Hello there!

Hello! I'm fairly new the community, and I thought I'd drop a message of greeting.

I'm Jay, full time student with a part time job, and not as much free time as I'd like.

Hobbies : Competitive Swimming, School, Reading, Osu!, School, Anime
Well met!

Also, I'm looking for a place to offer freelance translation services (Japanese → English) at a low cost, anyone know where I might do that? I've heard there's somewhere within this community, but I've searched and can't seem to locate it.

Edit : Found it.
FatedWolf wrote...
Hello! I'm fairly new the community, and I thought I'd drop a message of greeting.

I'm Jay, full time student with a part time job, and not as much free time as I'd like.

Hobbies : Competitive Swimming, School, Reading, Working, Osu!, School, Anime, Working

Well met!

Well met indeed, Jay! Welcome to the community. It's funny that you mention it, a friend of mine just introduced me to Osu! It looks like a pretty fun rhythm game, although it can get pretty ridiculous sometimes.

By the way, you listed working under your hobbies twice... It shouldn't even be there once! Working isn't a hobby! You crazy lol.
Watashi no Doku wrote...
It's funny that you mention it, a friend of mine just introduced me to Osu! It looks like a pretty fun rhythm game, although it can get pretty ridiculous sometimes.

It's a great game, I've played it for something over four years now. :P
Welcome, welcome. What are you studying? I have zero ability to play Osu! T_T
ChrisBRosado123 wrote...
What are you studying?

I'm an English major, intending to get a master in teaching ESL.
Sgt.broski Where's the futa Jacob
Yo. Hope you get the job and welcome.
FatedWolf wrote...
ChrisBRosado123 wrote...
What are you studying?

I'm an English major, intending to get a master in teaching ESL.

That's awesome! I love English. I've considered teaching in the past, but I'm leaning more towards being a writer now. Best of luck! I know ESL teachers will always be in demand all around the world. It's a wise choice.
Hey hey..! Welcome to the community, I'm new here too. I hope we can get along~

I love to swim, but I don't get to do it as much as I want to;;
What genres do you enjoy reading and for anime? :>

Also even though you found what you were looking for, your description reminded me of a website called "fiverr"..!
Monster Girl
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