User submitted: Do you have a significant other?

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Do you have a significant other?

Total Votes : 4,064
Nope. Single, of my own design, but it had to happen. Couldn't carry my own baggage at the time, never mind his along with it, and that was a decision I made for me. Still, with all I'm doing to go in the right direction now, I feel like I could start looking again... I miss the intimacy, I guess.
Single by choice, since I was more like a lover (or doxy?) of the girls I met in college. It's kind of weird if you think about it, able to do all that stuff (even with married-yandere type woman) but unable to get a good girlfriend.

Anyway, it's better to stay single for now, since most of the women where I live are selfish and only interested in men with cars and money. Besides, I'm open to any opportunity of getting involved with a good girl.
Last girl I was with was in the uk. After I moved back to the states, the only women I meet are fat Mexican women. I'm shallow and prefer to stay single as of now.
Yeah I have a boyfriend, we both like hentai. I never dated a guy who didn't like hentai, if I did he probably make fun of me for it or be jealous of it because I like it so much.
Eh. I'm to fucked up in the head for that shit, and I don't get out that much. Long for a real girl, however it won't ever happen for me. And dark red is pretty, its the color of blood.
It's complicated xD
Not possible to have someone to have one. We'll both starve
I'm single. Had something going up until a year ago but things didn't work out, we went our separate ways and I haven't found anyone else of interest yet. Not too worried about it though, if I find someone, great. If not, that's fine too.
I'm happily single. Ever since high school I've gone from one long relationship to another. I decided I wanted to enjoy being single for once. Luckily a friend of mine is willing to be fwb until one of us finds someone else.
That explains why the poll felt uncannily familiar. . .
Who needs laifus when you have waifus?
I like 2D girls a lot better. I can just draw who I want to see.
I'm married. My husband doesn't like hentai, he prefers porn.
I am a woman and I am happily in a serious, committed relationship (we live together). Though my boyfriend doesn't really enjoy hentai all that much himself, he understands and respects my love for it. :)
to be honest I married in july

my wife and I are togetherr since 5 years and have our first child on the way ^^'
i have a bf and he's a fakkuer. See guys, there's hope for fakku users
Im Single, never had girlfriend and seems like i never get one. Life is hard...
Almost half of the voters in this poll are single. This is one of many reasons, we should have our own dating site only for otaku, anime/manga lovers.
FoolyDooly Bought With Mastercard
>1 of the 84 votes
I'm sadly single and no one really wants me :(.
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