Is it okay for a girl to be perverted?

you are asking the wrong people here,

i dont think one of us here will disagree that is wrong to feel what you do

As if.

As has already been said, girls have the same urges and thoughts as guys, so obviously, if it's okay for guys to be perverted, then it should be okay for girls to be perverted as well. But more than that, perverted girls are more fun. There's nothing quite like watching porn with a chick and both of you enjoying it. Especially if it's kinky and/or disturbing porn. Or hentai. Ooh, I've gotta show my girl some hentai tonight. Maybe Oni Chichi. Mmm.
ShaggyJebus wrote...

As if.

As has already been said, girls have the same urges and thoughts as guys, so obviously, if it's okay for guys to be perverted, then it should be okay for girls to be perverted as well. But more than that, perverted girls are more fun. There's nothing quite like watching porn with a chick and both of you enjoying it. Especially if it's kinky and/or disturbing porn. Or hentai. Ooh, I've gotta show my girl some hentai tonight. Maybe Oni Chichi. Mmm.

For sure and good call on Oni Chichi.

I think if a girl is perverted then it's more fun to be around her, considering that the both of you have the same tastes. I've had friends both in the past and currently that are a bit perverted with their thought process, just like I can be.

If you're both perverted in a way then you can get a long and have a lasting friendship. To answer the question more clearly, yes, it's fine for a girl to be perverted, she'll be a joy at parties.
Yes, I think it is and honestly wish girls were more open with their perverted thoughts, urges, and what they're into. I'm straight, but I find it hard to connect with girls who don't have my sense of humor which include some stupid perverted jokes and though immature, it's comic relief to break the serious cycle of everyday life.

I seem to only have "perverted" conversation with men only and not the type where we court each other and when we just act like perverts and have fun.

I noticed that when I was younger, I could get away with being perverted and making fun of sexually things more among friends (I was 2 years older than my school friends due to moving from another country so I guess I hit puberty faster..?) and when I grew older, it started to be socially unacceptable whether or not I was a virgin.

When you get older, I suppose there's this thinking that when girls grow up they should be "ladies" and "poised" for the world and though it may be old school, there are still those type of expectations and elements living today.

Yes, it's okay for women to be perverted but it's very sensitive ground when you get older not to pass as a "slut." When it comes to the bedroom, I suppose it's easier for women today to be perverts behind closed doors and I think that is emphasized with the interest with 50 Shades of Grey, which gave the freedom to women to be perverts behind closed doors and how sexy it was to explore sexuality without having society look down on you.

Anyways that's my two cents.
yes, and please be more perverted than me. that gives my hope for the future.
I think it's ok. If there weren't as many labels tied to it, I think that it would be an easier thing to talk about. As long as we're viewing the "assets" and thinking whatever thoughts to ourselves, why can't anyone do it? As long as you don't make anyone uncomfortable on purpose.
Sure. I don't have a problem with it. I'll admit that due to my upbringing and the society I exist in, I have a slight bias. It colors my thought occasionally, but consciously I'm aware of it so I can still remain impartial. I'm sure with time and personal growth, this bias will fade as well.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
Depends on what you mean perverted.
"characterized by sexually abnormal and unacceptable practices or tendencies."

Being open with your sexuality isn't such a novel concept regardless of your gender or sexual orientation but it's not bad if you're not violating someone or making them feel very uncomfortable, and I think that's what you people mean. Promiscuous and sexually open/liberated/whatever are not the same as being "perverted".

Honestly though, when I think of words like perverted, I also think of words like creepy. Not because they're the same, but because they're not really describing the other person's actions/attributes, only confessing discomfort of the user. And I usually never ever hear these words aimed at women.
gizgal wrote...

It's sort of the idea that if a woman is pervy, that means she's been exposed (willingly or unwillingly) to perverted ideas and actually enjoys them.

Thus, that sort of taste is looked down upon (at least by people with a mainstream view of sexuality) for straying from traditional ideas of how women should behave.

An active interest in sexual things takes away from this idea that women should be pure and sexually restrained (by themselves or others), even if they have little to no experience with actual sex.

that's exactly what society thinks when a pervy girl does appear. but they don't understand that they shouldn't be hoisting these expectations on women, and putting them in some sort of societal sterilized display case. it's not fair.

so the answer: is it okay? it should be. REALLY IT SHOULD BE! but, to many it's not. and that's gotta start changing sometime. because it's annoying as hell.
fuck what people think, and whats wrong with being human... of course its ok
I mean yeah its natural. There's a difference in being a slut and a pervert. A pervert is one with open ideas and preferences while a slut is someone who applys it... alot. I have a friend who i would call her a perv but shes FAR from slutty (Only ever had one partner/BF and shes with him now)i mean she flirts with me and a bunch of other people but she would never cross the line and cheat. Which makes her loyal and a good perverted friend whom i can say some weird things to and she'll just say "That sounds like fun.".
gizgal wrote...
People keep saying "yeah it's a great thing", but then irl, when it comes to meeting guys, I'm afraid to let my freak flag fly because:
- I'm not someone who sleeps around (in fact, still a damn virgin) as such interests would imply
- don't want to scare them off with confidence in my sexuality.

it sucks.

Just take it slow and communicate. Easier said than done, I know. =)

But I'm a guy, and let me just say that I share some of the same concerns - namely, my hentai interests and viewing far exceeds my personal sexual activity and, more significantly, I don't want to scare off girls with my... you say confidence, I say perversion. ;p

I'd love to find a pervert girlfriend lol! But I think we accurately (or maybe not so accurately?) recognize that most people are far more narrow in their hentai/porn viewing/discussion and openness about their sexuality, so it's intimidating to broach that subject.

Regardless, you are who you are, and if you like your freak flag, fly it high. I guarantee you'll get a lot of attention! Then you just need to decide if you're looking for a fling or a long term relationship, and filter out the massive number of bastard men who can only satisfy one of those options. ;)
cruz737 wrote...
Depends on what you mean perverted.
"characterized by sexually abnormal and unacceptable practices or tendencies."

Being open with your sexuality isn't such a novel concept regardless of your gender or sexual orientation but it's not bad if you're not violating someone or making them feel very uncomfortable, and I think that's what you people mean. Promiscuous and sexually open/liberated/whatever are not the same as being "perverted".

Honestly though, when I think of words like perverted, I also think of words like creepy. Not because they're the same, but because they're not really describing the other person's actions/attributes, only confessing discomfort of the user. And I usually never ever hear these words aimed at women.

Thats odd, when i think of "perverted" the words that follow up are "sexy" "kinky" (in a good way) and "bold"
why would it not be ok for women to be perverted, if fact, i cant actually speak for all men, but for me at least, i find it very sexy. the reason i got my first girlfriend, actually, was we were in my highshchool anime club, and we both watched hentai, and we started talking about it.
cruz737 wrote...
Depends on what you mean perverted.
"characterized by sexually abnormal and unacceptable practices or tendencies."

Being open with your sexuality isn't such a novel concept regardless of your gender or sexual orientation but it's not bad if you're not violating someone or making them feel very uncomfortable, and I think that's what you people mean. Promiscuous and sexually open/liberated/whatever are not the same as being "perverted".

Honestly though, when I think of words like perverted, I also think of words like creepy. Not because they're the same, but because they're not really describing the other person's actions/attributes, only confessing discomfort of the user. And I usually never ever hear these words aimed at women.

Languages changes and redefine themselves all the time. I guess the original meaning now goes for words like degenerate, disgusting, creepy and stuff. Pervert is more like an adjective now for unusual to talk in public sexual practices and tendencies.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
Nyara❤ wrote...
cruz737 wrote...
Depends on what you mean perverted.
"characterized by sexually abnormal and unacceptable practices or tendencies."

Being open with your sexuality isn't such a novel concept regardless of your gender or sexual orientation but it's not bad if you're not violating someone or making them feel very uncomfortable, and I think that's what you people mean. Promiscuous and sexually open/liberated/whatever are not the same as being "perverted".

Honestly though, when I think of words like perverted, I also think of words like creepy. Not because they're the same, but because they're not really describing the other person's actions/attributes, only confessing discomfort of the user. And I usually never ever hear these words aimed at women.

Languages changes and redefine themselves all the time. I guess the original meaning now goes for words like degenerate, disgusting, creepy and stuff. Pervert is more like an adjective now for unusual to talk in public sexual practices and tendencies.

I guess I'll answer OP again.

Under most circumstances it doesn't matter in the West. Something like men being able to publicly expose their chest while women can't seems to be like one of the few legal issues revolving this. Men can get shamed as much for showing interest in women or in sexual acts publicly.

A girl can be called a slut or easy, a guy will be called a creep or be labelled as dangerous because of the belief that men are more likely to act on sexual urges/desires.

To add to that point, men are seen to be more willing to express these preferences despite the stigmas and are also less likely to be offended or care about offending others. So maybe that's why people think it's more normal for men to be more open about sexual things.
If there is shaming of females, it'd say a lot of it comes from females themselves. Showing interest of sexual relative subjects does get the attention of males, whether intentionally or not. It's not always jealousy or competition that sparks the judgmental parts of humans...but if I went into that I'd have to talk about sex-negative feminism...And I don't feel like delving into that.
Yeah it's okay for a girl to be perverted. Now since this could be considered "different" or "new" to others, it's just something else that people could get used to if it happened more often. I'm sure many girls have caught the gaze of a male (whether that be good or bad), so the same could apply to the gaze of a girl to a guy.

And I'm sure it would clear up 'signals' in some situations when neither guy or girl know what the other wants.
Considering the source, just take it as a hypothetical situation

Forum Image:

How does it make you feel?

>Guys who just used her enjoyed her thoroughly
>Guy who is with her in a serious relationship got a dead fish who demands respects

Ignorance is bliss?
cruz737 wrote...
To add to that point, men are seen to be more willing to express these preferences despite the stigmas and are also less likely to be offended or care about offending others. So maybe that's why people think it's more normal for men to be more open about sexual things.

If there is shaming of females, it'd say a lot of it comes from females themselves. Showing interest of sexual relative subjects does get the attention of males, whether intentionally or not. It's not always jealousy or competition that sparks the judgmental parts of humans...but if I went into that I'd have to talk about sex-negative feminism...And I don't feel like delving into that.


For a male, they will rarely get criticized for crossing the pervert line (and the line is quite insensible, too). YET, if they cross the creepy line they will get strongly criticized, a thing that wouldn't be bad if weren't that such line is hypersensitive indeed.

For a female, they will get criticized for only crossing the pervert line, specially by others females, that also consider such line in a hypersensitive way. YET, once crossed the pervert line, a female will rarely get more criticized for crossing the creepy line, that is also quite insensitive. For males, the female pervert line is sightly insensible, so females are more careful about it because other females rather the males themselves, though some will play their cards in the gray zone gap between the female rejection and male acceptance (or both, acting different with each gender).

So, the male problem is more serious for affecting in a severe degree, but it is also suffered by a minority. The female problem is just a moderate problem, but it is affecting most females. Oh, yeah, I also find a pity that creepy gals aren't often fight back enough.

Why the reactions are different in the first place?

Creepy Line:

- Creepy side is characterized by producing fear. A creepy weaponless female isn't that dangerous for a male, so they don't care that much, making the line more insensitive. Vice-versa, a weaponless male is still a great danger for a female, making the line more sensitive because survival instinct. What people does not get is that the weaponless to weapon-equipped is a piece of cake line to cross, as even a knife will do the job. A rational conclusion based on natural difference that is pointless once you see the details, but people isn't that introspective. Rumor mayhem. Society. End.

- This natural (and non-introspective) bias is (wrongly) boosted by sex-negative feminism, agreed.

Pervert Line:

- Sexism, specially from religious fundamentalism and outdated policies still influencing for traditionalism's fault (natural lag).

- Sexual differences influence at some degree. Males lives 5-7 years less today and in the past. Males also preserves their hormonal libido for at least a decade (often two) more than females. Basically sexism uses this to fuel the extreme negative bias from most older females toward female pervertism while also minding some male one. This makes a domino effect in that females tries to avoid in getting the negative feedback from older females, making the whole group taking this sexual difference and sexism into them indirectly and applying it again in a cascade effect toward other females.

- Males are sightly insensitive because their hormonal libido begins at least a year before and is often sightly higher. Most of them want from an early age a reciprocate sexual enjoyment, so they are actually looking for some more degree of pervertism in later stages. There are also males who follow the female path of seeing it as wrong and disgusting, avoiding porn and stuff until the grown up, but they aren't pressed or forced to follow that path (in fact, they are often the laugh, or at the very at least a surprise).
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
Nyara❤ wrote...
cruz737 wrote...
To add to that point, men are seen to be more willing to express these preferences despite the stigmas and are also less likely to be offended or care about offending others. So maybe that's why people think it's more normal for men to be more open about sexual things.

If there is shaming of females, it'd say a lot of it comes from females themselves. Showing interest of sexual relative subjects does get the attention of males, whether intentionally or not. It's not always jealousy or competition that sparks the judgmental parts of humans...but if I went into that I'd have to talk about sex-negative feminism...And I don't feel like delving into that.


For a male, they will rarely get criticized for crossing the pervert line (and the line is quite insensible, too). YET, if they cross the creepy line they will get strongly criticized, a thing that wouldn't be bad if weren't that such line is hypersensitive indeed.

For a female, they will get criticized for only crossing the pervert line, specially by others females, that also consider such line in a hypersensitive way. YET, once crossed the pervert line, a female will rarely get more criticized for crossing the creepy line, that is also quite insensitive. For males, the female pervert line is sightly insensible, so females are more careful about it because other females rather the males themselves, though some will play their cards in the gray zone gap between the female rejection and male acceptance (or both, acting different with each gender).

So, the male problem is more serious for affecting in a severe degree, but it is also suffered by a minority. The female problem is just a moderate problem, but it is affecting most females. Oh, yeah, I also find a pity that creepy gals aren't often fight back enough.

Why the reactions are different in the first place?

Creepy Line:

- Creepy side is characterized by producing fear. A creepy weaponless female isn't that dangerous for a male, so they don't care that much, making the line more insensitive. Vice-versa, a weaponless male is still a great danger for a female, making the line more sensitive because survival instinct. What people does not get is that the weaponless to weapon-equipped is a piece of cake line to cross, as even a knife will do the job. A rational conclusion based on natural difference that is pointless once you see the details, but people isn't that introspective. Rumor mayhem. Society. End.

- This natural (and non-introspective) bias is (wrongly) boosted by sex-negative feminism, agreed.

Pervert Line:

- Sexism, specially from religious fundamentalism and outdated policies still influencing for traditionalism's fault (natural lag).

- Sexual differences influence at some degree. Males lives 5-7 years less today and in the past. Males also preserves their hormonal libido for at least a decade (often two) more than females. Basically sexism uses this to fuel the extreme negative bias from most older females toward female pervertism while also minding some male one. This makes a domino effect in that females tries to avoid in getting the negative feedback from older females, making the whole group taking this sexual difference and sexism into them indirectly and applying it again in a cascade effect toward other females.

- Males are sightly insensitive because their hormonal libido begins at least a year before and is often sightly higher. Most of them want from an early age a reciprocate sexual enjoyment, so they are actually looking for some more degree of pervertism in later stages. There are also males who follow the female path of seeing it as wrong and disgusting, avoiding porn and stuff until the grown up, but they aren't pressed or forced to follow that path (in fact, they are often the laugh, or at the very at least a surprise).

Hmm. I've heard of more cases of men being punished for lewd jokes (I remember clearly about the poor IT guy who lost his job because of making a joke about dongles, his accuser made dirtier jokes in the past and no one cared) and openly displaying their "perviness" (in the context you've given), but it's probably for the reason you've given for "creepiness".(Men perceived to be a bigger danger) This is of course from things I see, I don't have any numbers or studies backing up my personal observations.

But yeah, overall traditionalism does seem to be at the root of the problem.
Of course it's okay to be perverted. It doesn't matter if you're a guy or girl. Lust and sexual drive are natural feelings.