The collapse of the dollar

FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
This is obviously targeted towards users who live in the U.S, like me. Its always been in the back of my mind, but the U.S dollar is on the verge of becomming a useless piece of paper. I'm trying to prepare for the worst, but I keep impulsively buying shit I don't really need. At this point, the fall is inevitable (my dad keeps urging me to learn Chinese), but I'd like to hear someone with opposing opinions.


Are you prepared for the crisis? Do you even think there will be one?


A part of me wants to at least make an attempt to prepare, but another part of me says fuck it. I mean c'mon, a super volcano is due to errupt any time now, and there's not a damn thing we can do about that. At least with WW3, I have a chance to survive through it.
JFK was inside job and aliens actually built the pyramids. Better get my tin foil hat ready.
The dollar is still as strong as all other currency. Pounds still stronger but the euro is weaking. If the dollar was failing then you can never use it outside the country. I can still use a dollar in Mexico. I fucking use dollars in Canada. The Japanese like the dollar. I don't think there's really any countries where you can't use the dollar as currency. The dollar, the pound and some aspect the euro are still hard currencies. And I'm not talking at the money exchange at the airport or the bank but on the street.
animefreak_usa wrote...
The dollar is still as strong as all other currency. Pounds still stronger but the euro is weaking. If the dollar was failing then you can never use it outside the country. I can still use a dollar in Mexico. I fucking use dollars in Canada. The Japanese like the dollar. I don't think there's really any countries where you can't use the dollar as currency. The dollar, the pound and some aspect the euro are still hard currencies. And I'm not talking at the money exchange at the airport or the bank but on the street.

I think I'll agree with you. There's something going on about the U.S. dollar possibly not going to be the top currency backed by oil industries in the Middle East or something like that. I think that's what has some people panicked, but I think they are over reacting and that doesn't mean it will become useless.
Overall the world economy has been lowered so to really panic on just the dollar would be crazy. You only start panicing if every currency collapses.
To some extent (for me) that guy in the video seemed to be the sort who says "I have a conspiracy theory, buy my shit". It is possible that there might be some kind of collapse for the dollar, but i don't think buying expensive cars or art or gold/silver is gonna solve your problems when/if the currency falls.
Let's just say this. If the dollar actually collapse then won't all the world currency that is ty to it collapse? So if the dollar becomes worthless then the euro will be worthless since the Europeans are part of our financial system. When we have the recession 2008 France Italy and Germany and china was in the same boat as the us because they're were part of Wall Street. All the financial systems in the world are part of the same system really. Especially when foreign companies and nationals invest in the United States Wall Street or financial in the same can be said with American companies and individuals investing companies in China Japan and all that.

So if the dollar does collapse in that brings financial ruin to the euro,the pound,the yen, the Dong or whatever china uses I forgot, then basically money is worthless. So investing in gold and silver really doesn't change the fact that your gold or silver or diamonds have no actual monetary value if at all. Buying gold and precious material only works if the dollar is weak and not dead just like the other currencies.

The downfall of the financial system basically means society becomes like the end times, like Mad Max. So all the gold and precious gems wouldn't buy anything. The man with a can of beans a gallon of gas and tank of water would be worth more than all the gold coins and paper money in the world. So all the conspiracy financial theorist would be more better off telling you to buy all the canned food, bottle water, seeds for planting food and buying a thousand gallon diesel tank and having a diesel truck then taking all your money and convert into gold or stocks or anything like that.

It's not like gold and silver or trading one currency another would actually stop something like the Great Depression. All the all the great recessions and depressions was caused by one simple fact if you panic and take all your money and freeze credit for the common man can't buy products for his store or get a loan to get a new farm equipment or even get enough credit so he can build a business or run a factory then magical economical system goes away.
A nice quote Ben Bernanke: I spent my entire academic career studying the Great Depression. The depression may have started because of a stock market crash, but what hit the general economy was a disruption of credit. Average citizens unable to borrow money, to do anything. To buy a home, start a business, stock their shelves. Credit has the ability to build a modern economy, but lack of credit has the ability to destroy it, swiftly and absolutely. If we do not act, boldly and immediately, we will replay the depression of the 1930s, only this time it will be far, far worse. We don't do this now, we won't have an economy on Monday.

All my money is tied to my land. Living in California in the summer especially the blackouts sometimes go for a day to 3 days. So my house has a full-function diesel generator and my wells are independent. The collapse will probably never happen but just in case with all the stuff I have I can last year then I can go steal more. More just readiness then paranoia.
exchange rates

rates are about the same as they were 10 years ago. sorry, no collapse.
Sounds like tin-foil hat conspiracy theorist to me.

The US might not be as influential as it used to be in the world, but it still plays a major role as a super-power. If the US dollar were to collapse, so would many other currencies. I'm pretty sure all those other countries would attempt to prevent that from happening since if we fail, they fail as well.

Also, the US dollar suddenly failing overnight? Next thing he'll be saying someone in the car assassinated JFK and George Washington didn't chop down that cherry tree.
yummines wrote...
Sounds like tin-foil hat conspiracy theorist to me.

The US might not be as influential as it used to be in the world, but it still plays a major role as a super-power. If the US dollar were to collapse, so would many other currencies. I'm pretty sure all those other countries would attempt to prevent that from happening since if we fail, they fail as well.

Also, the US dollar suddenly failing overnight? Next thing he'll be saying someone in the car assassinated JFK and George Washington didn't chop down that cherry tree.

Isn't the story of Washington and the cherry actually fake, though? I don't even know what the point of the story is supposed to be but I heard it mentioned in passing as something apocryphal in American history on a smart person podcast.

And yeah, of all the things to be afraid of in America's decline the collapse of the dollar is probably the furthest down on the list. The US has been ahead of England in financial capacity for closing in on 100 years and London is still a huuuuuge centre of finance. Even if Shanghai overtook New York in the same way and sliced off a big chunk of the activity that takes place on Wall Street New York (and the rest of the US, of course) would still remain a titanic economic entity. I mean, Japan is 3rd place in GDP and they're about 25% of what the US is total. It would take an unimaginable level of aggressive failure to bring the US into danger of objective collapse.
CharAznableCustom wrote...

Isn't the story of Washington and the cherry actually fake, though? I don't even know what the point of the story is supposed to be but I heard it mentioned in passing as something apocryphal in American history on a smart person podcast.

Yeah, it was a joke. The point is that conspiracy theorists like taking things out of context and jump to conclusions very easily.
yummines wrote...
CharAznableCustom wrote...

Isn't the story of Washington and the cherry actually fake, though? I don't even know what the point of the story is supposed to be but I heard it mentioned in passing as something apocryphal in American history on a smart person podcast.

Yeah, it was a joke. The point is that conspiracy theorists like taking things out of context and jump to conclusions very easily.

Oh. I was confused because crazy people already have plenty of silly theories about the JFK assassination and plenty of totally reasonable people just sort of assume the Washington vs cherry tree thing is true.
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