FAKKU Reader Help, Feedback and Bug Report Thread

BitNdragon More Than A God
sadmir wrote...
PewPewK wrote...
Anyone else having an issue on Android tablets where page turning by hitting the hotzones on either the left or right hand side just doesn't work 95% of the time? Recently, to change pages I've been having to tap to pull up the UI then hitting the > button to advance.

Yep that's pretty much my experience trying to use the reader on Android. I've brought this up on every single thread about the reader but so far nothing.

Agreed one of the devs said it would be easy to add swipe function but I test the reader all the time and he hasn't ever actually done it. I'm not sure if the sites just been too busy recently or if they just don't plan to improve their reader but it's the one thing that worries me about the magazines. From my understanding they will use the reader and as is I'm not a big fan of it and have to wait for DL links to read the books. For the free chapters I can just screenshot them and read them in a pic viewer but the mags are gonna be like 1000 pages and I'd rather not take that many screenshots just to read them.
Taz_9000 wrote...
fallenwing13 wrote...
BitNdragon wrote...
skyemoonstone wrote...
BitNdragon wrote...
Daiz wrote...
BitNdragon wrote...
No the issue is that I have to hit the very end of the page with my entire finger and on the Galaxy S5 that can be a bit of a pain. If it would change the page within a wider area than the very end of the screen it would make reading a lot easier.

The tap areas are 25% of the screen width at left and right, so you really shouldn't have to be tapping the very edge of the device for the page change to work.

I'm not sure why I seem to be having the problem then but wouldn't be easiest to just allow swiping similar to the old app?

You aren't the only one having that issue. I'm not on FAKKU! on my phone a lot because of where I work, but when I do and I want to read one of the books I have, I also have to use my whole finger at the very end of the page. I also have a Galaxy S5, maybe it's something to do with the phone since we both have the same kind, and same issue?

Yeah it might be an issue with using the phone, but it should be simple enough to fix. I really like the look of the reader, but it would be nice if they would just make it swipe-able. If the issue is that swiping doesn't work for the website then relaunching the app would be a possible alternative. If the app was more functional I would love to use it now. Problem with that being the "profile" image of each doujin is an error, and there's no ability to log in so I can read the books; therefore it doesn't quite work. I really don't know much about web development, so I don't know if making it so I can swipe while using the reader or fixing the problems with the app would be easier, but it would be nice if I didn't need to wait till the book get DL links before I could comfortable read it.

Have the same problem on Galaxy S3. It just doesn't seem to recognize the tapping most of the times, I have to repeatedly hit the side for it to change page. Would love swipe feature too, even if it's not animated.

this may be issue with with Samsung, the reader work fine on my G3, why not just use the navigation button on the reader

It could be so. In my case, I read in full screen mode and it is kind of a pain in the ass to have to make the bar appear, press, and then disappear again.
Daiz FAKKU Developer
To anyone having issues with touches not being recognized near the edges: What browsers are you using on your phones/tablets? If not Chrome, can you also test how it works with Chrome?

Anyway, I definitely hear you all, and I will be doing some things to hopefully help address these issues. I'll probably increase the size of the page change touch zones somewhat and add that basic swipe support in. I'll make a note here when things get updated so you can all test things out.
S4 Firefox doesn't advanced on edges but if it in more it does. Like half a finger width more. In the center it brings the header and tool wheel controls. On chrome it works on edges but also sometimes the header actives. Same on my s5 and s6 edge. Same browsers and same problems. But I don't read online or on my phone anyways.
Daiz FAKKU Developer
Generally speaking I don't recommend trying to tap at the very edges of the screen. From my experience mobile browsers (and some mobile devices in general) unfortunately seem to be rather unresponsive to taps at the very edges of the screen, so it's always advisable to tap somewhat in. The current tap zones in the reader are basically divided width-wise into 25%-50%-25% of the screen's width, where the 25% at the edges are the page change tap zones. I'll probably increase this so that it'll be 30%-40%-30% or I could make it an even 33%-33%-33%.
sadmir Moe Connoisseur
Daiz wrote...
Generally speaking I don't recommend trying to tap at the very edges of the screen. From my experience mobile browsers (and some mobile devices in general) unfortunately seem to be rather unresponsive to taps at the very edges of the screen, so it's always advisable to tap somewhat in. The current tap zones in the reader are basically divided width-wise into 25%-50%-25% of the screen's width, where the 25% at the edges are the page change tap zones. I'll probably increase this so that it'll be 30%-40%-30% or I could make it an even 33%-33%-33%.

I vote for 33%
Daiz FAKKU Developer
Alright then, an update has been pushed for the reader. You can now change pages via swiping on touch devices (I highly recommend setting the UI direction to right-to-left if you intend to use this especially if you like zooming pages so that they're wider than the screen width), and the page change tap zones have also been made bigger. The reader should also now reliably work in various browsers' private modes. I've also tried some things to hopefully fix the issues that some people (ping @Zenobias @sadmir) were having on their Android devices. Feedback would be appreciated especially with the last one as I couldn't replicate said issues myself.
sadmir Moe Connoisseur
Daiz wrote...
Alright then, an update has been pushed for the reader. You can now change pages via swiping on touch devices (I highly recommend setting the UI direction to right-to-left if you intend to use this especially if you like zooming pages so that they're wider than the screen width), and the page change tap zones have also been made bigger. The reader should also now reliably work in various browsers' private modes. I've also tried some things to hopefully fix the issues that some people (ping @Zenobias @sadmir) were having on their Android devices. Feedback would be appreciated especially with the last one as I couldn't replicate said issues myself.

Not sure what you did but, everything works now. No hangups no weird crashes or black screens. Just works.
I'll test more extensively tomorrow but this is great.
Daiz wrote...
Alright then, an update has been pushed for the reader. You can now change pages via swiping on touch devices (I highly recommend setting the UI direction to right-to-left if you intend to use this especially if you like zooming pages so that they're wider than the screen width), and the page change tap zones have also been made bigger. The reader should also now reliably work in various browsers' private modes. I've also tried some things to hopefully fix the issues that some people (ping @Zenobias @sadmir) were having on their Android devices. Feedback would be appreciated especially with the last one as I couldn't replicate said issues myself.

Updates work just fine on Google Chrome, at least swiping does. Not on Firefox, though.
sadmir Moe Connoisseur
Moto G 2nd gen - still crashes after the 7th image but that's expected with 1GB of RAM I guess. Doesn't really matter for me since I don't see the point of reading this on such small screen.

Samsung Tab S 10.5
Swiping works 99% of the time, the other one percent is probably nothing to do with the reader itself.
After swiping, sometimes it won't turn to the next page with just a tap but that can usually be fixed with swiping to the next page.
I don't know why but Chrome and Firefox are not as responsive in fullscreen when it comes to taping, swiping works fine. Like I said on a earlier post I can fix that on Firefox by spoofing a desktop user-agent. Maybe the same thing works on Chrome but I haven't tested because I don't really use Chrome all that much.

I'll try on a old Nexus 7(2012) next week but I think it's gonna crash just like the Moto G because of the 1GB of RAM.
Daiz wrote...
Alright then, an update has been pushed for the reader. You can now change pages via swiping on touch devices (I highly recommend setting the UI direction to right-to-left if you intend to use this especially if you like zooming pages so that they're wider than the screen width), and the page change tap zones have also been made bigger. The reader should also now reliably work in various browsers' private modes. I've also tried some things to hopefully fix the issues that some people (ping @Zenobias @sadmir) were having on their Android devices. Feedback would be appreciated especially with the last one as I couldn't replicate said issues myself.

I just tested the reader for an hour and it definitely runs a lot smoother now, even though it's still really greedy with the RAM so tabbing out of the browser causes heavy lag, and opening menues also sometimes causes lag. That's not the worst thing ever, though. At least it doesn't seem to crash anymore.

Nonetheless, I still wonder why it started lagging so badly in the first place. I mean, it worked perfectly fine before. There must have been some kind of update my mobile phone doesn't like.

Also, what are the normal image dimensions? I hope they're not retardedly huge so they HAVE to cause lag (*cough* see CoD Ghosts *cough*) on my small device.

Thanks a lot for the update, Daiz. I really appreciate your effort!
I'm having a problem with reading manga on the website. I'm using Firefox on PC. I have to click the next button twice before the website goes to the next page of a manga.
KoopaH wrote...
I'm having a problem with reading manga on the website. I'm using Firefox on PC. I have to click the next button twice before the website goes to the next page of a manga.

Same problem on my end as well.
Daiz FAKKU Developer
This thread is for issues with the new reader that is used for premium content, not the old one used for current free content (which is where this next-click bug seems to be happening). I'll pass your message forward, though.
Daiz wrote...
This thread is for issues with the new reader that is used for premium content, not the old one used for current free content (which is where this next-click bug seems to be happening). I'll pass your message forward, though.

Sorry, I misunderstood where to post this bug. Thank you for getting it to the person it needs to get to for the bug to be fixed.
I encountered a strange error when using the reader. Using iOS mobile, Chrome. After Chrome crashed using the reader, I restored it, hit back, then went to read Meanwhile, Onee-chan was... again and then it was messed up like that. I just went back to the homepage and it was all fixed, but yeah. I also haven't been able to recreate it.
623 wrote...
I encountered a strange error when using the reader. Using iOS mobile, Chrome. After Chrome crashed using the reader, I restored it, hit back, then went to read Meanwhile, Onee-chan was... again and then it was messed up like that. I just went back to the homepage and it was all fixed, but yeah. I also haven't been able to recreate it.

Should be fixed now! Was a temporary bug
The favorite button appears to still not be working. https://www.fakku.net/(...)/add returns a 404.
Daiz FAKKU Developer
A new update has been pushed for the reader. New in this build is nicer-looking downscaling for non-mobile devices, which should make especially black & white pages look nicer when scaled down in size (eg. when using fit to height). This is somewhat slower than the resizing that's been used in the past, but on the devices its enabled on it should hopefully not make much of a difference performance-wise. One downside with the current approach is that it makes pages look somewhat blurrier, but hopefully the reduction in pattern artifacting should be worth putting up with that.

Feedback would be once again appreciated.
Is there an option to revert the reader to how it's used in the free content? I crash like crazy on my iPad using it with Chrome and safari but it's so much better without the reader in the free content.
Monster Girl
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