hair would at least add a year or two to it. My upper body has almost no hair while my legs are a freakin' jungle. I just have very selective genes, I guess...

As for my behavioral insecurities, I don't do well in social situations. I'm quiet, lacking in confidence, I overthink things and second-guess myself. I have an incessant sense of humor, probably since it's the only way I ever get any attention. I talk too fast and too quiet, trip over my words, and have difficulty expressing my thoughts (luckily this mostly isn't true in my writing). All of these behaviors are amplified to the nth degree whenever there is a girl involved.

I'm simultaneously smart and stupid, patient and impatient, funny and dull, idealistic and cynical, creative and formulaic, happy and sad, carefree and careful, and above all I am my own worst enemy.

On the bright side, I have pretty nice skin. And I can be genuinely funny at times. I'm good at video games--that's a skill, right? I have a really keen memory for things (except names). And all my time spent alone has helped me to better empathize with people and their life struggles. But aside from that, 0/10, would not play, no FOV slider, no control binding, not Waifu material, just terrible.
Watashi no Doku wrote...
My hair. All of it. I tried growing it out once but it gets so curly that it just looks like hell. I can't grow facial hair, aside from a very light stubble, which sucks because I'm kinda baby-faced and look 16 as opposed to almost 20. Facial hair would at least add a year or two to it. My upper body has almost no hair while my legs are a freakin' jungle. I just have very selective genes, I guess...

As for my behavioral insecurities, I don't do well in social situations. I'm quiet, lacking in confidence, I overthink things and second-guess myself. I have an incessant sense of humor, probably since it's the only way I ever get any attention. I talk too fast and too quiet, trip over my words, and have difficulty expressing my thoughts (luckily this mostly isn't true in my writing). All of these behaviors are amplified to the nth degree whenever there is a girl involved.

I'm simultaneously smart and stupid, patient and impatient, funny and dull, idealistic and cynical, creative and formulaic, happy and sad, carefree and careful, and above all I am my own worst enemy.

On the bright side, I have pretty nice skin. And I can be genuinely funny at times. I'm good at video games--that's a skill, right? I have a really keen memory for things (except names). And all my time spent alone has helped me to better empathize with people and their life struggles. But aside from that, 0/10, would not play, no FOV slider, no control binding, not Waifu material, just terrible.

Wow, reading this was kinda weird. Are you my long lost little brother or something? What you're describing here is pretty much they way I was almost to a T when I was your age.
Reaperzwei wrote...

Wow, reading this was kinda weird. Are you my long lost little brother or something? What you're describing here is pretty much they way I was almost to a T when I was your age.

You don't say... I guess that either means we're brothers or my insecurities aren't as uncommon as one would think.

...Since we're brothers, then, would it be weird if I hugged you? ^^'
Watashi no Doku wrote...
Reaperzwei wrote...

Wow, reading this was kinda weird. Are you my long lost little brother or something? What you're describing here is pretty much they way I was almost to a T when I was your age.

You don't say... I guess that either means we're brothers or my insecurities aren't as uncommon as one would think.

...Since we're brothers, then, would it be weird if I hugged you? ^^'

There are 7 billion people on the planet there's bound to be some overlap somewhere.

I don't think so ....
Reading through this thread makes me feel as if I should have a lot of insecurities, yet when I try to think what they might be, I can't come up with anything. Maybe I'm just too disjointed from reality -- nothing actually seems to have too much of an importance, and I just can't seem to be bothered. Maybe it's that I don't mind if I am judged, since I'm not trying to be a part of anything, and I had time to become used to being judged anyway. The spectrum of things that can get an actual emotional response out of me is getting slimmer every day.

Enferlain wrote...
Reading through this thread makes me feel as if I should have a lot of insecurities, yet when I try to think what they might be, I can't come up with anything. Maybe I'm just too disjointed from reality -- nothing actually seems to have too much of an importance, and I just can't seem to be bothered. Maybe it's that I don't mind if I am judged, since I'm not trying to be a part of anything, and I had time to become used to being judged anyway. The spectrum of things that can get an actual emotional response out of me is getting slimmer every day.

I don't think there's anything wrong with that. That just means you're a very secure person. You know who you are and you don't need the approval of others. You're a stronger man than I. The only time I could see it becoming a problem is if you feel depressed or if you lack the ability to empathize with others. We're social animals. I remain convinced that we need others of our kind to relate to.
I'm fat, covered in stretch marks, and because I work on a farm, I almost never smell good. I'm a dead-end fauxlosopher with shitty ideas for books that will never be finished. Money's tight, and it shows in my wardrobe most of the time. I'm a loser who wants nothing more than not to be a loser, simultaneously embracing the fact that I have pretty much nowhere to go, and I'm constantly afraid of the judgment of others, no matter how much I say I'm not.

That said, I've got a Fat Cock to end all Fat Cocks am i right ladies hahahahaletmedie
I'm pretty much perfect.

Although I would say I've accepted most of my insecurities, and overcome many more just by focusing on my better qualities, and the better qualities in other people.

I think it's made me less judgmental and generally more akin to basking in goodwill towards men kinda thing.

There are many ways to be happy, there are few reasons to stay miserable outside chemical shit you can't control. Stupid optimism is the best choice I've ever made, and continue to make.
김치 wrote...
On my head I have two swirls instead of one, so my hair grows in weird ways.

Reminded me of when Yuno thinks of the weather report charts after seeing a three swirled head in Hidamari sketch. Sorry, not helping.
my skin. my small boobs. my face, my acne. my possession of a biological phallic growth
Watashi no Doku wrote...

I don't think there's anything wrong with that. That just means you're a very secure person. You know who you are and you don't need the approval of others. You're a stronger man than I. The only time I could see it becoming a problem is if you feel depressed or if you lack the ability to empathize with others. We're social animals. I remain convinced that we need others of our kind to relate to.

Maybe that is so. I just feel like I'm at a loss at finding motivation for anything because of it.
Enferlain wrote...

Maybe that is so. I just feel like I'm at a loss at finding motivation for anything because of it.

I hear you there. The only thing motivating me to get through each day is the hope that the future will be better. God knows I don't have a clue where I'll be 10 years from now. Somewhere different, I hope.
i fear being alone, and not like being alone at home, i mean in life