Special Guest: Bosshi at Anime Expo 2015!

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CronaBaka Mellow Yellow
It's announcements like this that make me wish I had more money and friends. One day, I will be attending an anime convention, just not this year.
Man I wish I can come, but I can't. If possible can you record the panel so everyone on fakku can see it, and can we possibly get a digital copy of the doujinshi? I want it... damn college life.

Also do you have a set date on when bosshi is shipping I purchase the books when they ship because my address is never stable during college life. would like to get all the books but I can only buy them one by one.

Thanks in advance for a reply
Hi very good your looking book and i love you
EvENT9 H0riz0N4 wrote...
This is definitely a little more than disappointing to me... as there is no way in heck I would be able to go. I hate missing out on stuff, especially exclusive stuff that I can't do anything about. This sucks... That doujinshi... =(

i know what you mean, i'm pretty broke and can't go places often, and i went to anime expo last year. now i'm a little disappointed i can't go this year.
EvENT9 H0riz0N4 wrote...
This is definitely a little more than disappointing to me... as there is no way in heck I would be able to go. I hate missing out on stuff, especially exclusive stuff that I can't do anything about. This sucks... That doujinshi... =(

Yeah it's cool he's making it but it sucks you have to be there in person. That's just not possible for most people.
thats really cool, wish i cuold go, good luck anyway
Is the unannounced guest henreader? Anyway, it's nice to see that Peachy Butt Girls has sold so well. I want to go to AX and meet Bosshi and see what else you have in store, so I'll see if I can make it. I imagine Bosshi looks something like this.
AssasinZAssasin Not Hentai Protagonist
Man, that's awesome. Too bad I can't go...
Well looks like I am screwed and won't get the chance to go. I will be out to sea during the Expo. No exclusive or meet n greet for this person.
Terrific. I'll be sure to donate directly to him at the Expo when I get around to it. Since, y'know.

Also: "That's right, he will have one of his doujinshi for sale at the convention fully translated by us into English that was never release in Japan."

"-into English that was never release in Japan."
I live all the way in Georgia. I would love to meet Bosshi! but I just live too far to attend this event. He was one of my favorite artist on fakku and he's work has been on fakku for a long time. Nice to see how far Fakku has grown these past years.
That sounds hype. Wish I could be there.
oppaiknight From the Cleave Age
As everyone else say, this is friggin awesome. I hope some of you can get a picture of this legendary man, since I can't go myself.. I'd love to meet him. Keep up the good work Fakku!

Would it be possible to have him do an AMA here on Fakku for us who can't attend Anime Expo? ^^ That'd be indescribable!
I love this artist but i can't come cause i live in France ='(
And Fakku takes yet another big step towards total H-dominance over the world. People will look back one day and wonder how did we once survive in a world without proper H-imports.
FrenchGuy wrote...
I love this artist but i can't come cause i live in France ='(

I know how ya feel bro
Arcliff Deity of Moe
that feel when you don't live in the States...
Yamato The Tactician
Man wish I could come I WANT that exclusive stuff but between not having enough money saved up and not enough vacation time I'm out of luck (╯⊙︿⊙)╯︵┻━┻
This is both great news and terrible news. On the one hand, great news, it is amazing that Fakku has set up for Bosshi to be at AX and even more amazing that such exclusive collaboration merchandise will be available. Thank you on that Fakku. On the other hand, terrible news, I, as well as many other Fakku users, simply can not make it to AX and have to miss out on all this awesome collaboration merchandise, especially the English doujinshi. Is there any way that Fakku can make this collaboration merchandise and the doujinshi available on the Fakku store after AX is over?
This is really amazing news, awesome job Fakku!
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