Do you have a pet?

Do you have a pet?

Total Votes : 4,033
Nikon FAKKU Old Guard
Tell me about your pets!

Sakaki da bess
I have a family dog that is with my parents, couldn't take her due to college and even after the fact my apartment doesn't allow pets. Besides my mother would kill me if I took her child lol.

In the future I want to have a dog or two and my boyfriend want's a bird (he's a birdbrain).
I got three rats! (♡ >ω< ♡)
Xillia Full Time Waifu.
I had a Winter White dwarf hamster. I had her for two years since Boxing day, I spent the majority of my time with her, talking to her, just fooling around. She always nuzzled me and her fur was soft to the touch. Watching her eat yogurt drops made me try them (and they were extremely good). Sadly her health deteriorated and she passed away on Feburary the 8th. I got her burried in the backyard with a stone marking her spot.

Rest in Paradise, Kino :(
i have two cats. One is named kirby and one is Purchi.
I'd love to have one, but I'm afraid I might get too attached to it, that we'd become "inseparable"
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I've got 4 cats, 1 dog, and the rats that live in the basement, countless as they are.
Two dogs (One is a four month old puppy), three guinea pigs, a cat and a rabbit! So, it's lively here :3
I have a big family of pets 3 dogs 2 cats 3 birds and a parrot
i have one pure blood Siberian husky with blue eyes
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Used to have a rat as a kid, spending too much time in the office to have a pet now, though.
WitnessX Starship Captain
Two cats, both old.

They don't act like it, though. They eat a lot, poop a lot, and do more or less whatever they want. It helps that they're adorable.

I can't imagine life without either of them.
Taz_9000 Cafe Regular
1 cat
5 goldfish (in the pond)
the mice that run around at night
the wild-birds that we feed and bath in the pond
I'd give anything to have a pet Chow or a Samoyed. Sadly my landlord doesn't want animals in the house and my parents don't like animals too much.

Been a huge dog lover all my life. I don't mind cats but they simply don't have the same appeal as dogs.
I would like something from the squamata order, preferably snakes. But sadly those go under the exotic animals category...
An English Bulldog, his name is Morgan. His face is soooooo faaaaaat.
2 Labrador Retrievers, 5 cats, 11 chickens, and 2 angora rabbits
Yeah. Its a Papillion (i think i spelled right). Its a toy breed well Spike (hes a boy) is anything but "toy breed". They're only supposed to get about 15 pounds... he weighs 45. That dog is so fat but i loves him even though he waddles and wont ever shut up.
2 cats and 2 dogs.

Their favorite things to do include sleeping, eating, knocking things off shelves, and shitting in the bath tub.

LeRoy is my tuxedo cat, Winston is my fat grey cat, Tucker is the sleeping dog, and Zsu-Zsu is the dog I for some reason don't have any pictures of. They can be little shit heads every so often, but I still love them.

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I have 2 dogs and a cat. The cat is a jerk and likes to dig her claws into my head while I'm asleep. One of the dogs is a stray that lives in the forest next to my house, me and my neighbor feed her. Our own dog is annoying, she starts barking at every little thing; she will bark if you leave the house, if a car goes by, or even if my other dog is sitting in the yard.