One insignificant thing you dislike about today.

Gravity cat the adequately amused

  • Someone just told me they sat next to me on the bus this morning and I didn't recognise them. Felt like such a cunt. After apologising I then tried to have a conversation to make up for it, but now they're ignoring me.

    Edit: They spoke to me in the end.

  • Learned that a friend of a friend is in hospital after being involved in a head-on collision on a motorbike with her boyfriend. Injuries aren't life threatening apparently so silver lining, but still bad enough to require surgery.

  • And now I have the shits. I've birthed 4 blended arse babies in the space of 2 hours. My arse is fucking sore.


Was speaking to someone who is obsessed with plants. I jokingly asked if they grew marijuana, but they said no "why would they kill plants" (hopefully jokingly), where they then mentioned they don't even take paracetomol. And I made the mistake of asking why they don't take paracetomol.

They got furious, told me everyone "moans" about it and went on gigantic rant about why they don't take any form of drugs because they don't want to rely on tablets. Seems they mistook my curious questioning as having a full-on go at them. Was completely overwhelmed by the reaction I got.

No matter what I said, even if it was "I see", I somehow just made things worse so I left her to it. Really cannot be fucked with that.
Felt an empathy between me and the Otakus who didn't stand out whoring their daki/animu collection or their waifu on the internet when they got bullied. And i can't detach that feeling somewhat, even when i'm no longer an Otaku.
Fuck you Mother Nature.
Give us back the sun! All week it's been cloudy, rainy, and wet.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
Not the best day of work >_>
It was peer review day in my college writing class, and nobody who reviewed my essay had any constructive criticism for me. No criticism at all, in fact. This wouldn't bother me if it weren't for the fact that I saw several big problems with my paper--improper formatting, missing content, inadequate evidence to support my thesis, messing up the damn title on my paper... Apparently the only one qualified to give me advice is myself.
i had a headache for most of today, kind of sucks.
I'll be honest, my schlong's been hurting all day
Just after putting away all my winter outfits and having an amazing weather this past few days, it snows... ಠ_ಠ
Old man winter refuses to leave...
My grandfather died yesterday.
I appear to be losing my touch at Tetris. I lost 3 times in a row before level 12. I can usually get to 16 before shit gets too real and my thumbs can't keep up.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
After a busy day yesterday (working 10 until 6 then cinema 20 minutes after I got home) I had major problems waking up this morning. Got woken up by a 2 missed calls from work, and both times I was so tired I fell back to sleep moments after looking at my phone.

I slept through most of the day and had a headache. So much for my Game of Thrones marathon.
i got really mad playing video games today, and i hate being mad, it makes me feel icky, and now i feel all sad and angry, and unhappy. ima need a lot of vanilla yuri to feel better
Gravity cat the adequately amused
A guy was doing our stairs so I wasn't able to get downstairs until half 10 this morning.

When I got to the charity shop I walked into a bombsite. Out the back you couldn't see the floor, and on the shop floor there was a 5-people queue, and the woman at the front of the queue was holding everyone up by insisting on putting together a toy she wanted to buy. Like really, you couldn't just buy it, put it together at home and bring it back if it didn't all fit?

The same woman has bratty kids who leave a mess behind them, and she encourages their behaviour by getting it all out for them over the floor, and then leaves without making any effort (either herself or encouraging her kids) to clean it up. Sure, part of the job is to make sure the shop floor is presentable but believe it or not we have better things to do than constantly tidy up. Taking in donations, the paperwork that goes with it, sorting through said donations and stock rotation, for example.

And then there's this guy called Aiden, a new volunteer. He's one of those guys who you can tell has some kind of mental disability but can't pinpoint exactly what, and you don't want to bring the subject up. He's a nice enough bloke and I get along with him alright, but christ he doesn't know when to shut up. And I don't think my till buddy likes the passes he makes at her either. Multiple times he openly admitted to feeling her arse and once tried to get her to sit on his lap, and judging by her reactions she really doesn't like it.
Sgt.broski Where's the futa Jacob
Well, I just learned a very important life lesson ... Never work as a dishwasher. If you're not the one rinsing then pack up and move on to a different job. For 10 hours I had to put my hands into that damn lava pit. I understand dishes need to be wash with hot water, but goddamn the water doesn't need to be so hot it freaking can start a fire like, holy balls that shit hurted like a MOFO!

I want a lawyer. I signed up to be a dietary staff feeding the elderly not digging in a volcano's ass and pulling out freaking lava rocks.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Told my friend I didn't vote last year and was still undecided on who to vote for this year. In response he told me not to waste my vote and that "the suffragettes suffered for your right to vote" and to vote for the "lesser of the evils".

Aside from the suffragettes (who only campaigned for women's right to vote since men already had that right), he is right, but I feel as if voting for the "lesser of the evils" is still comparable to shooting myself in the foot, not cleaning the wound and hoping it doesn't get infected.

Definitely not voting UKIP. Though some of their policies make sense, their sole focus on immigration is unhealthy and their reasons for leaving the EU I find are questionable. It's especially damaging if - after we leave - they fail to establish the trade routes they said they'd give us.

Not to mention their party is frequently associated with racial discrimination.
I think I like being fisted... It just left me more sore than I thought.

Gravity cat the adequately amused
The last couple of days we cleared our rooms out and worked on sorting through the crap we owned before putting it back.

The easy part is mine and my mum's stuff. The difficult part is my dad's. He's a hoarder and won't let anything go and we've been trying for years to reduce the amount of crap he keeps but he never leaves the house, so it's difficult. We made significant progress through the years, his stuff at least doesn't reach the ceiling now and I couldn't see my bedroom floor until I was a young teenager when we dedicated a weekend to clearing it all out. He doesn't know he has half of the stuff he owns but won't part with it. My mum sorted through 2 bags of crap of his (old newspaper clippings, things from the hospital that should've been disposed of long ago, "book" ramblings and various nic nacs he stole from me) and got me to put it out without him seeing.

He saw.

He started yelling obscenities at us and ran out to fetch his stuff. We shut the door behind him in refusal to let his stuff back in, and to let him cool off. He's been out there for a good half hour now.

He's already ranted to the neighbours about us clearing his stuff out but the attempted sympathy vote backfired; they just laughed
I dropped a plate today and it shattered into pieces and fragments. This is the first time this has happened with me for as long as I can remember. I remember other people dropping plates though. Not that I haven't ever dropped disposable paper plates...
Pharmacy line took forever. My dad had his meds 2 hours late and it showed. He's had a few problems with his lower back and knee so... Yeah. He was soooooore by the time I got back.