A wild Sexual Encounter appeared!!

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What do you do?

Total Votes : 73
saishothewriter wrote...
Depends on what kind of hentai logic.
There could be vanilla logic. (If so i'm down)
Or there could be some yandere stuff afoot (NopeNopeNope)

Well part of the question is that you don't know what to expect. You have no idea who they are or what they're like. There's some chance that they're innocently looking for a sexual partner but cynical people will likely believe this chance is minuscule or nonexistent.
As a kid I would climb a tree during a thunderstorm; Rode a bike down a steep hill full force without the ability to see if there was a car coming due the buildings on both sides. Surely I taken some risks in my life that should've resulted in me dying...and surely I deserve the Darwinism award.
Point is, I'd take my cute yandere attacker straight up. No joke.
Probably dodge them.

I'm not a fan of STDs or unplanned pregnancies.
El ORLY wrote...
As a kid I would climb a tree during a thunderstorm; Rode a bike down a steep hill full force without the ability to see if there was a car coming due the buildings on both sides. Surely I taken some risks in my life that should've resulted in me dying...and surely I deserve the Darwinism award.
Point is, I'd take my cute yandere attacker straight up. No joke.

You sir I salute. Bring on the yandere's, I might live I might die either way it was worth it.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
ChrisBRosado123 wrote...
saishothewriter wrote...
Depends on what kind of hentai logic.
There could be vanilla logic. (If so i'm down)
Or there could be some yandere stuff afoot (NopeNopeNope)

Well part of the question is that you don't know what to expect. You have no idea who they are or what they're like. There's some chance that they're innocently looking for a sexual partner but practical people will likely believe this chance is minuscule or nonexistent.

Fixed that for you. This has nothing to do with optimism or cynicism, some of us actually prefer to think without brains than just our dicks.
artcellrox wrote...
ChrisBRosado123 wrote...
saishothewriter wrote...
Depends on what kind of hentai logic.
There could be vanilla logic. (If so i'm down)
Or there could be some yandere stuff afoot (NopeNopeNope)

Well part of the question is that you don't know what to expect. You have no idea who they are or what they're like. There's some chance that they're innocently looking for a sexual partner but practical people will likely believe this chance is minuscule or nonexistent.

Fixed that for you. This has nothing to do with optimism or cynicism, some of us actually prefer to think without brains than just our dicks.

Well if we're going by the dictionary then it is in fact cynicism in the sense that you suspect the person has some kind of (probably undesirable) motive. If you are naturally unsuspecting (or if you'd rather say naive) you might go as far as to believe that this person actually means what they are saying. I'm making the argument here that people don't need some kind of sinister motive to pull something crazy and irrational. However I'll refrain from definitively addressing the matter. Can such a person exist? Yes, I think this world is so vast and crazy enough that someone like this could exist. Does such a person exist? I'd like to leave that up to the person taking the poll.
I am open minded person, i welcome new experiences, shall i unzip now or right away?
echoeagle3 Oppai Overlord
well with hentai logic in play, she wouldn't get pregnant and wouldn't she wouldn't transmit disease. but there is the worry that some crazy shit would happen like maybe she is a succubus. So I would need to be very wary
echoeagle3 wrote...
well with hentai logic in play, she wouldn't get pregnant and wouldn't she wouldn't transmit disease. but there is the worry that some crazy shit would happen like maybe she is a succubus. So I would need to be very wary

More like the person is telling you something you would only expect to hear in a hentai scenario. And let's say what's coming out of their mouth is plausible but slightly ridiculous. Why don't we say they look convincing too, everything about them seems to corroborate with what they're saying. But ultimately it could be a trap (or a TRAP). This is the heart of the question.
echoeagle3 Oppai Overlord
ChrisBRosado123 wrote...
echoeagle3 wrote...
well with hentai logic in play, she wouldn't get pregnant and wouldn't she wouldn't transmit disease. but there is the worry that some crazy shit would happen like maybe she is a succubus. So I would need to be very wary

More like the person is telling you something you would only expect to hear in a hentai scenario. And let's say what's coming out of their mouth is plausible but slightly ridiculous. Why don't we say they look convincing too, everything about them seems to corroborate with what they're saying. But ultimately it could be a trap (or a TRAP). This is the heart of the question.

Well Im not really one to go fucking random women. Especially when you point out how it could be a trap so Im going to say no
Happy waifu is happy laifu, so I'll have to pass.
<- sexual depravation level is over 9000!

I'd run over the 'encounter' and crush 'it'...
attractive guy + hentai logic:
don't give a fuck. will fuck.

attractive girl + hentai logic:
don't give a fuck. will fuck.

attractive reverse trap + hentai logic:
don't give a fuck. will fuck.

attractive trap + hentai logic:
don't give a fuck. will fuck.

yup that about sums it up.
TheOverFlow wrote...
Well if "they" are using hentai logic then there really isn't anything to do but to have sex.

Agreed hentai logic (almost, kinda, sorta) never fails hentai protagonist so why should I be any different?
It is probably my waifu who is encountering me. Fuck yeah I'd fuck her fucking fuckholes fucking furiously fuck!
TheOverFlow wrote...
Well if "they" are using hentai logic then there really isn't anything to do but to have sex.
Im with this person! If youve ever read a hentai manga or any porn for that matter its like, "Boom! Lets Go!" or "Oh hey im the new girl" "Cool" Ya wanna bang" "Okay!" Tis hentai logic at its finest!
ChrisBRosado123 wrote...
pspkiller626 wrote...
Hentai logic should stay 2D. Hentai logic in the real world will either get you killed or land you ass in jail. So no thanks.

I want to believe this isn't the only story but anyone sensible should understand your view. Actually I think it's even simpler than this.

If someone approaches you spouting hentai logic then:
1. They are obviously touched in the head
2. Never stick your dick in crazy

she wasn't the good kind of crazy...
but she was legal and just as I was about to scream for the police, I came.
If the girl comes onto me with shitty hentai logic, then me, in this senario of a hentai, must too use shitty hentai logic, so of course I have to fuck her, gawsh. Easy question.
Shit turns me on :l

I may have a death wish...

Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/IFpOIpT.gif
Wait...Hentai logic and real world logic? So if you cum inside, would it be Schrodinger's impregnation?
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