The footer in the Fakku Store is empty

TrueYukiNagato Kyon-kun, denwa~
I was trying to find information regarding Shipping in the footer of the Fakku Store and it seems to be hidden (the code exists in the HTML).

*Edit, decrease the size of your browser window. It works for larger sizes, sorry, I just found out. Basically, it's not responsive.
waterflame FAKKUDL.NET
Hmm.. It was either fix or something is wrong on your end.
Forum Image:
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Aye it's there for me too.

If you still can't see it, here's the link for ye.
That Rave shirt, top item but always out of stock.

What are you viewing on? Maybe mobile has a problem or something like that.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Fyi the melty gaze link from the latest products is wrong. It redirects to porno switch.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Using Firefox, doesn't show up here either.