Storing Boxes

Alright so, I recently started collecting figures. However, one problem I'm finding is that I don't know where to put the boxes they come in. I'm not really planning on selling them one day, but I kinda don't want to toss them if I ever changed my mind, since doing so would reduce their value. What does everyone here do? I see some people have huge collections, I can't imagine what they do with all the packaging.
I move on a constant basis because of my job, so I keep the boxes that they come in and when it's time to move, I put them in a gorilla box.

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These boxes are sturdy enough to keep them in pristine conditions, even when they are shipped to my next destination. I have to buy multiple ones though due to the sheer amount of figures that I currently possess.
That's what I was afraid of lol. Unfortunately I can't even flatten these, since there is the plastic or styrofoam inside for securing the figure. Oh well, guess I'll just need some more bins and I'll stow them away in the attic or something. Thanks for the reply.
I don't have a lot of figures... Yet... But I store the boxes under my bed for the time being
blackice85 wrote...
That's what I was afraid of lol. Unfortunately I can't even flatten these, since there is the plastic or styrofoam inside for securing the figure. Oh well, guess I'll just need some more bins and I'll stow them away in the attic or something. Thanks for the reply.

If you're worried about their value being reduced you might want to throw some silica packets in the bins to make sure mold isn't an issue. At the very least throw in some cedar balls to make sure they don't pick up any musty odors.
Replicant wrote...
blackice85 wrote...
That's what I was afraid of lol. Unfortunately I can't even flatten these, since there is the plastic or styrofoam inside for securing the figure. Oh well, guess I'll just need some more bins and I'll stow them away in the attic or something. Thanks for the reply.

If you're worried about their value being reduced you might want to throw some silica packets in the bins to make sure mold isn't an issue. At the very least throw in some cedar balls to make sure they don't pick up any musty odors.

Thanks, that's a good idea. The containers are pretty solid and secure but it's not a vacuum seal of course, so moisture could be a problem long term.
Al my boxes are crammed into a closet I'm not using.
I have a lot of figures now, and the boxes are quite large, so I've almost never kept them. I never really intend to sell them, so I just pack them up in a footlocker as posted above, or basic cardboard.

Let me warn you all though - I ruined a lot of them when I packaged them in clothing (pretty smart at the time). The slight movements rubbed off a lot of paint, so now I put all of them in a plastic baggie before any other storage packing. Working so far... GL! =)
Servexia wrote...
I have a lot of figures now, and the boxes are quite large, so I've almost never kept them. I never really intend to sell them, so I just pack them up in a footlocker as posted above, or basic cardboard.

Let me warn you all though - I ruined a lot of them when I packaged them in clothing (pretty smart at the time). The slight movements rubbed off a lot of paint, so now I put all of them in a plastic baggie before any other storage packing. Working so far... GL! =)

Yea since my original post I've decided to get rid of most boxes, since as you said I don't really intend to sell them. Even if I did, it's not like I won't get anything for them, just not as much.

Thanks for the tip about not using clothing to wrap them. I was planning on using bubble wrap and hard containers if I ever needed to transport them elsewhere.
I have them in a showing case. I keep the original boxes in a bin with a bag of scila. Big bag like a bean bag.
I place all the boxes in a corner, just stack them up and use some string to hold them in place, i heard that without boxes, the resale value decreases a significant amount(if you might just wanna sell a few away in the future). Just take precautions.
HarumiUsagawa wrote...
I place all the boxes in a corner, just stack them up and use some string to hold them in place, i heard that without boxes, the resale value decreases a significant amount(if you might just wanna sell a few away in the future). Just take precautions.

Yeah I may save some boxes on figures I'm iffy on and may resell in the future, but if it's a favorite of mine that I'm unlikely to sell, I see no sense in keeping it, not when space is limited.