Witcher 3 | Of Ambition, Witching and Beard Maintenance

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More information coming from Rock, Paper Shotgun. It should also be mentioned that microsoft is fucking over CDPR. The devs of Witcher 3 will not be able to play their own game on the Xbone because Poland isn't a supported region. Despite that, and despite the fact that this anti-drm company is creating a game for a platform with anti-consumer drm policies, CDPR believes that this shouldn't mean that those who buy the Xbone be deprived of the experience of playing Witcher 3. This is pretty much what I predicted they'd say. (Considering their consumer friendly attitude, it's the best thing for them to say.)

Just because CDPR doesn't get exactly what they want on the consoles doesn't mean PC players will suffer. Witcher 3 will be available on GoG upon release, drm free (as expected). CDPR also has a habit of giving out DLC for free to those who supported them by buying their game, which Microsoft (and I guess Sony) isn't too fond of. They might be forced to charge on the consoles.

RPS wrote...
“Should we decide to do some big expansions or something, we’ll expect gamers to pay for it. But again, it’s all value for money. I think $15-$20 for new gameplay is a pretty honest and fair deal. But additional weapons and fixes, those of course come as part of the package.”

In other words, CDPR won't create additional weapons and sell them all in a bundle for 5 bucks using a name that ends with the word "pack."
Bcoz of this game (Witcher 3), I've found myself getting my hands on the previous versions, already got 1(enhanced edition) n downloading 2 (I also intend to buy the Xbox 360 version). After finishing them I can then wait 4 this game wt peace in my mind knowing th@ I finished the previous ones.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
New Trailer and it looks gorgeous.

Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
I may get The Witcher 3 seeing how i just got to the end the of the Witcher 2.
So i may get it to see how it ends and maybe one day i will go back and play the 1st game seeing how i never play it.
While I don't trust E3 in the slightest and didn't believe the xbone Witcher 3 gameplay footage, I will still say CDPR can be trusted to deliver on the graphical fidelity they've been teasing us with. Having played Witcher 2 on my PC on high settings, I have first hand experience with the awe inspiring detail they craft their games with. In other words, I trust that their screenshots are actual screenshots

The following gameplay vid is too blurry for my liking, but it still shows some sexy details worth highlighting:

-It looks like an openworld version of Witcher 2. They kept the aesthetic and details and just expanded on them.

-There's a new sprinting feature that's tied to the stamina bar.

-Combat looks slick. Geralt is shown fighting a standard enemy (at least anywhere near water), the Drowner, and spins circles around them. 10/10 prima ballerina. Would stroke his beard.

-Area of effect signs. Igni has a fan shaped effect and Aard (or the force push) can be shot at the ground for a 360 degree knockback.

-Dismemberment. Just look at how the fucker's torso flies off at 2:47.

-Water physics. Not a new feature, but muh dick. That's supposedly xbone gameplay, so there could always be better.

-Dat shit eating grin head nod at the end just confirms the game kept its charm and sense of humor. Remember, Witcher 2 discovered Lesbomancy. Clearly this can't be an exhaustive list of all sex magic. What zany antics will our hero be a part of next?
Rbz wrote...

I am pretty sure that the Godling is just trolling Geralt by keeping his mouth shut until you kill the whatever that is at the top of that mountain. I don't really care much for graphics but I admit that Igni producing steam after hitting the water or the blood diluting in the water after the Aard was cool.

I think they returned to some of the aspects of the Witcher 1: Signs as crowd control (group-style was usually better though), more open-world, campfires, maybe more as details are released. I think the decision to go back to campfires rather than meditation was wise because I remember squatting on a protruding ledge of a broken keep below a fire-breathing dragon to make potions that floated in midair and that was just silly.
WideEyedMan wrote...

I think the decision to go back to campfires rather than meditation was wise

If you watch the E3 presentation, you'll see that meditation is still alive and well, which I see as a good thing. Despite the ridiculous circumstances you might be able to put yourself in, I much prefer the practicality of meditation on demand. It just makes the gameplay less tedious.
Rbz wrote...

If you watch the E3 presentation, you'll see that meditation is still alive and well, which I see as a good thing. Despite the ridiculous circumstances you might be able to put yourself in, I much prefer the practicality of meditation on demand. It just makes the gameplay less tedious.

I realize it's meditation now and in hindsight it's better off this way considering the open-world, but what confused me was exiting meditation now leaves behind an extinguished campfire that can be used, it seems strange to have extinguished campfires when meditation has more-or-less replaced that function in the Witcher. My best guess would be that it's quest related.
Geralt. Western fantasy's Solid Snake.
Futabot wrote...
Geralt. Western fantasy's Solid Snake.

No not even close, they're not even in the same genre.
WideEyedMan wrote...
Futabot wrote...
Geralt. Western fantasy's Solid Snake.

No not even close, they're not even in the same genre.

You must be new to badass aging male power fantasy and beard-wizardry.

Too many monsters to kill.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager

Opening cinematic was released.
I played The Witcher 2. To be honest, I didn't really like it. I thought it was the worst. Which is a shame because I wanted to like it. One of the best looking games I ran on my PC, but the characters and gameplay turned me off. So color me cautious when I see The Witcher 3, which I hope fixes several other issues I had with the game.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
glassesRcute wrote...
I played The Witcher 2. To be honest, I didn't really like it. I thought it was the worst. Which is a shame because I wanted to like it. One of the best looking games I ran on my PC, but the characters and gameplay turned me off. So color me cautious when I see The Witcher 3, which I hope fixes several other issues I had with the game.

You should probably pass on the game then.
A resurrection for the massive erection I have for this (said for rhyme's sake) perfection.

Past the first area. The game's gorgeous, has amazingly detailed sound design and I have no problems with the combat. It, for the most part, plays just like Witcher 2. The game does suffer from Ubisoft design, where many points of interest are just copypasta. However, so far all the quests have been varied and interesting.

I don't understand this alchemy refill shit. I get CDPR wanted the console version to sell, but casualizing the game to such an extent? As far as I'm concerned Witcher 2's alchemy and potion drinking system is the canon system. You find the fucking ingredients, you make the potion, you drink that shit, then you wipe off the sweat from your brow, and it's gone. Go back to step 1. Refills are bullshit and it makes no fucking sense. Also, potions are fucked. Gone are the days where I can have a potion last for literally 30 minutes to an hour. No, now they last a handful of seconds and the only advantage of having a swallow to water is that swallow refills with alcohol.

This is tolerable for the most part. But what pisses me off to no end is the auto-sheathing, in case babby's first Witcher comes along and doesn't know how to fucking play the game. If I manually unsheath a sword, then that's the fucking sword I want to use. If it's not the right one, then that's on me. This is how the game should play, but instead Geralt auto-sheaths the correct sword upon engaging in battle and if I pick the wrong one myself he'll automatically switch swords like the helpful cunt he is. This continuous casualization bullshit will be the death of CDPR games. This seems like a trivial matter, but respecting player agency is of utmost importance to me. If a game tries to play on my behalf without my input then I wonder why I'm playing it in the first place. They better come out with a option to toggle that shit soon.

Other than that


Edit: I'm playing on mostly ultra settings, save for shadow quality and tree load distance which are on high. Not sure how bad the game looks on low. The flora probably resembles cardboard more.
Rbz wrote...
Gone are the days where I can have a potion last for literally 30 minutes to an hour.

Decoctions are more along that line, they have interesting buffs too.

Basically they streamlined as much as possible in crafting to reduce downtime foraging, and while I mostly agree with that approach(hey I get more time to stab things) the way they balanced this change is by making the beginning potions equivalent to watered piss. Enhanced and Superior versions of these potions are far more tolerable but that doesn't wash the stain of early game blues. I still find it silly that alcohol can refill bombs, it makes no sense and I'm pretty sure CDPR just expects people to go along with it.

Rbz wrote...
points of interest are just copypasta.

Open world apparently means you can throw around same-face monster boxes, loot and story and call it content. Granted more same-faceness is going to happen when you switch gears to an open-world setting but they could have done something like points of interest unique to each region. Give more value to the adventure appeal of an open world setting.

Rbz wrote...
They better come out with a option to toggle that shit soon.

It didn't bother me until you pointed it out, it should be the player's responsibility to use the proper weapon. One of the Witcher's mottos is that half of a battle is preparation, so if the proper weapon will always be chosen then half of the battle is automatically won.

Geralt of Gotham City. The investigation sections are quite ridiculous in terms of handholding, although I must admit Witcher Sense is incredibly useful and effective at making the player interact with their environment especially considering how overwhelming an open world environment is. Although these sections are starting to get samey once you realize that the area surrounded by monsters(Zoinks! Scoobs!) is almost always the first place to look for clues.

Honestly the prologue was incredibly boring, you fought the same enemies several times, progression came at a snail's pace and there was never a sense of urgency. Once I got access to Velen the game really started to perk up, sidequests became interesting, Geralt got naked, Eredin has bloomed into magnificient flower from when he was in the Witcher 1, I get paid for killing orphans/aborted children, everyone is happy. It's the most fun I've had with an RPG in a very, very long time and I hope it stays that way.

Currently in Velen, cleaning up quests before moving onto the next area. Witcher contracts are fun, they come heavily varied and there's a good degree of preparation expected from the player before the big fight.
WideEyedMan wrote...
Honestly the prologue was incredibly boring

That griffin battle was the best shit ever.

More on the combat. I'm on hard mode, and all that means to me is that combat means something. I've used every witcher sign without having to force myself to, thus, as far as I'm concerned the powers are well designed and balanced. Quickly adapting to the circumstances and utilizing what's best for the situation feels awesome. I remember believing quen was for casuals who didn't know how to dodge roll back in witcher 2, but I've been using the fuck out of it here and even figured out a way to utilize it as part of an ongoing assault. The best part of combat is successfully dodging attacks from packs of monsters, just dancing around the pricks, then charging with an attack toward one as a means of dodging another. This is all proper witcher shit (along with witcher sense), and since CDPR promised more witcher shit, this is a promise delivered upon. I need more griffin battles. Forget neckers, fuck drowners, screw ghouls, alghouls and the league of shadows. Nothing beats the combination of witcher shit with the thrill of fighting some big motherfucker that can wreck you in a few hits and has "special needs." Not the retarded kind, but the can't be beaten by just spamming attacks kind. Also, the gore is amazing. I get a chub just seeing Geralt finish off some fuckwit bandit with a good old decapitating backhand slice.

Am I the only asshole who extinguishes the lights people are using? For example, I just walk into an inn, look around for any trouble and notice all the lights are on. I swiftly assassinate these visual blemishes and leave to ride off like a badass into the sunset.
Rbz wrote...

More on the combat. I'm on hard mode, and all that means to me is that combat means something.
Am I the only asshole who extinguishes the lights people are using? For example, I just walk into an inn, look around for any trouble and notice all the lights are on. I swiftly assassinate these visual blemishes and leave to ride off like a badass into the sunset.

I don't think I am hard and overall the combat means something for me too. I cannot say how many times I died so far cause I tried to fight simple enemies without exploiting weaknesses. A group of of level 4 drowners seemed to beat me every damn time which was annoying.
Also I done the whole light thing but no one reacts to them so I haven't bother to do it constantly.
This game though makes me think how many damn people there are. Every time someone asks me to check out a group of missing soliders they are dead, i end up always running into groups of bandits or deserters and kill them, and the number of villages that have been slaughtered by monsters. Do they have something that pops out a baby into adulthood to become one of those lol.
Hardest difficulty here, if I don't pay attention I take a dirtnap from a group of drowners despite having an advantage of ten levels. Yeah offensive Quen is probably the best usage of Quen, using it to tank counterattacks is really good for finishing off enemies quick before their numbers overwhelm you.

Rbz wrote...
That griffin battle was the best shit ever.

I didn't have an amazing time with the Griffin myself. The fact that the boss wasn't multistage was pretty disappointing and eventually the fight got rather repetitive(granted it did last for about an hour because of the difficulty).

It's nice to see that despite the Eternal Fire declaring war on the entire nonhuman world, nobody gives a shit about stomping them into the ground for good after the events from the first Witcher. Well there is a war going on but you would think somebody would care about the "Brothers" experiment to at least see if they can profit from it. Is it a requirement that every female mage in the Witcher has to dress slutty even if their physique disagrees with their attire? Because the Crones really need to stop before I blow my rape whistle.
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