Dick Armour

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opanihuya wrote...
neyapuckachinha wrote...
Aren't some of those tongues?

I thought you'd say something like "so many dicks wasted..."

Well no, they're a dick armour. I mean, there's no waste there. It's the perfect purpose.
neyapuckachinha wrote...
opanihuya wrote...
neyapuckachinha wrote...
Aren't some of those tongues?

I thought you'd say something like "so many dicks wasted..."

Well no, they're a dick armour. I mean, there's no waste there. It's the perfect purpose.

i remember in baldur's gate you could make an armor from the skin of a bunch of homeless beggars, pretty rad. I think a cloak sewn out of dicks would be a better addition, since dicks don't exactly protect you, they just flap around and hamper the movement.
Aww, I was expecting armor for one's dick, not armor made of dicks...
To each their own I suppose.
Servexia wrote...
Aww, I was expecting armor for one's dick, not armor made of dicks...
To each their own I suppose.

It's called an athletic cup.
Looks more like a bunch of severed tongues. She must have taught at Heavenly Host Elementary.
opanihuya wrote...
neyapuckachinha wrote...
opanihuya wrote...
neyapuckachinha wrote...
Aren't some of those tongues?

I thought you'd say something like "so many dicks wasted..."

Well no, they're a dick armour. I mean, there's no waste there. It's the perfect purpose.

i remember in baldur's gate you could make an armor from the skin of a bunch of homeless beggars, pretty rad. I think a cloak sewn out of dicks would be a better addition, since dicks don't exactly protect you, they just flap around and hamper the movement.

Oh yeah that game had some creepy stuff going on. I just remember my little brother drooling on that tavern wench's boobs. It was his first big boy game.
neyapuckachinha wrote...
opanihuya wrote...
neyapuckachinha wrote...
opanihuya wrote...
neyapuckachinha wrote...
Aren't some of those tongues?

I thought you'd say something like "so many dicks wasted..."

Well no, they're a dick armour. I mean, there's no waste there. It's the perfect purpose.

i remember in baldur's gate you could make an armor from the skin of a bunch of homeless beggars, pretty rad. I think a cloak sewn out of dicks would be a better addition, since dicks don't exactly protect you, they just flap around and hamper the movement.

Oh yeah that game had some creepy stuff going on. I just remember my little brother drooling on that tavern wench's boobs. It was his first big boy game.

WOAH you really surprised me neya, I wasn't expecting that you knew about it in the least. Did you help him play it (or at least had any idea whom he was playing as)?
opanihuya wrote...
neyapuckachinha wrote...
opanihuya wrote...
neyapuckachinha wrote...
opanihuya wrote...
neyapuckachinha wrote...
Aren't some of those tongues?

I thought you'd say something like "so many dicks wasted..."

Well no, they're a dick armour. I mean, there's no waste there. It's the perfect purpose.

i remember in baldur's gate you could make an armor from the skin of a bunch of homeless beggars, pretty rad. I think a cloak sewn out of dicks would be a better addition, since dicks don't exactly protect you, they just flap around and hamper the movement.

Oh yeah that game had some creepy stuff going on. I just remember my little brother drooling on that tavern wench's boobs. It was his first big boy game.

WOAH you really surprised me neya, I wasn't expecting that you knew about it in the least. Did you help him play it (or at least had any idea whom he was playing as)?

Why did I surprise you?

The PS2 was shared equally (by my bro, my dad and I), so we took turns. I can't remember the class/race of the character, but he was a typical warrior. It's weird that I can remember the rags and clothes and the tavern wench but not the character type, sorry >
neyapuckachinha wrote...
opanihuya wrote...
neyapuckachinha wrote...
opanihuya wrote...
neyapuckachinha wrote...
opanihuya wrote...
neyapuckachinha wrote...
Aren't some of those tongues?

I thought you'd say something like "so many dicks wasted..."

Well no, they're a dick armour. I mean, there's no waste there. It's the perfect purpose.

i remember in baldur's gate you could make an armor from the skin of a bunch of homeless beggars, pretty rad. I think a cloak sewn out of dicks would be a better addition, since dicks don't exactly protect you, they just flap around and hamper the movement.

Oh yeah that game had some creepy stuff going on. I just remember my little brother drooling on that tavern wench's boobs. It was his first big boy game.

WOAH you really surprised me neya, I wasn't expecting that you knew about it in the least. Did you help him play it (or at least had any idea whom he was playing as)?

Why did I surprise you?

The PS2 was shared equally (by my bro, my dad and I), so we took turns. I can't remember the class/race of the character, but he was a typical warrior. It's weird that I can remember the rags and clothes and the tavern wench but not the character type, sorry > <

neyapuckachinha wrote...
The PS2...

opanihuya wrote...
neyapuckachinha wrote...
opanihuya wrote...
neyapuckachinha wrote...
opanihuya wrote...
neyapuckachinha wrote...
opanihuya wrote...
neyapuckachinha wrote...
Aren't some of those tongues?

I thought you'd say something like "so many dicks wasted..."

Well no, they're a dick armour. I mean, there's no waste there. It's the perfect purpose.

i remember in baldur's gate you could make an armor from the skin of a bunch of homeless beggars, pretty rad. I think a cloak sewn out of dicks would be a better addition, since dicks don't exactly protect you, they just flap around and hamper the movement.

Oh yeah that game had some creepy stuff going on. I just remember my little brother drooling on that tavern wench's boobs. It was his first big boy game.

WOAH you really surprised me neya, I wasn't expecting that you knew about it in the least. Did you help him play it (or at least had any idea whom he was playing as)?

Why did I surprise you?

The PS2 was shared equally (by my bro, my dad and I), so we took turns. I can't remember the class/race of the character, but he was a typical warrior. It's weird that I can remember the rags and clothes and the tavern wench but not the character type, sorry > <

neyapuckachinha wrote...
The PS2...


neyapuckachinha wrote...
opanihuya wrote...
neyapuckachinha wrote...
opanihuya wrote...
neyapuckachinha wrote...
opanihuya wrote...
neyapuckachinha wrote...
opanihuya wrote...
neyapuckachinha wrote...
Aren't some of those tongues?

I thought you'd say something like "so many dicks wasted..."

Well no, they're a dick armour. I mean, there's no waste there. It's the perfect purpose.

i remember in baldur's gate you could make an armor from the skin of a bunch of homeless beggars, pretty rad. I think a cloak sewn out of dicks would be a better addition, since dicks don't exactly protect you, they just flap around and hamper the movement.

Oh yeah that game had some creepy stuff going on. I just remember my little brother drooling on that tavern wench's boobs. It was his first big boy game.

WOAH you really surprised me neya, I wasn't expecting that you knew about it in the least. Did you help him play it (or at least had any idea whom he was playing as)?

Why did I surprise you?

The PS2 was shared equally (by my bro, my dad and I), so we took turns. I can't remember the class/race of the character, but he was a typical warrior. It's weird that I can remember the rags and clothes and the tavern wench but not the character type, sorry > <

neyapuckachinha wrote...
The PS2...



Nothing. Forget I said anything.
opanihuya wrote...
neyapuckachinha wrote...
opanihuya wrote...
neyapuckachinha wrote...
opanihuya wrote...
neyapuckachinha wrote...
opanihuya wrote...
neyapuckachinha wrote...
opanihuya wrote...
neyapuckachinha wrote...
Aren't some of those tongues?

I thought you'd say something like "so many dicks wasted..."

Well no, they're a dick armour. I mean, there's no waste there. It's the perfect purpose.

i remember in baldur's gate you could make an armor from the skin of a bunch of homeless beggars, pretty rad. I think a cloak sewn out of dicks would be a better addition, since dicks don't exactly protect you, they just flap around and hamper the movement.

Oh yeah that game had some creepy stuff going on. I just remember my little brother drooling on that tavern wench's boobs. It was his first big boy game.

WOAH you really surprised me neya, I wasn't expecting that you knew about it in the least. Did you help him play it (or at least had any idea whom he was playing as)?

Why did I surprise you?

The PS2 was shared equally (by my bro, my dad and I), so we took turns. I can't remember the class/race of the character, but he was a typical warrior. It's weird that I can remember the rags and clothes and the tavern wench but not the character type, sorry > <

neyapuckachinha wrote...
The PS2...



Nothing. Forget I said anything.

Fine, you're probably a PC master race something.
i cant unsee this....
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